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BTC - The B Stands For Bull Run


- Fibonacci Retracement
- Liquidity Point Analysis
- Support & Resistance
- Bullish Trend Analysis

Liquidity Points: $41322 / $59592 / $64899

Target 1: $74645

Target 2: $87280


Time to start the bull run for BTC

The next few weeks are going to be very green

The bulls are hungry and its time to eat :)

I believe this week we will see some very bullish action

We have Paraguay following El Salvador's lead and introducing btc to its country

We also have Gracyscale unlocking some BTC

These fundamentals as well as any other news that may come out will only give BTC fuel

To the moon!!!
Paraguay news is suppose to be announced tomorrow

Grayscale is suppose to be announced by weekend

Everyone is short BTC right now

You know what they say about following the majority!

This is why usually my calls are the OPPOSITE of retail

I dont trade like a retail trader...I trade like a MARKET MAKER

That is why my charts are usually *highly accurate* but I never claim 100% ;)
I am buying BTC coin wise and waiting for a day trade

Call me crazy but watch the next few days

I also see a clear double bottom forming on btc and other alts
Executed Long Position @ $31391 Stop Loss @ $30012 Take Profit @ $33147
I ended up holding btc over the weekend and closed out at break even

I thought we would get some movement but it seems it has been delayed

Now its just a question of what will be the catalyst?

Paraguay and Grayscale had no affect on price aka no reaction

Now we have Cathie Elon and Jack talking about BTC in 2 days...

Will this finally be the catalyst btc/alts need to start the bull run?

Lets find out but remember PRICE is KING

Price is telling ME based off my strategy and experience that we are going to reverse hard

I can see the double bottom clear as day and for them to aggressively RETEST the 30K zone is brutal

Sellers are not going to be happy in a few days and buyers who held their coins while averaging in on these dips will be very happy
Executed Long Position @ $29670 Stop Loss @ $2988 Take Profit $32406
Trade Your Beliefs :)
Exited long position

Will re enter tomorrow most likely as I see them dropping a little more

I dont mind re entering at a lower price just want to avoid unnecessary losses

Jack Cathie and Elon are going to revive BTC tomorrow just wait and see :)

I was a little too cautious and closed my buy order too soon but I am glad I at least took the trade and my analysis was correct

Jack Elon and Cathie will give BTC even more FUEL to pump when the event starts

I will be updating with more BTC swing trades while also accumulating coins :)

To the moon? lets PUMP
LOVING this price action look at all those green candles

Now we should get a decent pullback

Im expecting about 33k-35K range and then we shall continue up

Do not sell this drop look to accumulate more coins at cheaper prices

The direction/bias is UP so any down candles/moves will be buying opportunities

Executed Long Position @ $39940.89 Stop Loss @ $38772.17 Take Profit @ 43K
Stop Loss was tapped thats okay minor loss I will look for re entries

In the meantime lets PUMP

FIRST liquidity level reached!!!

Up Up & Away
IF we get a pullback I am expecting around 35K-36K and will be looking to buy more coins and take another day trade

IF we dont get the pullback i will continue looking for scale in opportunities

I may have messed up my swing trade at 30K but i did buy coins so either way im always winning :)
BTC just CANT stop thats what I am talking about

God I LOVE BTC honestly I mean how can you not

We are just getting this bull run started

Next liquidity level is in sight @ $59592 just like I stated above in my analysis :)

Watch how aggressive these next few days are...this week should get us to 50K
Executed Long Position @ $43414.70 Stop Loss @ $42382.89 Take Profit 50K
My long is looking great still holding loving the floating profit!

I also just bought some more coins as well

Portfolio is looking amazing lots of GREEN
To the next liquidity point we gooooo

Executed Long Position @ $44152 Stop Loss $42382 Take Profit 55K

Yes I am still holding my last long position

I am focused on scaling in up to 60K

Join the party and STOP selling...Bears dont know what theyre talking about :)
Beautiful I am 2/2 back to back :)

Also more good news....the GOLDEN CROSS has been confirmed

The daily 50 EMA has crossed above the 200 EMA which means PUMP

Should be focusing on buys ONLY do not sell you will literally be selling against a confirmed bull run in motion

Lets get rich

If i could marry BTC I honestly would in all seriousness

The best I can do is maybe get a tattoo? haha all jokes but no seriously

Lets go to the MOON
Executed Long Position @ $46072.61 Stop Loss @ $44655.47 Take Profit @ 60K

While everyone is shoring the "dump" I am buying :)
I closed both positions in profit to open a bigger position now on the dip

Executed Long Position @ $44966 Stop Loss @ 42966 Take Profit 50K-55K
COME ON 50K lets get it

Once we clear and stay above 50K that should get peoples attention again

New ATH incoming in a few weeks
Executed Long Position @ $46716 Stop Loss $45310 Take Profit @ $51532

Expecting a bounce off the FIB Equilibrium level

Once we cross over this level its an additional confirmation of the bull run

What I mean is when you retrace into the range once you clear 50% of the range thats when you switch bullish/bearish depending on the direction

Lets PUMP to 60K we goooooo
closed both position minor profit
Executed Long Position $46733.34 Take Profit 52K Stop Loss $45733.34
60k by end of month :)
Executed Long @ $46100 Take Profit @ 60k
Looks like my Bs were right on the money!!!
Executed Long @ $44052 Take Profit @ 60k lets PUMPTH
BTCbtcusdanalysisbtcusdlongBullish PatternsbullishbreakoutbullrunChart PatternscryptocryptoanalysiscryptosignalTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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