TPO IQ [TradingIQ]Hello Traders!
Introducing "TPO IQ"!
TPO IQ offers a Time Price Opportunity profile with several customization options that packs several related features to help traders navigate the generated profiles!
TPO Profiles
Single Print identification
Initial Balance Identification
Can be anchored to timeframe change
Can be anchored to fixed time interval
Last profile detailed visuals
Customizable value area percentage
POC identification
Mid-point identification
TPO Profiles
A TPO profile is a market profile visualization that details how much time was spent at each price level throughout the time interval.
The image above further explains what a TPO Profile is!
Each letter corresponds to a candlestick. With this information, traders are able to visualize how much time was spent at each price area.
With customizable gradient colors, specifically in this example, blocks colored red are the earliest times in the profile, blocks colored green are in the beginning half of the time midpoint of the profile. Blue blocks represent the first half of the end of the time period, and purple blocks correspond to the end of the time period.
Please note that this form of TPO profile generation will only occur when the most recent profile uses less than 500 alphabet characters! If more than 500 characters are preset, TPO IQ will revert to using labels!
Initial Balance
TPO IQ also identifies the initial balance range and all alphabet characters that form within it!
The image above exemplifies this feature. The initial balance range is denoted by a a neon-blue line, with a blue circle showing the opening price. All characters within the initial balance range are highlighted blue, which is a feature that can be disabled with customizable colors.
TPO IQ also identifies the point of control (POC) of the TPO Profile.
The point of control for the profile is labeled yellow by default, and shows where price spent the most time throughout the time period.
The image above shows the POC for the time period being identified by TPO IQ.
Value Area
TPO IQ also identifies the value area of the profile. A customizable percentage that is 70% by default, the value area of a TPO profile shows where price traded the majority of the time.
The image above further explains this feature. For this example, with the value area percentage being set to 70%, the value area high and value area low show the price zone that prices traded at 70% of the time throughout the profile.
TPO Midpoint
In addition to the POC, the TPO profile midpoint is also identified by TPO IQ.
The TPO midpoint simply corresponds to the middle price between the session's high and low!
Fixed Interval Mode
By default, TPO IQ recalculates every day, but this can also be changed to a customizable session time, such as 4 hours. If 4 hours is selected, then a new TPO profile will be generated every 4 hours.
However, in Fixed Interval mode, a TPO profile will be generated through a user-defined time range, such as 1300-1700.
In the image above, Fixed Interval mode is applied with a time range of 1300-1700 and, consequently, TPO IQ generates a new profile throughout every 1300-1700 time range!
This feature allows traders to specify time ranges of interest to generate TPO profiles for!
TPO Overview Label
The TPO overview label shows key statistics for the TPO profile generated throughout the trading session!
The "TPO Count" statistic shows how many alphabetical letters were generated for the profile, which is an adequate method to determine the session's volatility and price range.
The "Tick Levels" statistic shows how many tick levels were used to create the profile - another method to determine the volatility and price range of the session.
The "Top Letter" statistic shows which letter appears most throughout the profile. In this example, the top letter was "f", which means throughout creation of the profile, the letter "f" appeared the most!
And that's all for now!
If you have any feedback or new feature ideas for TPO IQ please feel free to share them with us!
Thank you traders!