SPX'S Weekly Japanese candlestick signals since inception 1957
Hey Traders , what's up. From me to Humanity . I know that there is allot of data, i hate that as every one else does. But, if you want to keep it simple just study, analyze and write down the Red & Green boxes they should sum up most of the study. I have included all the data here . So feel free to redo, redistribute, reuse or shar it here or outside of tradingview with anyone even with out mentioning the source. from me to humanity whom are trading SPX : - ). Moreover, If anything that this data is telling us in a very short English terms "Do not chase tops on weekly candles !!! " . Also, some weekly candles could be treated as extinct data suggesting that !!! what's up with that!!! no Golden rule for these candles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Bullish weekly candles :- Weekly Bullish Happened success rate Max profit Max cost Risk/reward starting date. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ***Engulfing 28 60% 50% 43% D 1953 ***Hammer 21 77% 102% 4.55% C+ 1952 ***Inverted Hammer 11 45% 8% 4% F 1953 ***Marubozu White 65 84% 40% 33% B - 1982 ***Long Lower Shadow 78 70% 68% 40% C- 1963 ***Rising Window 26 85% 165% 5% B 1971 ***Spining Top White 59 61% 40 % 31% F 1979 ***Dragonfly Doji 8 37% 4% 9 F 1951 ***Upside Tasuki Gap 6 40% comes and goes !!! ***Tweezer Bottom 11 43% Disappeared since 2007 ***Doji Star 3 33% Disappeared since 1982 !!!! ***Dragon Doji 2 50% -------------------------------------------------------- Spining Top White 59 times : since 1979 --------------------------------------------------- Profit Lost z 4 11 z 2 4 z 13 3 z 3 31 4 17 7 z 31 3 5 21 2 2 4 z 4 2 1 z 2 2 z 1 z 5 7 14 7 11 z 10 18 21 1 z 2 3 z 7 7 3 z 4 z 3 1 z 2 z 5 2 34 9 5 z 4 25 z 2 13 z 3 15 z 7 z 4 z 18 40 z 4 12 -------------------------------------- Dragonfly Doji 8 times : since 1951 -------------------------------------------- profit lost z 2.55 4.85 z 2.42 z 9.09 z 1.60 4.89 3.50 z 3.37 ------------------------------ 37% success rate ------------------------------------------- Hammer 21 times : since 1952 --------------------------------------------------------- Profit lost 8.46 4.39 8 z 6.46 8 6 66 70 4 4 4 z 1.86 z 4.55 3.27 z 9.02 4.83 3.04 102 2.59 z .91 10.99 ------------------------------------ success rate 77% -------------------------------------------- Inverted Hammer 11 times : since 1953 ------------------------------------------------------------ Profit lost 4.56 z 7.95 z 2.97 z 4.43 z 4.72 z 2.54 z 6 8.14 3.27 1.69 1.90 ----------------------------------------------------------- success rate 45%
-------------------------------------------------------------- Marubozu White 65 times : since 195 ---------------------------------------------------- Profit Lost zero 33.98 zero 14.86 zer 11.91 4.56 9.75 2.16 6.25 2.06 z 14.92 8.55 4.76 1.81 19.11 5.60 1 2.55 7 z 8.88 1.61 2.84 12.43 2.64 5.44 4.77 12.32 1.81 1.25 1.93 31.87 z 30.37 3.87 12.84 4.49 z 7.68 2.13 5.79 26.66 4.31 17.15 z 6.44 2.39 33.20 9.71 11.63 7.47 15.27 3 4.75 4.66 17.26 z 6.63 z 4 1.59 3.58 8.66 3.56 5.71 5 30.40 1 2.76 8.27 7.64 8.84 40.67 50s million signal -------------------------------------------------- 84 % success rate ---------------------------------------------------------- Long