Checklist By TAZFX with Trade ScoreTrading Checklist is a customizable indicator designed for traders who want to stay disciplined and stick to their trading rules. Using this indicator, you can easily create and display your own personalized checklist of trading rules directly on your TradingView chart.
1. Customizable Settings:
• Positioning : Place the table in one of nine positions on the chart (e.g., bottom left, top right).
• Header : Modify the banner text, size, and color.
• Row Content : Define text for each row and control visibility.
• Appearance : Adjust text and background colors.
2. Checklist Table:
•Displays up to 8 rows with checkboxes (✅/❌) and custom labels for trade evaluation.
•Useful for tracking whether specific trade conditions or rules are met.
3. Trade Score Calculation:
•The Trade Score is a percentage that shows how many of your checklist items are checked compared to the total visible items.
StyleLibraryLibrary "StyleLibrary"
A small library of Pine Script functions that return built-in style variables.
method sizeStyle(size)
Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in size style variable.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
size (string) : A `string` representing a built-in size style: `"Tiny"`, `"Small"`, `"Normal"`, `"Large"`,
`"Huge"`, `"Auto"`.
Returns: The respective built-in size style variable.
method sizeStyle(size)
Takes a `sizeStyle` that returns the corresponding built-in size style variable.
Namespace types: series sizeStyle
size (series sizeStyle) : A `sizeStyle` representing a built-in size style variable.
Returns: The respective built-in size style variable.
method lineStyle(style)
Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in line style variable.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
style (string) : A `string` representing a built-in line style: `"Dashed"`, `"Dotted"`, `"Solid"`.
Returns: The respective built-in line style variable.
method lineStyle(style)
Takes a `lineStyle` that returns the corresponding built-in line style variable.
Namespace types: series lineStyle
style (series lineStyle) : A `lineStyle` representing a built-in line style variable.
Returns: The respective built-in line style variable.
method labelStyle(style)
Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in label style variable.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
style (string) : A `string` representing a built-in label style:
`"Arrow Down"`, `"Arrow Up"`, `"Circle"`, `"Cross"`, `"Diamond"`, `"Flag"`,
`"Label Center"`, `"Label Down"`, `"Label Left"`, `"Label Lower Left"`,
`"Label Lower Right"`, `"Label Right"`, `"Label Up"`, `"Label Upper Left"`,
`"Label Upper Right"`, `"None"`, `"Square"`, `"Text Outline"`, `"Triangle Down"`,
`"Triangle Up"`, `"XCross"`.
Returns: The respective built-in label style variable.
method labelStyle(style)
Takes a `labelStyle` that returns the corresponding built-in label style variable.
Namespace types: series labelStyle
style (series labelStyle) : A `labelStyle` representing a built-in label style variable.
Returns: The respective built-in label style variable.
method fontStyle(font)
Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in font style variable.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
font (string) : A `string` representing a built-in font style: `"Default"`, `"Monospace"`.
Returns: The respective built-in font style variable.
method positionStyle(position)
Takes a `string` that returns the corresponding built-in position style variable.
Namespace types: series string, simple string, input string, const string
position (string) : A `string` representing a built-in position style:
`"Bottom Center", `"Bottom Left", `"Bottom Right", `"Middle Center", `"Middle Left",
`"Middle Right", `"Top Center", `"Top Left", `"Top Right".
Returns: The respective built-in position style variable.
method displayStyle(display)
Takes a `simple string` that returns the corresponding built-in display style variable.
Namespace types: simple string, input string, const string
display (simple string) : A `simple string` representing a built-in display style: `"All"`, `"Data Window"`,
`"None"`, `"Pane"`, `"Price Scale"`, `"Status Line"`.
Returns: The respective built-in display style variable.
fontLibrary "font"
Unicode Characters Replacement function for strings.
uni(_str, _number)
Unicode Font Substitutee
_str : Input Strinbg
_number : Font by Int input
uni(_str, _number)
Unicode Font Substitutee
_str : Input Strinbg
_number : Font by Name input
Input Text Area to Array then Reshape Table█ OVERVIEW
Simple method to convert from input.text_area to array using str.split.
