lib_smcLibrary "lib_smc"
This is an adaptation of LuxAlgo's Smart Money Concepts indicator with numerous changes. Main changes include integration of object based plotting, plenty of performance improvements, live tracking of Order Blocks, integration of volume profiles to refine Order Blocks, and many more.
This is a library for developers, if you want this converted into a working strategy, let me know.
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (float)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (int)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (Profile type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
INTERNAL: detect swing points (HH and LL) in given range
len (simple int) : range to check for new swing points
Returns: values are the price level where and if a new HH or LL was detected, else na
method init(this)
Namespace types: OrderBlockConfig
this (OrderBlockConfig)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
this (OrderBlock)
method clear_broken(this, broken_buffer)
INTERNAL: delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
Namespace types: map
this (map)
broken_buffer (map)
Returns: any_bull_ob_broken, any_bear_ob_broken, broken signals are true if an according order block was broken/mitigated, broken contains the broken block(s)
create_ob(id, mode, start_t, start_i, top, end_t, end_i, bottom, break_price, early_confirmation_price, config, init_plot, force_overlay)
INTERNAL: set internal order block coordinates
id (int)
mode (int) : 1: bullish, -1 bearish block
start_t (int)
start_i (int)
top (float)
end_t (int)
end_i (int)
bottom (float)
break_price (float)
early_confirmation_price (float)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
Returns: signals are true if an according order block was broken/mitigated
method align_to_profile(block, align_edge, align_break_price)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
align_edge (bool)
align_break_price (bool)
method create_profile(block, opens, tops, bottoms, closes, values, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, args, init_calculated, init_plot, force_overlay)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
opens (array)
tops (array)
bottoms (array)
closes (array)
values (array)
resolution (int)
vah_pc (float)
val_pc (float)
args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
init_calculated (bool)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
method create_profile(block, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, args, init_calculated, init_plot, force_overlay)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
resolution (int)
vah_pc (float)
val_pc (float)
args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
init_calculated (bool)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
track_obs(swing_len, hh, ll, top, btm, bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, bear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, min_block_size, max_block_size, config_bull, config_bear, init_plot, force_overlay, enabled, extend_blocks, clear_broken_buffer_before, align_edge_to_value_area, align_break_price_to_poc, profile_args_bull, profile_args_bear, use_soft_confirm, soft_confirm_offset, use_retracements_with_FVG_out)
swing_len (int)
hh (float)
ll (float)
top (float)
btm (float)
bull_bos_alert (bool)
bull_choch_alert (bool)
bear_bos_alert (bool)
bear_choch_alert (bool)
min_block_size (float)
max_block_size (float)
config_bull (OrderBlockConfig)
config_bear (OrderBlockConfig)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
enabled (bool)
extend_blocks (simple bool)
clear_broken_buffer_before (simple bool)
align_edge_to_value_area (simple bool)
align_break_price_to_poc (simple bool)
profile_args_bull (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
profile_args_bear (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
use_soft_confirm (simple bool)
soft_confirm_offset (float)
use_retracements_with_FVG_out (simple bool)
method draw(this, config, extend_only)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
this (OrderBlock)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
extend_only (bool)
method draw(blocks, config)
INTERNAL: plot order blocks
Namespace types: array
blocks (array)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
method draw(blocks, config)
INTERNAL: plot order blocks
Namespace types: map
blocks (map)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
method cleanup(this, ob_bull, ob_bear)
removes all Profiles that are older than the latest OrderBlock from this profile buffer
Namespace types: array
this (array type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
ob_bull (OrderBlock)
ob_bear (OrderBlock)
_plot_swing_points(mode, x, y, show_swing_points, linecolor_swings, keep_history, show_latest_swings_levels, trail_x, trail_y, trend)
INTERNAL: plot swing points
mode (int) : 1: bullish, -1 bearish block
x (int) : x-coordingate of swing point to plot (bar_index)
y (float) : y-coordingate of swing point to plot (price)
show_swing_points (bool) : switch to enable/disable plotting of swing point labels
linecolor_swings (color) : color for swing point labels and lates level lines
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
show_latest_swings_levels (bool)
trail_x (int) : x-coordinate for latest swing point (bar_index)
trail_y (float) : y-coordinate for latest swing point (price)
trend (int) : the current trend 1: bullish, -1: bearish, to determine Strong/Weak Low/Highs
_pivot_lvl(mode, trend, hhll_x, hhll, super_hhll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks)
INTERNAL: detect whether a structural level has been broken and if it was in trend direction (BoS) or against trend direction (ChoCh), also track the latest high and low swing points
