Smooth Moving Average [STUDY] @PuppyTherapyThe Smooth moving average script combo combines the ability to help you create a very simple trend-following strategy or a simple trend-following filter.
You are able to select from a large variety of moving averages add Heikin Ashi Candles as a source and also add additional smoothing to every single of the moving averages.
The Study is equipped with alerts.
It is a showcase that a simple strategy like buy when we going up and sell when we going down actually works especially on a bigger timeframe.
Thanks to all supporters and everget for some of the moving average scripts.
Smooth Moving Average [STRATEGY] @PuppyTherapyThe Smooth moving average script combo combines the ability to help you create a very simple trend-following strategy or a simple trend-following filter.
You are able to select from a large variety of moving averages add Heikin Ashi Candles as a source and also add additional smoothing to every single of the moving averages.
The Strategy is using the Tradingview backtesting framework.
It is a showcase that a simple strategy like buy when we going up and sell when we going down actually works especially on a bigger timeframe.
Thanks to all supporters and everget for some of the moving average scripts.
SVAMA - A Non Parametric Adaptive Moving Average Based On VolumeIntroduction
Technical indicators often have parameters settings that the user must enter, those are inconvenient when the user must design a strategy because such settings must be optimized, it must also been noted that the optimal settings at time t could change at time t+n , this is why non parametric indicators are more efficient. Today i propose a moving average adapting to the market volume without using parameters affecting the smoothing.
The Indicator
The volume is rescaled in a range of (1,0) by using max or min normalization. Exponential averaging is used to provide the moving average.
When using max normalization the moving average react faster when the volume is closer to its all time high, when using min normalization the moving average react faster when the volume is closer to its all time low. You can select the method (max or min) from the "Method" parameter.
Volume tend to be higher and more periodic with higher time-frames, this is why lower time-frames might return smoother results when using the Max method. It is recommended to use the Max method when we want a faster moving average while the Min method is more suited to get a slower moving average.
Both methods can provide an interesting MA-Cross system when used on higher time frames.
There should be more non parametric indicators, this would allow for faster and easier optimization processes when creating a strategy, in theory any indicator using a moving average or highest/lowest could be made non parametric by using a running mean or running max/min but the indicator might loose important information.
This is one of my main focus right now since such indicators could also allow for improvements when used with artificial intelligence. I hope you find an use to it, don't hesitate to send me your suggestions.
Thanks for reading !
Vortex Trend Tracker 2.0 + RSIHere's an updated version of our Vortex Trend Tracker indicator.
Here's the link to the original if anyone wants to read more about the Vortex or see the first version:
We've added in 4 rsi's of varying lengths for this second version(2 fast and 2 slow) that create the background color effect.
New extremum trendScript for filtering out periods when market is not trending.
It defines downtrend as following:
Lowest price of last 2 days is equal or lower then lowest price of last 100 days.
Values 2 and 100 are customizable.
Uptrend analogically with highs.
SSL 4EMA Kinjun-Sen mnovo IndicatorFor thos who prefer Kinjun-Sen from the Ichimoku algo to use as your baseline.
Trade safe
AntiRekt RibbonThis script is a fork of the Madrid Ribbon, the only difference is that you can color your bars depending on the trend.
No Nonsense NNFX VP Strategy for Back Testing 3 x Indicators| jhAfter testing your individual indicators, it's time to build up your algo with additional indicators and further backtest the strategy.
Using SSL twice here, faster SSL for 1st confirmation, slower SSL for 2nd confirmation and TDFI for volume validation.
No Nonsense NNFX VP Strategy for Back Testing Indicators| jhAfter putting the whole system together, sat down to benchmark the various confirmation indicators, shrink it down to backtest individual confirmation indicators.
Results for 24 periods way better than 10, then again it's only one pair. :)
More details below.
//Designed per No Nonsense Forex VP rules
//For testing your individual indicators before the full system
//Originated from causecelebre
//Tried to put in as much VP rules as possible
//Rules Implemented:
// - SL 1.5 x ATR
// - TP 1 x ATR
// - Entry conditions
//// - Entry from 1 x confirmation
// - Exit conditions
//// - Exit on confirmation flip
//Trades entries
// - First entry L1 or S1 with standard SL and TP
//Included Indicators and settings
// - Confirmtion = SSL 10
// Strategy causecelebre
// SSL Channel ErwinBeckers
//Change log
//First release. Testing of indicators
Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving AverageIntroduction
Using conditions in filters is a way to make them adapt to those, i already used this methodology in one of my proposed indicators ARMA which gave a really promising adaptive filter, ARMA tried to have a flat response when dealing with ranging market while following the price when the market where trending or exhibiting volatile movements, the filter was terribly simple which is one of its plus points but its down points where clearly affecting its performance thus making it almost impractical.
Today i propose a new filter A2ARMA which aim to correct all the bad behaviours of ARMA while having a good performance on various markets thanks to the added adaptivity.
Fixes And Changes
ARMA was dealing with terribles over/under-shoots which affected its performance, adding a zero-lag option made the thing even worse, in order to fix those mistakes i first cleaned the code, then i removed the offset for src in d , this choice is optional but the filter is sometimes more accurate this way.
The major change is the use of an adaptive moving average instead of the triangular moving average that smoothed the output, this adaptive moving average is calculated using exponential averaging while using the efficiency ratio as smoothing variable, this choice surprisingly removed the majority of overshoots while adding more adaptivity to the filter.