Lower shadow 78 times : Since 1966 --------------------------------------------------- profit lost 32 8 18 10 11 13 z 3.99 16.11 z 16 z 4 z 3 2.79 z 1.85 15 3 6 2 3 z 10 z 5 14 4 z 5 10 6 z 40 6 2 24 z 1 z 1 2 z 6 z 7 6 13 z 21 z 34 5 z 4 z 9 12 5 15 33 13 4 2 2 4 6 16 z 12 z 34 18 2 13 3 3 z 5 6 65 27 4 26 z 26 9 7 13 4 20 z 11 z 4 2 z 3 25 22 21 ---------------------------- success rate 70% ------------------------------------------------------------ Rising Window 26 times; since 1971 --------------------------------------------------------- Profit Lost 5 2 7 5 2 1 3 z 3 12 2 4 1 1 10 1 z 3 1 19 4 165 z 5 z 1 80 3 21 4 --------------------------------- success rate 85%
------------------------------------- Engulfing 28 times : since 1953 ----------------------------------------------------- profit lost 33 z 6.76 z 19.4 z 23.69 12.18 z z 43.96 5.29 6.12 50.13 4 z 7 21.47 1 1 z 5.44 z 3.29 4.94 z 34.05 6.15 5.15 z 23.41 7.19 21.27 19.57 z 17.18 3.82 2.12 z 9.66 ---------------------- 60 % success rate -------------------------------------------------------------- 2/ Bearish weekly candles : - weekly Bearish Happened success rate Max Profit Max opportunity cost Risk/Reward starting date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***Engulfing 67 68 % 55% 28% D+ 1956 *** Hanging Man 30 50% 7% 28% F 1957 ***Shooting Star 23 47% 19% 63% F 1950s ***Long Upper Shadow 58 36% 46 % 95% F 1957 *** Doji Star 11 37% 13% 27% F 1952 ***Dark Cloud Cover 13 77% 55% 11% C + 1955 ****Tweezer Top 34 44% 18% 31% F 1954 *** Marubozu Blace 46 58 % 39% 48% F 1956 ***Spining Top 77 35% 48% 35% F 1963 ***Falling Window 23 47% 25% 78 % F 1953 ***Harami 4 times 75 success rate. ***Downside Tasuki Gap Extinct 1957. ****Evening star once in 70 Years. ***Gravestone Doji once in 60 years. *********************************************************************************************************** Long Upper Shadow 58 times : 1957 ----------------------------------------------------------- Profit lost z 32.84 z 10.14 z 3.79 4.40 z 14.79 2.4211 33.02 5.88 z 25.74 8.74 z 7.02 z 8.71 z 5.13 z 2.36 z 14.33 z 9.58 1.76 z 6.25 z 12.99 11.97 z z 8.74 z 1.78 z 14.58 3.74 3.74 z 5.72 z 95.94 3.98 3.80 z 3.52 1.92 4.54 z 4.29
9.49 z 4.23 z 22.70 z 4.51 z 12.29 7.95 z z 10.31 z 32.59 z 53.98 3.48 z z 10.72 z 3.88 z 6.80 46.87 z 3.28 z 8.86 5.28 z 4.45 z 2.60 z 26.37 4.7 z 3.22 19.47 z z 7.87 --------------------------------------------- 37 % success rate
Marubozu Black 46 times : since 1956. ---------------------------------------------- Profit lost 10.81 z z 13.69 8.23 5.82 z 3.44 z 3.59 z 6.52 z 48 z 22.48 5.66 22.20 39.28 5.51 z 33 11.31 28.61 z 14.55 z 24.54 z 7.86 5.37 z 10.48 z 4.04 z 28.83 2.65 3.95 3.58 1.43 1.55 z 3.03 z 11.45 1.30 3.83 z 6.12 2.33 2.02 1.11 2.00 8 1.95 3.19 .077 z 8.58 z 15.88 4.37 8.36 z 4.20 -------------------------------------------------- 58 % success rate. ------------------------------------------------------ Doji Star Bearish 11 times : since 1952 ----------------------------------------------- profite lost zero 4.99 z 4.79 z 4.98 3.17 z 14.94 5.12 13.33 z 3.20 z 27.14 14.33 z 4.72 -------------------------------------- success rate 37 % ---------------------------- Spinning Top Black 77 times : since 