mode (simple int) : detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish pivot points
trend (int) : current trend direction
hhll_x (int) : x-coordinate of newly detected hh/ll (bar_index)
hhll (float) : y-coordinate of newly detected hh/ll (price)
super_hhll (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior hhll (if this is an internal structure pivot level)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool) : if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
Returns: coordinates of internal structure that has been broken (x,y): start of structure, (trail_x, trail_y): tracking hh/ll after structure break, (bos_alert, choch_alert): signal whether a structural level has been broken
_plot_structure(x, y, is_bos, is_choch, line_color, line_style, label_style, label_size, keep_history)
INTERNAL: plot structural breaks (BoS/ChoCh)
x (int) : x-coordinate of newly broken structure (bar_index)
y (float) : y-coordinate of newly broken structure (price)
is_bos (bool) : whether this structural break was in trend direction
is_choch (bool) : whether this structural break was against trend direction
line_color (color) : color for the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
line_style (string) : style (line.style_dashed/solid) for the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
label_style (string) : style (label.style_label_down/up) for the label above/below the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
label_size (string) : size (size.small/tiny) for the label above/below the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
structure_values(length, super_hh, super_ll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
length (simple int) : lookback period for swing point detection
super_hh (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior hh (for internal structure detection)
super_ll (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior ll (for internal structure detection)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool) : if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
Returns: trend: direction 1:bullish -1:bearish, (bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, top_x, top_y, trail_up_x, trail_up): whether and which level broke in a bullish direction, trailing high, (bbear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, tm_x, btm_y, trail_dn_x, trail_dn): same in bearish direction
structure_plot(trend, bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, top_x, top_y, trail_up_x, trail_up, hh, bear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, btm_x, btm_y, trail_dn_x, trail_dn, ll, color_bull, color_bear, show_swing_points, show_latest_swings_levels, show_bos, show_choch, line_style, label_size, keep_history)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
trend (int) : crrent trend 1: bullish, -1: bearish
bull_bos_alert (bool) : if there was a bullish bos alert -> plot it
bull_choch_alert (bool) : if there was a bullish choch alert -> plot it
top_x (int) : latest shwing high x
top_y (float) : latest swing high y
trail_up_x (int) : trailing high x
trail_up (float) : trailing high y
hh (float) : if there was a higher high
bear_bos_alert (bool) : if there was a bearish bos alert -> plot it
bear_choch_alert (bool) : if there was a bearish chock alert -> plot it
btm_x (int) : latest swing low x
btm_y (float) : latest swing low y
trail_dn_x (int) : trailing low x
trail_dn (float) : trailing low y
ll (float) : if there was a lower low
color_bull (color) : color for bullish BoS/ChoCh levels
color_bear (color) : color for bearish BoS/ChoCh levels
show_swing_points (bool) : whether to plot swing point labels
show_latest_swings_levels (bool) : whether to track and plot latest swing point levels with lines
show_bos (bool) : whether to plot BoS levels
show_choch (bool) : whether to plot ChoCh levels
line_style (string) : whether to plot BoS levels
label_size (string) : label size of plotted BoS/ChoCh levels
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
structure(length, color_bull, color_bear, super_hh, super_ll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks, show_swing_points, show_latest_swings_levels, show_bos, show_choch, line_style, label_size, keep_history, enabled)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
length (simple int) : lookback period for swing point detection
color_bull (color) : color for bullish BoS/ChoCh levels
color_bear (color) : color for bearish BoS/ChoCh levels
super_hh (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior hh (for internal structure detection)
super_ll (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior ll (for internal structure detection)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool) : if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
show_swing_points (bool) : whether to plot swing point labels
show_latest_swings_levels (bool) : whether to track and plot latest swing point levels with lines
show_bos (bool) : whether to plot BoS levels
show_choch (bool) : whether to plot ChoCh levels
line_style (string) : whether to plot BoS levels
label_size (string) : label size of plotted BoS/ChoCh levels
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
enabled (bool)
_check_equal_level(mode, len, eq_threshold, enabled)
INTERNAL: detect equal levels (double top/bottom)
mode (int) : detect 1: bullish/high, -1 bearish/low pivot points
len (int) : lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
eq_threshold (float) : maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
enabled (bool)
Returns: eq_alert whether an equal level was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point