The Indicator
The Indicator work the same way as ARMA, not reacting during flat market periods while following the price when this one is volatile or trending. length control the smoothing amount while gamma determine how the filter is affected during flat market periods, gamma = 0 is just a double smoothed adaptive moving average, higher values of gamma will filter flat markets with a certain degree.
On Intel Corp with gamma = 0, i want to filter the flat period starting at July 10, gamma = 3 will certainly help us on this task.
Hooray, the problem appear to be solved ! Lower values of gamma also produce desirable effect as shown below :
gamma = 2
So far so good, but gamma or length might have different optimal values depending on the market, also problems still exists as shown here :
Seagate is tricky, gamma at 2.4 might help
The relationship between length and gamma is somewhat complicated.
On Different Markets
While some filters will process market price the same way no matter the market they are affected, A2ARMA will change drastically depending of the market.
Comparison With ARMA
ARMA with parameters roughly matching A2RMA, overall most of the problems i wanted to fix where indeed fixed.
A huge thanks for the support i received during this "Blank Page" period i'am suffering, ARMA was an indicator i really wanted to further develop without giving up on the code simplicity and i think this version might provide useful results, we can also notice that the decision making is easier with this version of the indicator thanks to the added coloring (which would have been impossible with ARMA).
My work don't have license attached to it, feel free to modify and share your findings, mentioning is appreciated :)
Thanks for reading !
UjanjaUjanja uses Zero Lag EMA combined with Hull Moving Average for smoothing purposes. It is a less aggressive. It is only to be used with huge volume , huge momentum and high volatility to get trend analysis... It doesn't repaint at all.
Advised use :
Trades highly volatile Crypto currencies, stocks as well as Gold .
It is only to be used with huge momentum and high volatility to get trend analysis... It doesn't repaint at all.
Vortex Trend TrackerThough it may sound complex, the Vortex Indicator is essentially an uptrend line and a downtrend line. The vortex indicator can be used for a variety of purposes, including tracking the strength of trends, identifying/anticipating reversals, and generating entry/exit signals. It’s calculation is shown in the open-source code below.
To reduce the number of whipsaws produced by the indicator, we used an Exponential Moving Average of vmPlus and vmNegative values with a default length of 10. Decreasing this length will result in a more responsive vortex at the cost of more whipsaws and false signals.
The chart shows the absolute value of the difference between the uptrend and downtrend line displayed as the main histogram.
If the uptrend line is greater than the downtrend (thus indicating positive movement), then the histogram bars will be either light green or dark green. If the uptrend line has just now crossed the downtrend line, then the bar will be dark green. Bars will also be dark green when the uptrend line is greater than the downtrend line and the uptrend line is increasing. This means the trend is increasing in strength still. If the uptrend line is greater than the downtrend line, but is decreasing, then the bars will be light green. This means that the upwards trend is losing strength.
If the downtrend line is greater than the uptrend line, then there is a negative trend occurring and the bars will be either red or light red. If the downtrend line has just crossed over the uptrend line or is increasing in value, then the bar will be red. If the downtrend line is greater than the uptrend line, but is decreasing in value, then the bars will be light red (meaning the downtrend is weakening).
One way to trade using this vortex is to enter a long position when the bar color changes from red to light red. This would mean that the downtrend is decreasing in strength and an upwards reversal is likely to occur soon. Then, traders can exit their long position when the bars change from dark green to light green. When that color change occurs it means that the uptrend is running out of steam and price is unlikely to continue its upwards climb.
Traders can also choose to have the uptrend and downtrend lines plotted as well in the input menu. This may make it easier to visualize the Vortex and its usefulness in identifying reversals.
SMA 50 collectorHello traders
The SMA 50 is known to define a trend. If price is closing above, trend is bullish, if below, trend is bearish.
That's why I like to have all of them on my chart :)
Three MM CrossHello traders
Some friends asked me to do it so... sharing it for everyone instead
This indicator detects when the first moving average is above the two others. It's a very powerful tool for trend traders that use multiple moving averages to detect a strong trend
nTrend MACD Zero LAGHello traders
This indicator is to color the candles based on a MACD Zero LAG
Just wanted to show that removing the noise from the candles natural coloring could be very helpful to determine a trend and stay focused
Supertrend collectorHello traders
This is an example of how you can add multiple indicators into a unique one
In this instance, I added two supertrend multitimeframes and draw them on a different timeframe chart
AntiRekt Trend OscillatorWhen the indicator value is above the horizon line the trend is up, below the trend is down. Watch out for ranging markets.
Krowns 10 PACK Combo (5 EMAs, 5 SMAs) - v2Version 2 - Krowns Crypto 10 pack moving average set - written by "Kick Back Time" also known as Mr.Scrogers Neighborhood
...after receiving a lot of likes from the first version I thought I would go ahead and put out the updated version that I've been using
There's a few things I've changed to make it easier to adapt to.
This set is very similar to what Krown uses - I rarely look at the 100 SMA, but I do like the 128 SMA, so I made it default over the 100...
It's all adjustable in values, colors, line thicknesses, etc... it's all good
1) now has a shorter overlay title so it takes up less space on the chart and is less distractive
2) the 30, 50 and 128 SMA's are now default pink which stand out well and are easier to associate as SMA's
Ema BacktesterA simple, but useful script for backtesting purposes. Find the optimal Settings for your strategy.
tips are always welcome at: 38uGQJDDZDL6wX48x4gYTccPeQ3ZHVYmY4 (btc)
I hope you enjoy the script :)