Reshape table using switch, not necessary must use matrix.reshape.
Might be useful pine script to replace input.symbol.
Table can positioned by any position and font size can be resized.
Reshape table and sorting array if necessary.
Credits to TradingView for new update of input.text_area.
CRCHud - HUD Library (Heads Up Display)Library "CRCHud"
Library of functions which will contain functions that allow reusable HUD (Heads up Display) components to used from within other scripts
add_cell_change() - Adds a new cell to designated table which displays the data source value, the line color, data title, and automatically calculated %percent change stats based on lookback value supplied (default - previous bar)
Tables: A Simple NoteA simple note to remind you of what you would otherwise forget. I don't think it needs further explanation.
Comes with three rows each can be enabled independently of others. Can be resized.
Remember Rules Label - incl. Text Function with different colorsHi BIG PLAYERS
Each of us makes mistakes and exceptions confirm the rule.
However, if you disregard the rules of trading, you lose your money - without any ifs and buts!
I have therefore created a reminder label for myself, which trading approaches I always want to stick to. These rules serve me as a guideline when I should trade.
Through the permanent reminder I set myself the goal of not trading too early and impatiently. The biggest problem of all traders is overtrading: the constant swaying back and forth between greed and fear. This must always be kept in mind. Because trading is in principle very simple: stick to your own rules. Keep a logbook and for my sake, record every trade as a screenshot in a PowerPoint presentation. Then you can see your mistakes in the past trades and recognize your background, why loss trades have arisen - you can also determine profit trades: As a rule, profits arise when you strictly adhere to your trading rules.
If you compare a company with a trader, then it is generally a similar procedure.
company view
a company plans its annual development with budget and forecast.
a company compares monthly between actual values and plan values and draws conclusions from the differences.
trader view
a trader should handle and plan his trade with all rules.
a trader should compare the result after the trade with the planned trade and discuss conclusions from possible differences.
I hope I could help other traders with this.
Kind regards
BearBull OrderBlock ColourSchemeThis is a simple label type indicator to help assist in creating a colour scheme for orderblocks which are created using technical analysis and the rectangle tool on TradingView.
It has a dark mode and a light mode. By default it is set for black backgrounds, if you have a white background, go into it's settings and untick the dark mode.
It has instructions for timeframes and colours to use.
It will default show to the right of current price, depending on zoom scale and timeframe, is how far away/close.
it is based around ROYGBIV colours.
Time Range StatisticsA good amount of users requested a text box showing various price statistics, the following script returns various of these stats in a user-selected range, and include classical ones such as a central tendency measurement (mean), dispersion (normalized range) and percent change, but also include less common statistics such as average traded volume and number of gaps. The script also calculates the correlation between the closing price and another user-selected instrument.
The script is currently the longest one I ever made and took some efforts, as I wasn't satisfied with the statistics to be originally included. Big thx to Gael for the enormous feedback and the idea of the normalized range, to user @Cookiecrush for the feedback ( without ya I would have posted something bad you know umu ? ), and Lulidolce for the support, friendship is magic!
Selected Range
The setting Start determine the bar at which the range starts, while End determine at which bar the range end. To help you select these values, the current bar number (bar index) is displayed at the right of the indicator title in blue.
The setting evaluate to last bar will use a range starting at Start and ending at the last bar, as such you can use a full range by using Start = 0 and select evaluate to last bar
The range is highlighted by an area on the chart. By default Start = 9000 and End = 10000, you might not have this amount of data in your chart, as such use the displayed bar index to select Start and End, then set the settings as default.
Displayed Statistics
The statistics panel is displayed on the right side of the last bar, the panel has 3 sections, a title section who shows the symbol ticker, timeframe, and overall trends represented by a chart emoji, the overall trends are determined by comparing the number of higher highs with the number of lower low.
Below are displayed the date ranges with time format: year/month/day/hour:minute.
