Feminine Body and Market Confluence.

I'd like to finally share some unique spiritual perceptions about the market. This idea relates to my belief that the market is a psychic body of the Feminine, a form/vehicle Degenerating or Regenerating Energy. I practice sexual Alchemy and remember reading mantak chia's book on Sexual Energy Alchemy for my wife, where it spoke of the signs and indications a woman is aroused. It would start with energy from the core, blood rushing through the thighs / legs and upper body, pupils dilating, heavy breathing, Goosebumps and other forms of indications showing yin energy is spreading. If we relate this to the market we see that there are similar principles that are happening, she will show volatility, momentum, direction, market structure, ect... All as signs and indications she is ready to pump. Religion and TA are very similar, men trying to perceive the same body or divine source from 10 000's of different forms of religion/TA. Ignorance is seeing something as you want to see it, not how it truly is. Take away all the indicators and you left with a candle and energy that we know and deify as price action. Without energy the candle is dead, which shows the market is a Collective Psychic Sexual Exchange.

My goal is to have non bias approaches to be able to perceive when she is showing signals of Arousal and then have an Energy Sexchange where I Conserve, Protect, Nurture and Cultivate my individual energy and create a high value energy exchange where I am risking a portion of my energy and receiving more than I am putting out. Once that foundation is down then it's possible for me to start finding creative and fun ways to go about the sexual Energy Exchange with the foundation of proper RRR Already set.

One needs to know when she is faking it, when she is not in the mood, you can't force her to be aroused or to pump. She's far beyond your control and your possession, You will NEVER own her. You can Honour her, accept her for what she is, love her unconditionally and be grateful for whatever happens. She can make your life a living heaven or a living hell it depends on YOU the fundamental NATURE AND INTENTION OF THE EXCHANGE.
Humans are a very entitled, privileged species as doc oc says in spider man 2. Within the market having money or intelligence (energy+Form) makes you entitled like you deserve to win because you have *amount of money or know *amount of things. That forms of entitlement will cut you down even with the most "Impossible" trading Extremes.

A real life example was myself 2 days ago. I took about 25 losses and made one win that covered all the losses and actually still some in profit. I practice trade $10 and so my 25 losses made it $1, my win was $1.5. I make impossible R multiple trades all the time like this where I only need to be right less than 5% of the time. HOWEVER STILL BECAUSE I THINK I'M SO GOOD AND SMART THAT I CAN DO WHAT MAJORITY CAN'T I SELF SABOTAGE. Even though I can catch a 10%-20%move with 0.*%stop using MultiTf analysis through a string of complementary htf to ltf. Because of my IMPATIENCE and not RESPECTING HER BODY, yesterday I took about 30 small losses and couldn't get my high R winner because of her mentally breaking me, the more I lost mental edge the bigger my stops would come the more my losses would compound, I'd let go of my psychology and the only way for me to actually get back was to STOP AND REEVALUATE MY RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MARKET. This is like a psychological and emotional reset where you redefine ONCE AGAIN THE NATURE AND INTENTION OF YOUR TRADING. Me realising a huge R multiple trade wiping away 95%+ of my losses is purely a reflection of my psychology and my Trading performance. It happened because of Consciously applying certain principles and extremes. However she is so deep that you will forget who and what you are when you enter inside her, that's why many of you run strategies and read so much but when you meet her face to face you can't handle her and apply your strategies because you get lost in her and your own pleasure or pain whether you win or lose. That's when you pull out and refresh, reevaluate WHY. Because even if you win or lose you shouldn't stray away from your strategies, it's showing your heart and mind is easy to manipulate that she can change you. She wants you to stay the same whether she gives you want you want or not, whether she is consolidating or volatile, if you don't let her endless dramas and changing Extremes get to you, you will be rewarded through your consistency. It's showing you are keeping your third eye on the higher principles and not easily fooled by her bodily pleasures and motions taunting and provoking so much men to Fomo on the spot. She just sways her hips, does a 20%on an alt how many fomo, lose themselves in the goods she has to offer, then blame her for ruining their life. This is the most classic tale their is, especially in religion where women and Feminism is demonized because men can't handle duality, because they demonize the nature of the relationship to the point sex and women the bringers of life and Creation are seen as demons and satanic actions. The most powerful thing you can do is use trading/duality(Life) as a platform to move beyond victim consciousness, if you can do that then you won't need to blame anybody or anything for your failure or success, you can create your own life taking accountability and responsibility for everything that happens, knowing what is in your control and what is not.

Anyway Love and Light to you all. 🌷🌺🌻🌼🦚 Wish you the best on your Sacred Soul Journeys.... 🐝YOUtiful☮️☯️
Beyond Technical Analysis

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