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Abaixo está a lista de títulos corporativos GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC CEDEARS (EACH 13 REP 1 COM USD1.00). Os investidores geralmente optam pelos títulos de uma empresa por sua maior estabilidade em épocas de volatilidade do mercado. Estude preços, rendimentos e outras estatísticas e encontre um investimento confiável.
Preço %
Cupom %
Data de vencimento
Montante em circulação
Valor de face
Valor mín. de denominação
XXS2890249134GoldSaCo 341220
96,08%09,62%0,00%2034-12-2010 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman, Sachs & Co. Wertpapier GmbH
XXS2926134235GoldSaCo 350205
95,91%09,54%0,00%2035-02-0510 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman, Sachs & Co. Wertpapier GmbH
FFR1459AB4367GSFCI 34
91,84%010,21%0,00%2034-10-1630 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XXS2688735625GSFCI 34
90,05%010,00%0,00%2034-04-2530 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XXS2080888238GSFCI 34
69,96%011,49%0,00%2034-07-0730 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XXS1841769711GoldmanSFCI 100 01/08/2028
58,09%033,83%0,00%2028-08-01376,2 M TRY10.000,00 TRY10.000,00 TRYGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XS1610670322GolSachsGr 100 19/10/2027
55,25%041,22%0,00%2027-10-19282,78 M TRY10.000,00 TRY10.000,00 TRYThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS1649999478GoldmanSFCI 100 19/10/2027
55,09%041,29%0,00%2027-10-19282,78 M TRY10.000,00 TRY10.000,00 TRYGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XS1610672708GolSachsGr 100 13/03/2048
53,40%07,53%0,00%2048-03-131,18 B ZAR100.000,00 ZAR100.000,00 ZARThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS1787097804GoldmanSFCI 100 13/03/2048
46,10%08,62%0,00%2048-03-131,18 B ZAR100.000,00 ZAR100.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XS1610659358GolSacGr 22.8% 26
45,80%078,03%22,80%2026-12-0180 M TRY5.000,00 TRY5.000,00 TRYThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS1761617288GolSachsIntl 25/04/2028 Renault
36,80%046,72%0,00%2028-04-2530 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs International
XS1787075230GolSachsIntl 100 16/10/2026
36,71%063,40%0,00%2026-10-16200 M ARS1.000.000,00 ARS1.000.000,00 ARSGoldman Sachs International
GS5403447Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. FRN 29-APR-2025
32,92%480 K96,40%4,36%2025-04-298,97 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS0225535771GolSachsGr 100 30/03/2034
28,77%021,49%0,00%2034-03-3050 M USD10.000,00 USD10.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS2398659925GolSacGr 9.95% 30
22,64%070,38%9,95%2030-02-08548 M RUB1.000.000,00 RUB1.000.000,00 RUBThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS2359653727GolSacIn 27
20,69%093,80%16,29%2027-03-177,34 B NGN1.000,00 NGN10.000,00 NGNGoldman Sachs International
GGS5182715GS Finance Corp. FRN 14-MAY-2036
20,41%100 K71,25%12,00%2036-05-143,2 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GS4035639Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 12.0% 02-AUG-2028
19,79%16 K83,75%12,00%2028-08-024,5 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS2061633728GoldmanSFCI 29/01/2030 Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
16,83%054,99%0,00%2030-01-2930 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GGS5182722GS Finance Corp. 4.07851% 19-MAY-2031
16,82%30 K59,90%4,08%2031-05-193,01 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS1775838987GolSachsIntl 15,7% 09/11/2027 EGP-denominated Arab Republic of Egypt Treasury Bonds
16,72%096,88%15,70%2027-11-09660 M EGP25.000,00 EGP25.000,00 EGPGoldman Sachs International
GGS4853792GS Finance Corp. 10.0% 28-JUN-2034
16,53%200 K75,90%10,00%2034-06-283,3 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS2064673390GolSachsIntl 31/01/2030 Euronext Reitsmarket GRESB Global Sustainable Decrement Index
16,53%055,42%0,00%2030-01-3130 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs International
XS1817577361GolSachsIntl 23/05/2028 Bkt of Shares
14,47%068,52%0,00%2028-05-235 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs International
XS256755785GOLDM.S.GRP 23/25 MTN
14,17%098,86%4,10%2025-05-021,5 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5797663GS Finance Corp. 7.15% 30-APR-2029
13,59%200 K81,65%7,15%2029-04-303 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS1800805035GolSachsIntl 29/09/2025 iSTOXX Global Diversity Impact Select 30 Price (EUR) Index
12,89%093,65%0,00%2025-09-294,91 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs International
XXS2019647846GoldmanSFCI 06/04/2030 Swap Rate
12,12%080,93%6,75%2030-04-0625 M USD1.000.000,00 USD1.000.000,00 USDGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XS1970501109GolSachsGr 11,7% 27/11/2028
11,70%0100,00%11,70%2028-11-2769 M TRY5.000,00 TRY5.000,00 TRYThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS2114069094GoldmanSFCI 100 16/03/2030
11,21%064,13%0,00%2030-03-16600 M ZAR50.000,00 ZAR50.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GS4921193Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 3.3% 09-MAY-2025
10,77%20 K97,38%3,30%2025-05-0995 M USD2.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5903122GS Finance Corp. 10.5% 27-SEP-2039
