NEM / BitcoinAtualizado

Before you buy XEM

Just ask yourself the question. What would happen if the price would drop just one sat below the line? Will it go back up, like nothing happened?
Or will it activate all the stops that have been accumulating over the past month..
Or will it surge down in a stoploss pool of blood.
Or will it bounce on a discreet level meters below the line of doom catching you off guard again.

You probably did it right? Bought at around 1050 and put your stoploss at 1042 or lower.

Ill place my buy at around 867 and ride the reaction back up. Thank you very much.

*This is not financial advice*
Everytime a support gets touched. It gets weaker. I cant imagine how this has been taking for so long. Also remember, the more appealing it looks for you to buy, the more likely it is to go the opposite way. So watch out with seemingly interesting bounces up.

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