_plot_equal_level(show_eq, x1, y1, x2, y2, label_txt, label_style, label_size, line_color, line_style, keep_history)
INTERNAL: plot equal levels (double top/bottom)
show_eq (bool) : whether to plot the level or not
x1 (int) : x-coordinate of the first level / swing point
y1 (float) : y-coordinate of the first level / swing point
x2 (int) : x-coordinate of the second level / swing point
y2 (float) : y-coordinate of the second level / swing point
label_txt (string) : text for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
label_style (string) : style (label.style_label_down/up) for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
label_size (string) : size (size.tiny) for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
line_color (color) : color for the line connecting the equal levels (and it's label)
line_style (string) : style (line.style_dotted) for the line connecting the equal levels
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
equal_levels_values(len, threshold, enabled)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom), returns coordinates
len (int) : lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
threshold (float) : maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
Returns: (eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2) whether an equal high was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point, (eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2) same for equal lows
equal_levels_plot(eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2, color_eqh, color_eql, show, keep_history)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom), returns coordinates
eqh_x1 (int) : coordinates of first point of equal high
eqh_y1 (float) : coordinates of first point of equal high
eqh_x2 (int) : coordinates of second point of equal high
eqh_y2 (float) : coordinates of second point of equal high
eql_x1 (int) : coordinates of first point of equal low
eql_y1 (float) : coordinates of first point of equal low
eql_x2 (int) : coordinates of second point of equal low
eql_y2 (float) : coordinates of second point of equal low
color_eqh (color) : color for the line connecting the equal highs (and it's label)
color_eql (color) : color for the line connecting the equal lows (and it's label)
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
Returns: (eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2) whether an equal high was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point, (eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2) same for equal lows
equal_levels(len, threshold, color_eqh, color_eql, enabled, show, keep_history)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom)
len (int) : lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
threshold (float) : maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
color_eqh (color) : color for the line connecting the equal highs (and it's label)
color_eql (color) : color for the line connecting the equal lows (and it's label)
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
Returns: (eqh_alert) whether an equal high was detected, (eql_alert) same for equal lows
_detect_fvg(mode, enabled, o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf)
INTERNAL: detect FVG (fair value gap)
mode (int) : detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish gaps
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
o (float) : reference source open
h (float) : reference source high
l (float) : reference source low
c (float) : reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool) : whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool) : signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
Returns: whether a new FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels
_clear_broken_fvg(mode, upper_boxes, lower_boxes)
INTERNAL: clear mitigated FVGs (fair value gaps)
mode (int) : detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish gaps
upper_boxes (array) : array that stores the upper parts of the FVG boxes
lower_boxes (array) : array that stores the lower parts of the FVG boxes
_plot_fvg(mode, show, top, mid, btm, border_color, extend_box)
INTERNAL: plot (and clear broken) FVG (fair value gap)
mode (int) : plot 1: bullish, -1 bearish gap
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
top (float) : top level of fvg
mid (float) : center level of fvg
btm (float) : bottom level of fvg
border_color (color) : color for the FVG box
extend_box (int) : how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
fvgs_values(o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf, enabled)
detect (and plot / clear broken) FVGs (fair value gaps), and return alerts and level values
o (float) : reference source open
h (float) : reference source high
l (float) : reference source low
c (float) : reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool) : whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool) : signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
Returns: (bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm): whether a new bullish FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels, (bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm): same for bearish FVGs
fvgs_plot(bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm, bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm, color_bull, color_bear, extend_box, show)
bullish_fvg_alert (bool)
bull_top (float)
bull_mid (float)
bull_btm (float)
bearish_fvg_alert (bool)
bear_top (float)
bear_mid (float)
bear_btm (float)
color_bull (color) : color for bullish FVG boxes
color_bear (color) : color for bearish FVG boxes
extend_box (int) : how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