10,50%1 M100,00%10,50%2039-09-271,1 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5591463GS Finance Corp. 9.0% 31-MAY-2038
10,32%34 K92,50%9,00%2038-05-314,35 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS0940779159GolSachsGr 0,5% 06/06/2028
10,21%076,50%0,50%2028-06-06500 M MXN100.000,00 MXN100.000,00 MXNThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS2521890843GolSacGr 14.4% 28
10,20%0111,03%14,40%2028-10-202,7 B HUF50.000.000,00 HUF50.000.000,00 HUFThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS2671188840GolSacGr 10.03% 30
10,03%0100,00%10,03%2030-08-13200 M MXN2.500.000,00 MXN2.500.000,00 MXNThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS252188584GOLDM.S.GRP 23/25 MTN
9,97%098,87%4,50%2025-06-061,95 M USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5154371GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 31-MAR-2026
9,94%1,5 M83,30%0,00%2026-03-311,74 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5241604GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 23-JAN-2026
9,79%1 M87,80%0,00%2026-01-231 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS2025933644GolSachsIntl 26/03/2030 Swap Rate
9,47%082,07%4,20%2030-03-26120 M USD1.000.000,00 USD1.000.000,00 USDGoldman Sachs International
XS2398669056GolSacGr 10.3% 29
9,00%0104,03%10,30%2029-07-123 B HUF10.000.000,00 HUF10.000.000,00 HUFThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS2482474520GSFCI 28
8,81%078,12%0,00%2028-05-25300 M ZAR20.000,00 ZAR20.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XXS1971472961GoldmanSFCI 8,79% 16/03/2030
8,79%0100,00%8,79%2030-03-16150 M ZAR1.000.000,00 ZAR1.000.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GS5748067Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 0.0% 09-FEB-2039
8,76%4 K44,88%0,00%2039-02-0914,73 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS252190198GOLDM.S.GRP 23/25 MTN
8,76%098,93%4,80%2025-06-303,08 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5927647GS Finance Corp. 8.7% 31-OCT-2039
8,70%1,75 M100,00%8,70%2039-10-311,75 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS0454695221GolSachsGr 8,64% 10/10/2029
8,64%0100,00%8,64%2029-10-10300 M MXN2.000.000,00 MXN2.000.000,00 MXNThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS2814369455GSFCI 8.5% 39
8,50%0100,00%8,50%2039-12-2345 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XS2470192274GolSacGr 8.25% 30
8,46%099,08%8,25%2030-06-0133,5 M PLN1.000,00 PLN1.000,00 PLNThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5912085GS Finance Corp. 8.0% 10-OCT-2031
8,45%135 K98,00%8,00%2031-10-103,17 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS1432304811GolSachsGr 100 16/06/2036
8,40%044,38%0,00%2036-06-16100 M AUD10.000,00 AUD10.000,00 AUDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS6003305GS Finance Corp. 8.0% 14-FEB-2035
8,37%1 K98,00%8,00%2035-02-147,5 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5153502GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 24-MAR-2031
8,28%1 M59,00%0,00%2031-03-241,98 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS1970479090GolSacGr 8.25% 32
8,25%0100,00%8,25%2032-01-251 B RUB1.000.000,00 RUB1.000.000,00 RUBThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5173665GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 30-APR-2026
8,12%200 K87,20%0,00%2026-04-301,06 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5331726GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 31-DEC-2026
8,05%12 K77,43%0,00%2026-12-311,01 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5949573GS Finance Corp. 8.0% 29-NOV-2039
8,00%8 K100,00%8,00%2039-11-2913 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5186627GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 27-MAY-2026
7,92%50 K89,15%0,00%2026-05-271,94 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GS5352997Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 5.0% 02-FEB-2032
7,90%45 K85,25%5,00%2032-02-021,07 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5900376GS Finance Corp. 7.0% 30-SEP-2039
7,87%10 K94,10%7,00%2039-09-3014,01 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS0899544950GolSachsIntl 100 15/10/2025
7,83%095,73%0,00%2025-10-15500 M ZAR50.000,00 ZAR50.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs International
GS5745295Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 6.0% 22-JAN-2034
7,68%45 K91,11%6,00%2034-01-2280 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS1610673698GolSachsGr FRN 19/06/2028
7,56%096,88%6,90%2028-06-1967 M PLN100.000,00 PLN100.000,00 PLNThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5268640GS Finance Corp. 1.0% 30-SEP-2031
7,55%12 K70,25%1,00%2031-09-30500 K USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XXS2481754435GSFCI 9% 27
7,50%0103,22%9,00%2027-10-12400 M ZAR20.000,00 ZAR20.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GS4923282Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. FRN 01-OCT-2025
7,49%1 M94,10%1,00%2025-10-011,67 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5810925Goldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd. 5.45% 20-DEC-2025
7,43%800 K97,50%5,45%2025-12-205 M USD1.000,00 USD10.000,00 USDGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XXS2093973407GoldmanSFCI 07/03/2030 Bkt of Shares
7,43%073,06%0,00%2030-03-0730 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XXS2114105310GSFCI 26
7,42%094,05%0,00%2026-01-26500 M ZAR50.000,00 ZAR50.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GGS5203008GS Finance Corp. 1.0% 16-JUN-2031
7,39%114 K72,50%1,00%2031-06-169,91 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5245801GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 31-AUG-2036
7,35%50 K51,50%0,00%2036-08-31984 K USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS1610695741GolSachsGr 5,15% 22/05/2028
7,35%094,33%5,15%2028-05-22167 M RON100.000,00 RON100.000,00 RONThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS2567537316GolSacGr 7.3% 26
7,30%0100,00%7,30%2026-05-30100 M PLN1.000,00 PLN1.000,00 PLNThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS2114128874GoldmanSFCI 6,4% 29/10/2027
7,19%098,26%6,40%2027-10-29170 M ZAR1.000.000,00 ZAR1.000.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GGS5861526GS Finance Corp. 7.15% 31-JUL-2039
7,15%75 K100,00%7,15%2039-07-3110 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GS5120307Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 2.0% 29-JAN-2029
7,07%12 K84,52%2,00%2029-01-292 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS2470193595GolSacGr 52
7,05%032,08%0,00%2052-06-1493,53 M EUR1.000,00 EUR1.000,00 EURThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS5493913Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 7.0% 29-OCT-2032
7,00%6 K99,98%7,00%2032-10-2990 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS5497529Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 7.0% 04-NOV-2032
6,98%2,25 M100,11%7,00%2032-11-0415,62 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS2470192431GolSacGr 8.7% 30
6,97%0106,61%8,70%2030-06-013,15 B HUF50.000.000,00 HUF50.000.000,00 HUFThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS2080899516GoldmanSFCI 6,27% 25/09/2027
6,90%098,66%6,27%2027-09-25170 M ZAR1.000.000,00 ZAR1.000.000,00 ZARGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
XXS1826345495GoldmanSFCI FRN 19/06/2028
6,89%0100,00%6,89%2028-06-1967 M PLN100.000,00 PLN100.000,00 PLNGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GGS5282943GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 21-OCT-2036
6,88%20 K55,20%0,00%2036-10-214,07 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
XS1267261805GolSachsIntl FRN 15/01/2026
6,88%098,24%4,61%2026-01-15100 M USD2.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDGoldman Sachs International
GS5702657Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 7.0% 15-NOV-2033
6,87%160 K100,68%7,00%2033-11-1514,5 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XS1610672963GolSachsGr FRN 08/05/2028
6,83%0100,00%6,83%2028-05-08100 M PLN100.000,00 PLN100.000,00 PLNThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
XXS1796110150GoldmanSFCI FRN 08/05/2028 USD/PLN
6,83%0100,00%6,83%2028-05-08100 M PLN100.000,00 PLN100.000,00 PLNGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GS5497530Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 7.0% 04-NOV-2032
6,79%3 K101,06%7,00%2032-11-048 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS4971912Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 3.5% 01-APR-2025
6,76%6,31 M99,90%3,50%2025-04-013,5 B USD1.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS4349771Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. FRN 05-APR-2026
6,75%30 K99,50%6,26%2026-04-0535,78 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS4138124Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 0.0% 26-JUN-2029
6,75%12 K77,50%0,00%2029-06-262 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS4008585Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 0.0% 23-MAY-2028
6,72%200 K82,27%0,00%2028-05-2320,84 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS3987491Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 0.0% 27-MAR-2028
6,66%14 K83,25%0,00%2028-03-2720,99 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS4191241Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 4.0% 15-DEC-2040
6,66%2 K79,58%4,00%2040-12-156,36 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS5237145Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 4.0041% 16-FEB-2029
6,64%15 M89,00%4,01%2029-02-1610,5 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GS5500513Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 6.5% 09-NOV-2032
6,62%40 K99,41%6,50%2032-11-0914,25 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDThe Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
GGS5047750Goldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd. 4.0% 20-DEC-2027
6,61%10 K89,50%4,00%2027-12-2095 M USD2.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.
GGS5190261GS Finance Corp. 0.0% 28-MAY-2031
6,60%200 K68,00%0,00%2031-05-281,27 M USD1.000,00 USD1.000,00 USDGS Finance Corp.
GGS5212700Goldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd. 1.0% 08-JUN-2031
6,55%200 K75,00%1,00%2031-06-0895 M USD2.000,00 USD2.000,00 USDGoldman Sachs Finance Corporation International Ltd.