GBPUSD Longterm Draw

Por The_Archi-tect
My anticipation for the first quarter of the year is likely a draw towards the Monthly
1.18000 Level.
On the Daily TF it seems like we are eager to look for the Longterm Draw to the downside for the months of February and March and we would want to anticipate High Volatility.
The first quarter (January) we accumulated for the month, this is because we have already established a High Resistance Zone and we would not want to see price violate it. The accumulation of orders will allow IPDA to absorb all the Sellside objectives being the ICT Look Backs. Anticipate the the 40 Day LB gets reached this month, within 20 trading days of this month. The same as well goes for the 60 Day LB, anticipate March to possibly do the same.

Essentially I'm anticipating High Volatility for February and March to the downside.

Kind Regards,
The Architect
Beyond Technical Analysis

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