Returns: (bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm): whether a new bullish FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels, (bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm): same for bearish FVGs
fvgs(o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf, color_bull, color_bear, extend_box, enabled, show)
detect (and plot / clear broken) FVGs (fair value gaps)
o (float) : reference source open
h (float) : reference source high
l (float) : reference source low
c (float) : reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool) : whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool) : signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
color_bull (color) : color for bullish FVG boxes
color_bear (color) : color for bearish FVG boxes
extend_box (int) : how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
Returns: (bullish_fvg_alert): whether a new bullish FVG was detected, (bearish_fvg_alert): same for bearish FVGs
id (series int)
dir (series int)
left_top (chart.point)
right_bottom (chart.point)
break_price (series float)
early_confirmation_price (series float)
ltf_high (array)
ltf_low (array)
ltf_volume (array)
plot (Box type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
profile (Profile type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
trailing (series bool)
extending (series bool)
awaiting_confirmation (series bool)
touched_break_price_before_confirmation (series bool)
soft_confirmed (series bool)
has_fvg_out (series bool)
hidden (series bool)
broken (series bool)
show (series bool)
show_last (series int)
show_id (series bool)
show_profile (series bool)
args (BoxArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
txt (series string)
txt_args (BoxTextArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
delete_when_broken (series bool)
broken_args (BoxArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
broken_txt (series string)
broken_txt_args (BoxTextArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
broken_profile_args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
use_profile (series bool)
profile_args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
Premium & Discount Delta Volume [BigBeluga]Premium & Discount Delta Volume is an advanced volume-based tool that helps traders identify zones of market imbalances by using the concepts of premium and discount pricing, commonly taught by ICT trader. It calculates and highlights periods where the market is trading at a premium (selling pressure is stronger) or a discount (buying pressure is stronger) and dynamically plots these zones over time. The indicator also calculates delta volume between buying and selling within these zones, showing shifts in market sentiment and potential areas for reversals or continuations.
The Premium & Discount Delta Volume indicator is rooted in the ICT (Inner Circle Trader) concept of premium and discount zones. This concept divides the price action into two key zones:
Premium Zone : This area is where the market is trading at a level where sellers dominate, leading to more selling pressure. The idea is that the price is overvalued, and a potential drop could occur as the market reverts to a balanced state.
Discount Zone : This area is where the market is undervalued, with buyers dominating and applying upward pressure. Prices in this area often indicate opportunities to buy into strength as the market moves back to equilibrium.
At the core of the indicator is the delta volume, which measures the difference between buying and selling pressure within the premium and discount zones. When the delta volume is negative, it signals a downtrend with more selling pressure, while a positive delta volume signals an uptrend with more buying pressure. These zones and their associated delta values update dynamically, providing traders with real-time insights into market strength and potential price reversals.
The equilibrium in the middle of the premium and discount zones represents the balance point between buyers and sellers. When price moves away from equilibrium, it either enters the premium zone (potentially overbought) or the discount zone (potentially oversold), helping traders make more informed decisions based on volume and price structure.
Premium & Discount Zones:
The indicator automatically identifies and plots premium and discount zones on the chart. Premium zones count only negative (selling) volume, while discount zones count only positive (buying) volume. These zones are key areas of interest for identifying potential price reversals or continuations based on volume pressure.
Dynamic Delta Volume Calculation:
The indicator calculates delta volume between the premium and discount zones, showing the imbalance between buyers and sellers. A positive delta volume inside the discount zone suggests strong buying pressure, while a negative delta inside the premium zone suggests strong selling pressure. This helps traders quickly identify trends or market exhaustion.
Up Trend:
Down Trend:
Real-time Updates & Equilibrium Line:
The zones update dynamically every 100 bars or after price crosses them, ensuring that traders always have the most relevant market data. The equilibrium line in the middle of the zones helps traders gauge whether the market is balanced or moving into overbought (premium) or oversold (discount) territory.
Macro and Local Period Calculations:
The indicator allows traders to customize two different periods for analysis: a smaller lookback period (e.g., 50 bars) for short-term price action and a macro period (e.g., 200 bars) for larger trends. Each period has its own premium and discount zones, allowing for a multi-timeframe view of market strength.
