NQ - The Prop was on prior to EU Open

Never waste an opportunity to Grind Up the low-hanging fruit SELLERS.

And so it returns, PD's buys calls ahead of their Lows in, and reverse.

9:30 AM EST those Gamma HODLs had their juice for Game on as Desks began
circulating the No Sell Rule for today, ALGo LT gave way to AlGo ST and we're
back baby~!

No Competition and plenty of overhead stops to wipe out and use for fuel.

Those who Sold the Ledge at 14838 are going to be tested.

Amazing how $3.2 Billion is buttered.

We indicated there would be an RT and it's not letting us down, Higher
Fills are welcome as we sit in CASH DX for the next setup.

With Yields tipping the 1.54 scale, it's simply a matter of time before
the 10 Year Note implodes taking its step-sista TLC... err TLT with it.

"don't go chasing waterfalls" - Left Eye

Dip Buyers are stunned their scheme worked, "it's just straight up bruh~!"

Patience always pays and after 1300+ Ticks of clubbing the Baby "Buy the Dip" Seals.
They need to know it's "possibly" safe to re-enter the waters.

It's not, but they'll be even more fuel for the downside panic setting up.

T VheIX can fill the 19.20 Gap, as we indicated - we are 12 trading days from ROLL/Settlement
completing. There is a great deal that can happen between now and then while Rome Burns.

Always important to pay attention as to where we are in time with respect to the VIX/VIX Curve.

The real downside begins when we see 1.76 on the 10 Yr Yield get taken out and sky.

Economic conditions are so awful, yet being relatively ignored by the Hoi Polloi. It's easier
to live in denial and collect goodies than actually stand up. Naw, I'll sleep it off bruh, stop
by the Dispensary and grab some o'dat Cherry Diesel.

Order up some Dominos and let's watch some Tik Tok on the screencast.

Chevchenko reruns on YouTiube... Yum.

What a total mess our Culture, our very way of living has become.

Waiting for the LEdge to complete and see if the Prop can carry higher.

No rush, patience... it can, however.... turn on a Pin.

Hopefully, we catch it on time again as falling off a cliff inside a train is exhiileraating.

Man we are all going to lose a hand... potentially much more. I'd prefer to give up the left.

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