
Time series Fibo and bitcoin

Time series Fibo and bitcoin 1.05% .
As you know, from any exchange comes 3 types of data - time, price, volume . Today, let's look at the time factor.
Among the analysis options used in trading, we will show a little-known way of trying to predict the probable time (or time interval) of a future trend change of the instrument under study. This method applies Fibonacci numbers to time series and their magic properties, it turns out, work here is not so bad. The main problem in Fibot numbers is a large dependence on the qualification of the person doing the analysis (subjective judgments are not formalized rules, but for tough forecasts it is necessary to have strict conditions). From what points on the graph are the starting points for the construction (that is, what the trader chooses) and the further results depend. Many people know that, for example, the construction of a correction or expansion according to Fibo depends only on the trader (each ram owns its eggs!).
In addition to the above, it should be emphasized that Fibo numbers work for a stable group of traders with some common characteristics (smarts, retail, level of knowledge, geography ...). Each separate group just involuntarily submits to its laws and affects the price of the asset. In the sum of these effects, the price movement is obtained.
The price shows the total result of these influences and on time too.
If we count the number of bars between significant vertices on the graph and apply the coefficients of the fibo, then we will see that often in the future, the excesses of the trend (or changing the state of the market - the transition from trend to flat, change of trend ...) coincide with the forecast.
In the case where several forecast calculations coincide in a narrow time range, one can speak about the probability of a change in the state of the market.
As an example - for today on bitcoin 1.05% and there is a coincid
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