Por ScottBogatin
11. 9. 22 DWAC Assuming that this is a spike, how would I handle this market? I didn't really plan to talk about this market, put some markets can be very confusing, and they might make an Abrupt move in one direction or the other, and then you're wondering what you should do. There is this sudden, significant move in one direction>>> do you go long, or do you go short? What should your stop be, and what should your target be? I thought I would take a stab at this. I need one more bar it doesn't exist yet. Let's see what happens. When I started this video, I essentially started the analysis. For example, I had no idea that there was a reciprocal pattern to the left. However, I always look to the left. When I started the video, I knew I would be focused on the next bar which has not yet occurred. However, I forgot to put in A Fibonacci retracement.... which is near the 382. If I were framing this and not talking about it, it would take about 3 to 5 minutes burlesque. It doesn't take the amount of time I have a 19 minute video. So the trade decisions happened fairly quickly, and in this case, I would like to be looking at the market at the open. If I don't do the preview.... I'm not prepared for the open, and I won't know that there's a possible trade. The beautiful thing is no, I don't have to take a trade if I'm not comfortable for it. I will try to give a follow-up, but I'm not at signal service.
Beyond Technical AnalysisDWAC

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