Mercado de cripto

As criptomoedas pequenininhas

Tamanho nem sempre é documento, especialmente no mundo dos ativos financeiros. Explore a lista abaixo para ver as criptomoedas com valor de mercado pequeno que, embora não rivalizem com o Bitcoin ou o Ethereum, podem oferecer novas oportunidades.
Valor de mercado
Variação %
Oferta em Circ.
EVAEvadore83339,858 K USD0,0002293 USD+8,93%2,149 K USD173,823 M
PTSPetals83291,812 K USD0,0000065 USD+6,56%412 USD14,125 BRedes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos, Web3
KALMKALM831187,929 K USD0,02198 USD+3,19%1,096 K USD8,55 MNFTs & Collectibles, Empréstimos & Financiamentos, DeFi
PERLPERL.eco830208,895 K USD0,0004255 USD+1,79%209 USD490,939 MTokens Lastreados em Ativos, Marketplace
VEGAVega Protocol829390,897 K USD0,0063 USD−15,07%11,055 K USD62,047 MExchange Decentralizada, Derivativos, DeFi
DREPDrep [new]828452 K USD0,004520 USD−20,59%1,3 K USD100 MPlataformas de Smart contract, Oráculos, DeFi
PNTpNetwork827490,705 K USD0,005542 USD−0,34%28,113 K USD88,543 MNFTs & Collectibles, DeFi, DAO
THNThrone826546,662 K USD0,001399 USD−1,82%22,123 K USD390,752 MRedes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos, Web3
HSFHillstone Finance825796,805 K USD0,02655 USD+1,44%4,938 K USD30,011 MPagamentos, DeFi
RBLSRebel Bots824913,618 K USD0,00741 USD−3,64%528 USD123,295 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
VEXTVeloce823918,566 K USD0,004433 USD+5,45%1,16 M USD207,211 MGaming, Redes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos, Fidelidade & Recompensas, Esportes, Web3
GRVGrove Coin822959,391 K USD0,01009 USD−1,94%78,111 K USD95,083 MDeFi
GMMTGiant Mammoth8201,049 M USD0,006412 USD−0,77%1,027 M USD163,524 MWeb3
CVTXCarrieverse8211,057 M USD0,00509 USD−7,45%460,079 K USD207,65 M
WAITHourglass8191,145 M USD0,01171 USD−0,76%1,681 K USD97,752 MFundraising
TAMATamadoge8181,287 M USD0,0009234 USD−0,42%73,137 K USD1,393 BMemes
SSGSOMESING8171,311 M USD0,0004030 USD−1,92%389,882 K USD3,254 B
SPHSpheroid Universe8161,505 M USD0,0007592 USD−2,06%74 USD1,982 BNFTs & Collectibles, Metaverso
HVHHAVAH8151,573 M USD0,00345 USD−0,58%182,412 K USD455,936 MNFTs & Collectibles, Interoperabilidade
DOCKDock8141,586 M USD0,00181 USD0,00%53,748 K USD876,417 MGerenciamento de dados & IA
AGLAAngola8131,695 M USD0,003565 USD+1,39%203,158 K USD475,45 MNFTs & Collectibles, Redes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos
MULTIMultichain8121,718 M USD0,11812 USD−0,49%64,586 K USD14,541 MInteroperabilidade, Web3
WOZXEfforce8111,759 M USD0,003336 USD−1,88%431 USD527,136 MNFTs & Collectibles, Energia, Fidelidade & Recompensas
NVIRNvirWorld8101,8 M USD0,001710 USD+0,29%46,902 K USD1,053 BNFTs & Collectibles, Marketplace
PEELMeta Apes8091,823 M USD0,01188 USD0,00%1,64 K USD153,411 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
VTSVeritise8081,861 M USD0,008305 USD+10,45%30,628 K USD224,055 MIdentity
ORBOrbCity8072,053 M USD0,005936 USD−3,50%81,182 K USD345,915 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverso
CPHCypherium8062,064 M USD0,00539 USD+2,59%4,711 K USD382,951 MSoluções para empresas
WSMWall Street Memes8052,158 M USD0,001140 USD+8,68%1,04 M USD1,893 BMemes
NESTNEST Protocol8042,213 M USD0,0007600 USD−8,42%96,404 K USD2,912 BOráculos, DeFi
PKFRed Kite8032,306 M USD0,02011 USD+0,95%665 USD114,692 MFerramentas de desenvolvimento
COTCosplay Token8022,324 M USD0,005894 USD+5,40%63,07 K USD394,359 MRedes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos
CAPSTernoa8012,371 M USD0,001842 USD+0,77%473,345 K USD1,287 BNFTs & Collectibles
FRAFindora8002,648 M USD0,0002321 USD+7,70%2,659 K USD11,41 BPrivacidade, Plataformas de Smart contract, Ferramentas de desenvolvimento
RMRKRMRK7972,737 M USD0,3011 USD−3,62%11,072 K USD9,091 MNFTs & Collectibles, Metaverso
FERFerro7992,773 M USD0,002974 USD−0,67%1,659 K USD932,53 MEmpréstimos & Financiamentos, Fidelidade & Recompensas
DUSTDUST Protocol7982,791 M USD0,1458 USD−0,41%7,459 K USD19,144 MNFTs & Collectibles
ORCOrbit Chain7962,933 M USD0,004495 USD+1,86%98,014 K USD652,413 MInteroperabilidade, Scaling
COVALCircuits of Value7953,016 M USD0,00169 USD+7,89%33,388 K USD1,785 BGestão de ativos, DeFi
FORForTube7943,034 M USD0,003815747 USD−4,64%184,184 K USD795 MEmpréstimos & Financiamentos, DeFi
PLANETPLANET7903,155 M USD0,000003705 USD+0,19%110,203 K USD851,45 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, DAO
PREPresearch7913,158 M USD0,007963 USD−4,04%20,387 K USD396,578 MProcessamento distribuído & Armazenamento, Gerenciamento de dados & IA, Web3
CQTCovalent7933,168 M USD0,0037 USD+8,82%8,012 K USD856,176 MGerenciamento de dados & IA, Soluções para empresas, Web3
EPXEllipsis7893,209 M USD0,00004235 USD−5,87%208,667 K USD75,779 BExchange Decentralizada, DeFi
LBCLBRY Credits7923,382 M USD0,005170 USD−0,58%819 USD654,237 MGerenciamento de dados & IA, Redes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos, Marketplace
OOKIOoki Protocol7863,451 M USD0,0003860 USD+8,89%9,09 M USD8,941 BExchange Decentralizada, Gerenciamento de dados & IA, Empréstimos & Financiamentos, DeFi
TOMItomi7873,482 M USD0,02235 USD−1,46%25,143 M USD155,816 MFerramentas de desenvolvimento, Web3
RAIRai Reflex Index7853,535 M USD3,007 USD+1,01%24,806 K USD1,176 MTokens Lastreados em Ativos, DeFi
FSNFusion7843,543 M USD0,04592 USD−1,90%93,495 K USD77,155 MPagamentos, DeFi
TABOOTABOO TOKEN7883,545 M USD0,0003624 USD+0,44%4,675 K USD9,783 BRedes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos
GXAGALAXIA7833,703 M USD0,0014717 USD+11,38%15,967 K USD2,516 BPagamentos
BSCPADBSCPAD7823,73 M USD0,04709 USD+1,84%294,745 K USD79,212 MFerramentas de desenvolvimento, Fundraising
VGXVGX Token7813,919 M USD0,011437 USD−9,08%702,804 K USD342,691 MGestão de ativos, Pagamentos
HYDRAHydra7804,154 M USD0,2082 USD+0,29%59,074 K USD19,953 MPlataformas de Smart contract
DOMEEverdome7794,24 M USD0,00022317 USD+0,63%446,58 K USD18,999 BMetaverso
PUSHPush Protocol7784,295 M USD0,07115799 USD−2,67%247,51 K USD60,365 MInteroperabilidade, DeFi, Web3, DAO
REVVREVV7774,316 M USD0,003625 USD+2,43%597,304 K USD1,191 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
VALValidity7764,53 M USD0,888082200 USD−0,67%34,885 K USD5,101 MIdentity
BAXBABB7754,616 M USD0,00006292 USD−0,22%8,997 K USD73,37 BPagamentos
BTSBitShares7744,651 M USD0,001553 USD−1,58%64,182 K USD2,995 BPlataformas de Smart contract, Exchange Decentralizada, DeFi
ZKBZKBase7734,794 M USD0,024283 USD−5,28%711,954 K USD197,44 MExchange Decentralizada, Scaling, DeFi
CEURCelo Euro7714,966 M USD1,0834 USD+0,31%2,61 M USD4,584 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins
MLTMILC Platform7725,014 M USD0,04030 USD−5,22%93,562 K USD124,423 MRedes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos, Metaverso
TSUKADejitaru Tsuka7705,054 M USD0,005054 USD+2,16%106,991 K USD1 BMemes
BEERBEERCOIN7695,1 M USD0,000009277 USD−1,80%346,965 K USD549,761 B
YOOSHIYooShi7685,2 M USD0,00000001407 USD+2,85%66,815 K USD369,565 TMemes, Gaming, NFTs & Collectibles
SISSymbiosis7675,281 M USD0,08605 USD+8,53%355,173 K USD61,368 M
SOLVESOLVE7665,352 M USD0,007643900 USD+2,61%94,354 K USD700,125 MSoluções para empresas, Saúde
CRUCrust Network7645,368 M USD0,3797 USD−2,91%303,78 K USD14,139 MProcessamento distribuído & Armazenamento, Web3, DePIN
CVPPowerPool7635,415 M USD0,12683 USD−0,93%1,473 M USD42,696 MGestão de ativos, DeFi, DAO
SOFIRAI Finance7625,516 M USD0,010476 USD−5,24%1,077 M USD526,553 MInteroperabilidade, Pagamentos
BBFBubblefong7655,591 M USD0,02998 USD+6,82%320,448 K USD186,498 MGaming, Marketplace
HNSHandshake7595,637 M USD0,008815 USD+0,09%31,178 K USD639,513 MProcessamento distribuído & Armazenamento, NFTs & Collectibles, Web3, DePIN
IMGNAIImage Generation AI7615,725 M USD0,007370 USD−5,10%812,54 K USD776,833 MGerenciamento de dados & IA
BITCIBitcicoin7605,729 M USD0,00074319 USD+0,42%149,8 K USD7,709 BSoluções para empresas
KARKarura7585,77 M USD0,05129 USD+0,39%64,414 K USD112,5 MEmpréstimos & Financiamentos, DeFi
GZONEGameZone7575,785 M USD0,006886 USD−3,26%3,755 K USD840,117 MGaming
OUSDOrigin Dollar7556,164 M USD0,99881035 USD+0,04%92,001 K USD6,171 MStablecoins, Stablecoins Lastreadas em Ativos, DeFi
OPENOpen Custody Protocol7566,173 M USD0,007065 USD−4,41%639,9 K USD873,737 M
GMMGamium7546,207 M USD0,00012665 USD+0,10%125,264 K USD49,01 BNFTs & Collectibles, Interoperabilidade, DeFi, Metaverso, DAO
UNIBOTUnibot7536,363 M USD6,3628 USD+1,94%1,43 M USD1 MFidelidade & Recompensas
FUSEFuse7526,384 M USD0,029033 USD−0,35%962,155 K USD219,882 MPagamentos, Layer 1
FNCYFNCY7516,497 M USD0,006135 USD−1,57%7,899 K USD1,059 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
OPTIOptimus AI7506,497 M USD0,06836 USD+3,09%16,689 K USD95,035 MMemes, Criptomoedas, Gerenciamento de dados & IA
KILTKILT Protocol7496,598 M USD0,1335 USD+2,14%331,163 K USD49,42 MIdentity, Web3
FEIFei USD7486,653 M USD0,9737 USD+0,17%136,162 K USD6,833 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins, DeFi
ABBCABBC Coin7456,686 M USD0,005466 USD−3,97%37,047 K USD1,223 BPagamentos
FITFIStep App7476,702 M USD0,0026492 USD+0,49%2,072 M USD2,53 BGaming, Gerenciamento de dados & IA, NFTs & Collectibles, Pagamentos, Move to earn, Saúde, DeFi, Esportes, Marketplace, Web3, DAO
SOULPhantasma7466,705 M USD0,05402 USD+6,93%126,489 K USD124,129 MPlataformas de Smart contract, Gaming, Gerenciamento de dados & IA, NFTs & Collectibles, Layer 1, DePIN
IZIIzumi Finance7446,756 M USD0,008580 USD−4,66%169,464 K USD787,4 MDeFi
BADBad Idea AI7436,776 M USD0,000000012932 USD+0,20%423,821 K USD523,935 TMemes, Gerenciamento de dados & IA, DAO
MEVMEVerse7426,95 M USD0,004025 USD+5,73%314,645 K USD1,727 BInteroperabilidade, DeFi, Metaverso
BTMBytomDAO7416,984 M USD0,004257 USD+2,78%62,089 K USD1,641 BPlataformas de Smart contract, Pagamentos
AKITAAkita Inu7397,023 M USD0,00000010317 USD+5,25%226,232 K USD68,072 TMemes, Gaming
STARLStarlink7367,181 M USD0,0000007196 USD−1,83%95,667 K USD9,979 TMemes, NFTs & Collectibles
POOLXPoolz Finance7407,202 M USD1,417111 USD+1,29%326,035 K USD5,082 MInteroperabilidade
KANBitKan7377,263 M USD0,000758 USD+1,74%242,74 K USD9,582 BRedes sociais, mídia & Conteúdos, Analytics
SRMSerum7347,387 M USD0,02806 USD−0,53%761,264 K USD263,245 MExchange Decentralizada, DeFi
SCLPScallop7357,479 M USD0,1158 USD0,00%689,633 K USD64,583 MPagamentos, DeFi
CENNZCENNZnet7337,645 M USD0,006371 USD−0,83%1,392 K USD1,2 BSoluções para empresas, Marketplace, Web3