HEADER -- Best analytics in the world means nothing if you can not execute right. So this is what to do to not screw up this trade.
DIRECTIONS - Upload IRL from my scripts page because it can NOT be searched for. Add to your favorites, and then you can add it to your chart. Click settings icon, change ratio to stated ratio in title and turn on Regressive Bands. Even though directions for IRL are only 60% completed (they are in the comments), that's more than enough for you to apply it usefully. Please read directions first. In my charts, I try to match extension regression lines to its correct colors along with D+# labels. When I don't have time for that, D+# LABELS ALWAYS TAKE PRECEDENT.
SUMMARY - Personally, I've researched enough about precious metals to have 100% conviction that gold is in the midst of major bull market. My view has to do with world reserve currency, the USD, and various USD-denominated assets which are dependent on actions of the Federal Reserve. That said, I am not here to discuss fundamentals. You should research that on your own time. THIS PRESENTATION IS FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE THIS SAME CONVICTION. Bull market aside, gold spends most of its time consolidating and really only moves in short bursts. What I've spent 6 years trying to do is determine WHEN THOSE BURSTS HAPPEN. I can say today that I have finally done ALL I POSSIBLY CAN in this project. There is no more improvements minor or major within my ability to make to this process. I have 110% conviction that I have finished this work just in time for gold's 4 year rally from now through 2025. This is what I think gold will do in the next 40-days (January 22 to March 02 or 03).
DETAILS - First, if you are new, I've added links for previous 12 posts you can read for background. Lately, I've kept trying to post 1 "final chart" for 4-6 weeks because of two reasons. First is I don't have time to keep updating them (that's what IRL can do for you). Second, experience has taught me to keep things EXTREMELY SIMPLE IN THE BIGGEST MOMENTS. I need extra time to get my mind right to execute this trade on my own terms. For everyone else, these are my thoughts:
1. There are of list of important dates on the left for the vertical color markers.
2. I am on IRL ratio 9/16 and 1-hour bar, I have labels for D+4 through D+8. If you've been following at all, this chart is self-explanatory. The focus SHOULD BE D+8, which can be inferred by D+9 and D+10 9 (not in this chart)
3. Up to yesterday, I was still trying to figure out favorable odds for D+9 and D+10 map "boxes for a cheat sheet". I've realized now that it is A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.
4. There are 3 boxes, and the first box is the biggest problem. The range for this box is 1795-1875 from 01/25 through 01-31.
5. I have total conviction in second and third boxes.
6. I am already long, and adding everyday for through 02/01.
7. My exit is 03/02 or 2100, which ever comes first.
8. That's pretty much it, if I have anything to add, I will post it here.
9. There are 2 hi-lighted UPPER AND LOWER BOUNDS above, this is statistically speaking 90% of the price range.
10. This is my only post before March 03, no changes will be made UNLESS PRICE SPENDS 72-CONSECUTIVE HOURS OUTSIDE THE BOUNDS.
11. Good luck, see you in March.