S&P 500
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S&P500 long term chart

since some of you liked my SPY post. here is the long term chart i have which really shows you what is happening in this market. we are entering a phase in the market where you cannot afford to not be long. im not talking about day trading or scalping .1% moves. if u make money like that then good on you. but wealth will be built on positions that are held and build on dips. the market has these major runs and then consolidates (bear market for 15-16yrs). this chart shows a fractal of the last secular bull market overlaid with the current move. do not look back in the late 2020's and think how you could have retired your family if you bought and closed your computer for a decade. build equity on all dips and ride this market for all it has. when the run is over, it will be hard to make money for 16 years while the market goes sideways again. you may think its crazy but 16,000SPX is very possible by 2028.
Beyond Technical AnalysisS&P 500 (SPX500)

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