Color-coded background for Volume Pressure:
The background color of the smaller period premium and discount box changes based on delta volume. A positive delta turns the background blue, indicating higher buy pressure, while a negative delta turns the background red, signaling higher sell pressure.
Toggle Premium & Discount: Traders can choose to display support and resistance levels based on the high and low points of the premium and discount zones.
Premium & Discount Lookback Period: Traders can adjust the lookback period to define the length of price action to be analyzed for premium and discount zones. A shorter period focuses on more recent market activity, while a longer period provides a broader view of trends.
Macro Highs/Lows Period: The indicator also offers a macro lookback period for identifying larger market trends and key levels of buying or selling volume.
Toggle Macro Levels: Macro levels help identify long-term price extremes, and traders can toggle this feature on or off as needed.
Market Structure Inducements ICT [TradinFinder] CHoch BOS Sweeps🔵 Introduction
Market Structure is the foundation for identifying trends in the market, crucial in technical analysis and strategies like ICT and SMC. Understanding key concepts such as Break of Structure (BOS) and Change of Character (CHOCH) helps traders recognize critical shifts in the market. BOS, referring to a Market Structure Change (BMS), and CHOCH or Market Structure Shift (MSS) signal trend reversals in the market.
Additionally, the concept of Inducement, a vital tool in Smart Money strategies, allows traders to avoid price traps. Identifying valid pullback, valid inducement, POI, and Liquidity Grab helps traders find optimal entry and exit points and leverage Smart Money movements effectively.
Bullish Market Structure :
Bearish Market Structure :
🔵 How to Use
The Market Structure indicator is designed to help traders better understand market structure and detect price traps. By using this indicator, you can identify the right entry and exit points based on structural changes in the market and avoid unprofitable trades. Below, we explain the key concepts and how to apply them in trading.
🟣 Market Structure
Market Structure refers to the overall pattern of price movement in the market. Using this indicator, traders can identify uptrends and downtrends and make better trading decisions based on changes in market structure. The two key concepts here are Break of Structure (BOS) and Change of Character (CHOCH).
Change of Character (CHOCH) : CHOCH occurs when the market shifts from an uptrend to a downtrend or vice versa. These changes typically indicate a broader trend reversal, and the indicator assists you in identifying them accurately.
Break of Structure (BOS) : When the market breaks a key support or resistance level, it signals a change in market structure. This indicator helps you identify these breakouts in time and take advantage of trading opportunities.
🟣 Inducement
Inducement refers to price traps set by Smart Money to trick retail traders into making the wrong trades. This indicator helps you recognize these traps and avoid unprofitable trades.
Valid Inducement : Valid Inducement refers to deliberately created price traps by major market players to gather liquidity from retail traders. Once the market has collected sufficient liquidity, it makes the real move, and professional traders use this moment to enter.
🟣 Valid Pullback
A Valid Pullback refers to a temporary market retracement, indicating a price correction within the main trend. This concept is crucial in technical analysis as it helps traders enter trades at the right time and profit from the continuation of the trend. The Market Structure indicator can identify these valid retracements, allowing traders to enter trades with greater confidence.
🟣 Point of Interest (POI)
Another important concept in market analysis is the Point of Interest (POI), referring to key price areas on the chart. POI includes zones where significant price movements are likely to occur. The Market Structure indicator helps you locate these key points and use them as entry signals for trades.
🟣 Liquidity Grab
Liquidity Grab refers to a scenario where the market intentionally moves to areas where retail traders' stop losses are placed. The goal is to gather liquidity, allowing major players to execute trades at better prices. By using this indicator, you can spot these liquidity grabs and avoid falling into price traps.
🔵 Setting
ChoCh Detector Period : The period of identifying the major market levels that occur when they break ChoCh.
BoS & Liquidity Detector Period : The period of identifying minor levels, which are used to identify BoS and Liquidity levels.
Inducement Detector Period : The period of identification of Inducement levels.
Fast Trend Detector : This feature will help you update the major market structure levels sooner.
Inducement Type Detector : Two modes "Sweeps" and "Total" can be used to identify the levels of Inducement. In "Sweeps" mode only Levels detected by touch shadow. In "Total" mode, all Levels are detected.