1963. ----------------------------------------- profit lost 7.17 z 4.46 z 1.69 z 8.07 z 7.06 z 30.32 z 13.68 z 3.32 9.79 z 4.66 19.39 z 15.47 z 14.17 z 3.94 z 2.65 z 3.7 z 2.82 z z 4.14 1.75 6.49 z 10.14 2.78 3.27 7.81 2.45 z 3.29 22.29 z 26 z 30.35 z 34.07 z 2.86 z 17.74 z 30.71 z 19.36 z 35.35 z 2.33 11.65 z 4.74 3.34 z 15.59 2.79 z 4 z 5.17 z 24.81 z 2.27 7.74 z 4.34 6.97 z 9.32 z 20.40 z 2.59 z 5.50 z 14.24 9.92 11.17 13.33 z 8.9 13.55 48.82 z 3.07 4.91 9.70 z 27.97 36.37 z 5 2.90 z 2.54 z 20.69 z 9.08 z 7.76 z 2.07 z 5.37 z 2.34 4.08 3.81 ------------------------------------ 35 % success rate
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Cloud Cover 13 times: since 1955? ****************************************************** profit lost 6.10 19.62 7.60 55.83 4.7 2.22 5.63 zero 9.24 zero 8.19 3.19 zero 11.98 2.12 13.54 ------------ 77% success ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tweezer Top 34 times : since 1954 -------------------------------------------- profit lost z 25.15 z 31.33 z 3.10 z 3.58 z 14.29 z 10.19 10.66 1.56 z 3.38 z 10.31 5.57 1.70 z 4.57 z 5.54 z 37.93 3.61 z 77.84 z 2.12 5.37 3.60 2.22 2.69 2.85 18.56 z 25.53 z 9.25 z 4.82 3.78 3.30 z 2.39 5.23 5.81 z 11.94 z 27.41 --------------------------- 44% success rate ******************************************************************************************** Engulfing 67 times : since 1956 Big problem is that small dips then big bull markets, need re examination. ------------------------------------- profit lost 4.94 z z 4.11 .84 z z 11 2 .41 z 30.21 2.65 z 4.31 55.15 z z 6.43 2.30 1.89 1.84 8.08 6.54 z 9.15 9.38 4.31 3.10 z 17.16 7.84 z 6.21 z 14.37 z 3.06 z 2.02 2.94 3.34 z 4.07 2.09 2.17 1.97 2.45 z 9.94 z 19.18
1.89 1.09 4.45 2.97 6.61 z 4.18 1.93 3.18 z 5.45 5.57 1.90 z 4.09 11.97 z 6.69 z 15.62 46.26 3.52 4.65 8.64 6.36 34.58 8.94 6.16 20.64 9.04 z 4.23 2.64 28.67 2.81 7.90 z 28.15 19.76 --------------------------------------------- success rate 68 %
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shooting Star 23 times : Since 195! --------------------------------------- profit lost zero 7.02 2.25 9.92 z 2.36 z 4.14 z 9.18 z 6.99 2.68 z 7.77 z 63.24 z 3.52 4.45 z z 4.81 7.36 z 4.48 z 1.61 z 7.06 3.11 z 2.56 z 26.56 19.68 11.34 2.40 ---------------------------- 47 success rate ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falling Window 23 times : since 1953 come together, or during falling markets. --------------------------------------------------- Profit Lost 18.97 5.65 z 78 25.85 z z 60 17.63 6.92 2.83 z 3.39 z 6.12 z 6.66 z 4.63 z 1.66 z 46 1.74 z 7.55 4.80 12.43 5.01 1.62 z 116 z 2.81 z 4.47 ------------------- 47 % success rate ------------------------------------------------------------- Hanging Man 30 times : since 1957 1/ 50s was the play ground for this candle !!! 2/ sam old sam small dip then boom !!! 1996 it is a a hammer !!!not a Hang.Man --------------------------------------------------- Profit lost z 2.64 4.11 z 1.71 z 6.84 2.23 z 8.80 4.21 7.63 3.02 z 7.84 z 28.59 z 4.46 z 5.15 z 6.84 z 16.68 6.28 z 1.87 2.28 z .87 !!!!crash z 5.63 3.29 2.30 6.91 z 6.38 z 2.27 3.74 z 7.60 2.02 1.50 1.12 --------------------------------------------------- 50 % success rate
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