Okay people, finally we have some movement, finally Bitcoin is doing what it's supposed to do, why we love the crypto world, VOLATILITY!!!!
For almost 2 weeks bears and bulls got frustrated with all that sideways action. When you look at a few of my older posts i have been calling for a minimum target of 7700 but my gut was saying we should go the 8K levels and maybe even the 9K levels, so people start to become bulls again. I made some long trades in these weeks, some very profitable and some much less. I still have a long position from the 6710 i opened 2 days ago after we made that strange drop from the 7200 to 76xx again.
I do have to admit, the first attempt when we reached the 7500 i knew there was a chance we could drop again, but at the second attempt when i went long at 6560 and said we could make a W (double) bottom, i was quite convinced we would go higher. So that drop we made from the 7200 straight to 66xx was a big surprise for me and it did confuse me a bit. but after i saw the price was stabilizing around 6700 i bought again, even though we were inside a bear flag. But that's because the bigger picture has more weight that the smaller time frame and i still believed my theory was the right one to follow.
This squeeze was much bigger than i anticipated of course, but the reason that happened was because the range in the 6K's took much longer and short positions were getting bigger.
For now, price is quite stable around 7550/7800. As long as we stay above the 7500ish this impulse move is still super bullish. If we drop below that level than things could slow down. If we drop below the 7200ish than things will/could change! Chances we drop below 7000 are less than 10% for me, if we drop below the 7500ish, those odds get slightly higher.
Some of those levels you see in the chart, were levels i showed 2 weeks ago. They are not exact calculated targets, but they are resistance levels that the market will try to get at and make an attempt to break them. The first target 7700 is clearly reached already. The next target is around 8400/8300, this one won't be easy to break. The biggest challenge will the 9000/9200 resistance. Here i will probably start to build up a short position again. So long as price stays below the 9800/10.000, i will still remain long term bearish. My early followers know i am a big bear on this market for at least this year, since i shorted BTC at the 11.600 and made several trades in between, i have been saying we NEED another move up before we make a big drop again. The market was extremely week the last few weeks, that's the main reason many people became bears. For my bigger picture plan price should stay below the 10.000/10.200, if we go above these levels i will be forced to change my game plan. But it's a long way before we get there.
Now don't get your hopes to high people, the big rally was mostly short position's getting forced to close, it could be a start for a big impulse wave, but it's not the best fundament to build a very big rally on. So don't count at high prices above 10K yet, much to soon!
For more information and if you want to learn something, read some of my previous analysis, even the old ones.
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