Futuros E-mini S&P500
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Opening (Margin): /ES April 21st 4800 Short Call

Por NaughtyPines
... for a 3.35 credit.

Comments: On second thought ... . Re-erecting a short call here after taking off a shorter duration one at 50% max. This would be better done on strength, but I have some "unit imbalance" here on the put side (i.e., a greater number of put side units than call ones) and would rather keep the short call in place until I'm able to pull one or more of those units off, particularly since I get it buying power free here.
Trade fechado manualmente
Out for 2.45 here. (3.35 - 2.45)/2 = .45 ($45) profit.
Beyond Technical AnalysisS&P 500 E-Mini Futuresoptionstrategiespremiumsellingshortcall

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