🔵 Conclusion
In financial market analysis and forex trading, identifying Market Structure and Inducement is crucial. Market Structure helps you detect uptrends and downtrends, and understand Break of Structure (BOS) and Change of Character (CHOCH). The concept of Inducement also enables traders to spot Smart Money price traps and avoid unprofitable trades.
The Market Structure indicator is a powerful tool that, by analyzing the market structure and concepts like valid pullback and valid inducement, helps you make more precise trade entries. Additionally, by identifying POI and Liquidity Grab, the indicator gives you the ability to spot key market zones and use them to your advantage in trading.
Market Structure Trailing Stop [BigBeluga]The Market Structure Trailing Stop indicator is an advanced tool for identifying market structure shifts, liquidity sweeps, and potential trend reversals using comprehensive volume analysis. This indicator combines the analysis of market structure pivots (CHoCH - Change of Character) with a sophisticated volume-based trailing stop logic. By evaluating delta volume at key structural points, it allows traders to identify high-probability trend continuations or reversals and manage their trades more effectively.
● Market Structure Analysis
Pivot-Based Market Structure : The indicator identifies high and lows using user-defined periods, allowing traders to spot key market structure shifts.
Change of Character (CHoCH) : The first significant break of a market structure is marked as a CHoCH, indicating a potential trend reversal.
Break of Structure (BoS) : The indicator highlights subsequent breaks of structure after CHoCH, providing traders with crucial insights into trend strength.
● Advanced Volume Analysis
Delta Volume Evaluation : The indicator calculates delta volume (difference between up and down volume) at each ChoCh or BoS market structure point to assess the strength of the move. Identify Delta Volume from break point back to Pivot
● Trailing Stop Logic
Volume-Validated Trailing Stop : The indicator automatically plots a trailing stop if the delta volume at the UP CHoCH is positive and above the defined threshold and vice versa for Down CHoCH , allowing traders to protect their profits while riding the trend.
Trend Weakness Detection : If a subsequent BoS occurs with negative delta volume or lower volume than the input threshold, the trailing stop disappears, indicating potential trend exhaustion or reversal.
Dynamic Stop Placement : The trailing stop is dynamically adjusted based on market structure and volume, providing traders with a more adaptive stop-loss strategy.
Up Trend Trailing Stop:
Down Trend Trailing Stop:
● Liquidity Sweep Detection
Liquidity Sweep (X) Labels : The indicator identifies liquidity sweeps—points where the price temporarily reverses to sweep liquidity above or below a key level—marked with an “X” label.
Potential Reversal Zones : These liquidity sweeps are potential reversal zones, especially when accompanied by significant delta volume changes, providing traders with early warnings of potential trend reversals.
● Identifying Market Structure Shifts
Change of Character (CHoCH) : When a CHoCH occurs, the indicator calculates the total volume from the high point to the break point. If the delta volume is positive and exceeds the input threshold, a trailing stop is plotted, signaling potential trend continuation.
Break of Structure (BoS) : If BoS is enabled, subsequent breaks of structure are highlighted. If these BoS points show weaker volume or negative delta volume, the trailing stop will disappear, indicating that the trend may be losing strength.
● Using the Trailing Stop Feature
Protecting Profits : Once a CHoCH occurs and the delta volume validates the trend, the trailing stop will be plotted below (or above) the price to protect profits while allowing the trend to run.
Trend Reversal Signals : If the trailing stop disappears due to weak volume at subsequent BoS points, it may signal that the trend is losing momentum, and traders may consider closing their positions or tightening their stops manually.
● Liquidity Sweep Interpretation
Spotting Reversal Zones : Liquidity sweeps, marked with an “X” label, indicate zones where the price has swept liquidity. These areas can serve as potential reversal zones, especially when significant delta volume is observed at these points.
Early Reversal Warnings : Traders can use these liquidity sweep labels as early warnings for potential trend reversals, particularly in conjunction with other technical analysis methods.
Highs and Lows Calculation : Customize the number of bars to the left and right for identifying pivots and market structure shifts.
Volume Threshold : Define the volume threshold to filter out weaker moves and focus on significant market structure shifts.
BoS and Liquidity Sweep Labels : Toggle on or off the BoS and Liquidity Sweep labels to tailor the indicator to your trading style.