The second section shows the general statistics. The first one is the mean, also represented by the orange line in the chart, the blue line displayed represent the highest price value in the range, while the red one represents the lowest price value.
The second stat is the normalized range, and determine how spread is the price in the user-selected range, why not the standard deviation? Because the standard deviation might return results varying widely depending on the scale of the closing price, you could get measures such as 0.0156 or 16 or even 56 depending on the instrument, as such using a normalized range can be more appropriate as it lays in a range of (0,1). Lower values indicate a low degree of price variation. Note that I still want to find another measure in the future.
The percentage change (or relative change) indicates at which percentage the price has increased or decreased, and is calculated by subtracting the closing at bar Start with the price at bar End , divided by the price at bar End , the result is then multiplied by 100.
The average traded volume calculate the mean of the volume in the selected range, I used the same format used by the original volume indicator for clarity.
Finally, the last stats of the section is the number of gaps, this stat is by default hidden. An up gap is detected when the open price is superior to the previous high, while a down gap is detected when the open price is inferior to the previous low, this allow to only retain significant gaps.
The last section of the indicator panel shows the correlation between the closing price and another instrument, by default GOOG, this correlation is also calculated within the user-selected range. Positive values indicate a positive relationship, that is the two instruments tend to move in the same direction. Negative values indicate a negative relationship, both instruments tend to move in a direction opposite to each other. Values closer to 1 or -1 indicate a stronger relationship, while values closer to 0 indicate no relationship.
In Summary
The script shows various stats, each calculated within a user-selected range, in general one would be more interested in how these stats might evolve with time, but checking them in a custom range can be quite interesting.
Thx for reading. umu
Reminder Message (with color picker) - ApopheniaPaysThis is a very simple script. It displays a message above the latest price. I coded it because I need a constant reminder to keep me from overtrading.
You can customize several options:
- The message text
- How high above the latest price the message is displayed
- How often it is displayed. 1=display constantly, 2=only show it during every other period, 3=only show it every 3rd new period, etc. So, for example, if you are on the 15 minute chart, and set a frequency of 3, it will show it for the first 15 minutes out of every 45.
- Color and lightness. This can be used as an example of how to add a color selection input to your own scripts.
[TK] Just a labelThis script puts a simple label with a customizable text on the chart.
I use this to label my different chart layouts, as tradingview unfortunately has removed the current layout name from the main user interface.
RSI Skull - Novelty Graphical Chart ArtGraphical RSI, just for fun.
RSI >= 60 = red
RSI < 60 and > 40 = blue
RSI <= 40 = green
Skull art by Alan De Smet
Bitcoin! RSI Chart Art - Color ChangingJust for fun:
Logo changes colors based on RSI level.
>=60 is one color, <=40 another color, or in the center it's gold by default.
Pine Script Tutorial #4Welcome to Pine Script Tutorial #4
This is more complex than the previous 3 tutorials. This one builds upon the first 3 tutorials.
What does this code do?: It plots on a histogram (at the bottom), the difference between closest round number and the close. So for example 84 -close = 16 pips. It shows the 16 pips on the histogram.
First off, it is actually Two studies on this graph, not one. I wanted the histogram at the bottom and round number indicator to overlay on the graph. There is no code within Pine Script that lets you do that within one script.
Secondly, there is no code that lets you spit out number on the graph, that is why I used histogram, initially I wanted it to tell me 16 pips in writing but no way of doing that.
In order to replicate the graph you have to first plot the rounding formula as overlay. Thean take out the overlay and plot te histogram.
I got the rounding formula from one of the coders here and simplified it. Just search round.
Hope this helps,
Feel free to comment.
CM_Williams_Vix_Fix_V3_Upper_Text PlotsWilliams Vix Fix Text Plots! Alert Capable!
Use With Lower Indicator or as Single Indicator!
Has Text Plots For All Plot Types Lower Indicator Uses.
To Get Lower Indicator:
Info On Lower Indicator - Discussion: