Two options with EURUSD; more sided with short.

I am more leaning towards the sell because of economic principles; The European Central Bank as decreased its bond buy activity which means they are pumping less money supply into the economy and in other terms, since they are not spending money in buying bonds, GDP must decrease to some extent if all other variables are constant. The formula for GDP is = C + I + G + (X - M). G is the government spending. So if all other things are relatively the same, and the government spends less money, GDP has to decrease so therefore the value of the Euro has to decrease as well since the value depends on GDP as well as other factors. That is just my economic reasoning.

"The European Central Bank said Thursday it would carry on buying government bonds deep into next year but in reduced monthly amounts, a milestone policy shift that signals it will follow the U.S. Federal Reserve on a path toward higher interest rates." -The Wall Street Journal
It's moving really slow so pay close attention to it. I have a feeling it wants to go up rather than go down at the trend line.
Beyond Technical AnalysiseconomicsEURUSDeurusdselleurusdshortGDPSELLshortTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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