Trend Color : Enable or disable trend coloring for candles to visually highlight uptrends and downtrends on the chart.
The Market Structure Trailing Stop indicator combines advanced volume analysis with market structure detection to provide traders with a powerful tool for identifying and managing trends. By leveraging delta volume at key structure points, it helps traders validate trend strength and manage their positions with a dynamic trailing stop strategy. The addition of liquidity sweep detection further enhances its utility, offering early warnings of potential trend reversals. This indicator is ideal for traders who want to gain a deeper understanding of market structure while incorporating volume-based insights into their trading strategies.
Fair Value Gap & Gap Profile [BigBeluga]This indicator is designed to help traders identify and utilize fair value gaps on price charts and analyze volume at these points. These gaps, formed by significant price movements, can act as key support and resistance levels. The indicator enhances trading strategies by visually representing these gaps, making it easier for traders to spot potential entry and exit points.
⦿ What Is A Fair Value Gap?
Before diving into the practical use of the Fair Value Gap in trading, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what it is and how to identify it on your charts. The Fair Value Gap, or FVG , is a widely utilized tool among price action traders to detect market inefficiencies or imbalances. Sometimes you will even see them labeled as inefficiencies by other traders. These imbalances arise when buying or selling pressure is significant, resulting in a large upward or downward move, leaving behind an imbalance in the market.
The idea behind FVGs is that the market will eventually come back to these inefficiencies in the market before continuing in the same direction as the initial impulsive move. FVGs are important since traders can achieve an edge in the market. Price action traders can also use these imbalances as entry or exit points in the market.
By visually representing gaps and their profile, the Fair Value Gap (FVG) & Gap Profile indicator provides a historical overview of gaps within a specified lookback period, showing the distribution and density of gaps across different price levels. This insight helps traders identify zones where the price tends to move more fluidly, often encountering less resistance. High points on the Gap Profile indicate areas where gaps have occurred frequently in the past, which could serve as potential breakout or breakdown zones.
⦿ Key Features:
● Gap Detection and Visualization:
- Identifies Bullish and Bearish Gaps: Highlights gaps where the price moved significantly up or down along with a volume. Intensivity of color show strength of FVG by volume
- Filter for Significant Gaps: Allows users to filter out insignificant gaps, ensuring only relevant gaps are displayed.
● Customizable Display Options:
- Shows Filled Gaps: Option to display gaps that have been filled, aiding in the analysis of historical price movements.
- Displays Filled Gap Levels: Highlights the levels of filled gaps.
● Gap Profile:
Gap Profile Insight: The Gap Profile feature shows the distribution of gaps over a specified lookback period. High points on the FVG Profile indicate areas with a significant number of gaps in the past. These high points are signs of low resistance for price movement. Consequently, at these points, the price tends to move more easily without encountering strong resistance. Traders can use this information to identify potential breakout or breakdown zones where price action is likely to be more fluid.
● Grab Liquidity Detection:
- Collect liquidity Signals: Plots markers on the chart where price interacts with gap levels, providing potential trade signals based on liquidity.
⦿ How Traders Can Use This Indicator:
- Plan Trades: Use gaps as potential entry and exit points, based on whether the price is approaching, filling, or moving away from a gap.
- Analyze Market Trends: Understand historical price movements by analyzing filled gaps and their impact on current price action.
- Analyze Gap Profile: Identify zones where the price tends to move more fluidly, often encountering less resistance. High points on the Gap Profile indicate areas where gaps have occurred frequently in the past, which could serve as potential breakout or breakdown zones.
- Price imbalance: market will eventually come back to these inefficiencies and fill them. inefficiencies or imbalances in the market usually act as a magnet for price.
By incorporating the Fair Value Gap & Gap Profile indicator into their trading strategy, traders can gain a clearer understanding of market dynamics and make more informed trading decisions.
Price Action Smart Money Concepts [BigBeluga]THE SMART MONEY CONCEPTS Toolkit
The Smart Money Concepts [ BigBeluga ] is a comprehensive toolkit built around the principles of "smart money" behavior, which refers to the actions and strategies of institutional investors.
The Smart Money Concepts Toolkit brings together a suite of advanced indicators that are all interconnected and built around a unified concept: understanding and trading like institutional investors, or "smart money." These indicators are not just randomly chosen tools; they are features of a single overarching framework, which is why having them all in one place creates such a powerful system.
