Indicators for cryptocurrency arbitrage. Video review
Indicators allow you to track the spread for a selected trading pair in real time (the exchange rate difference on different exchanges, or the difference between spot and futures), see the price and the exchange for buying and selling at the moment, the history of the spread on the chart, the number/frequency of arbitrage situations for three different time periods, as well as set up alerts when the established threshold level of the spread.
1️⃣ Arbitrage Spread v1 : 1 pair + 1 charts a lightweight version, all the described functionality is available for one trading pair (bundle).
2️⃣ Arbitrage Spread v2 : 3 pairs + 3 charts – the same thing, only for three trading pairs at the same time.
3️⃣ Arbitrage Spread v3 : 12 spreads dashboard is an arbitrage dashboard that allows you to track 12 trading pairs simultaneously, in real time!
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