This all-in-one toolkit provides the user with a unique experience by automating most of the basic and advanced concepts on the chart, saving them time and improving their trading ideas.
Real-time market structure analysis simplifies complex trends by pinpointing key support, resistance, and breakout levels.
Advanced order block analysis leverages detailed volume data to pinpoint high-demand zones, revealing internal market sentiment and predicting potential reversals. This analysis utilizes bid/ask zones to provide supply/demand insights, empowering informed trading decisions.
Imbalance Concepts (FVG and Breakers) allows traders to identify potential market weaknesses and areas where price might be attracted to fill the gap, creating opportunities for entry and exit.
Swing failure patterns help traders identify potential entry points and rejection zones based on price swings.
Liquidity Concepts, our advanced liquidity algorithm, pinpoints high-impact events, allowing you to predict market shifts, strong price reactions, and potential stop-loss hunting zones. This gives traders an edge to make informed trading decisions based on liquidity dynamics.
The indicator has quite a lot of features that are provided below:
Swing market structure
Internal market structure
Mapping structure
Adjustable market structure
Strong/Weak H&L
Volumetric Order block / Breakers
Fair Value Gaps / Breakers (multi-timeframe)
Swing Failure Patterns (multi-timeframe)
Deviation area
Equal H&L
Liquidity Prints
Buyside & Sellside
Sweep Area
Highs and Lows (multi-timeframe)
The preceding image illustrates the market structure functionality within the Smart Money Concepts indicator.
➤ Solid lines: These represent the core indicator's internal structure, forming the foundation for most other components. They visually depict the overall market direction and identify major reversal points marked by significant price movements (denoted as 'x').
➤ Internal Structure: These represent an alternative internal structure with the potential to drive more rapid market shifts. This is particularly relevant when a significant gap exists in the established swing structure, specifically between the Break of Structure (BOS) and the most recent Change of High/Low (CHoCH). Identifying these formations can offer opportunities for quicker entries and potential short-term reversals.
➤ Sweeps (x): These signify potential turning points in the market where liquidity is removed from the structure. This suggests a possible trend reversal and presents crucial entry opportunities. Sweeps are identified within both swing and internal structures, providing valuable insights for informed trading decisions.
➤ Mapping structure: A tool that automatically identifies and connects significant price highs and lows, creating a zig-zag pattern. It visualizes market structure, highlights trends, support/resistance levels, and potential breakouts. Helps traders quickly grasp price action patterns and make informed decisions.
➤ Color-coded candles based on market structure: These colors visually represent the underlying market structure, making it easier for traders to quickly identify trends.
➤ Extreme H&L: It visualizes market structure with extreme high and lows, which gives perspective for macro Market Structure.
Order blocks are specific areas on a financial chart where significant buying or selling activity has occurred. These are not just simple zones; they contain valuable information about market dynamics. Within each of these order blocks, volume bars represent the actual buying and selling activity that took place. These volume bars offer deeper insights into the strength of the order block by showing how much buying or selling power is concentrated in that specific zone.
Additionally, these order blocks can be transformed into Breaker Blocks. When an order block fails—meaning the price breaks through this zone without reversing—it becomes a breaker block. Breaker blocks are particularly useful for trading breakouts, as they signal that the market has shifted beyond a previously established zone, offering opportunities for traders to enter in the direction of the breakout.
Here's a breakdown:
➤ Bear Order Blocks (Red): These are zones where a lot of selling happened. Traders see these areas as places where sellers were strong, pushing the price down. When the price returns to these zones, it might face resistance and drop again.
➤ Bull Order Blocks (Green): These are zones where a lot of buying happened. Traders see these areas as places where buyers were strong, pushing the price up. When the price returns to these zones, it might find support and rise again.
These Order Blocks help traders identify potential areas for entering or exiting trades based on past market activity. The volume bars inside blocks show the amount of trading activity that occurred in these blocks, giving an idea of the strength of buying or selling pressure.
➤ Breaker Block: When an order block fails, meaning the price breaks through this zone without reversing, it becomes a breaker block. This indicates a significant shift in market liquidity and structure.
➤ A bearish breaker block occurs after a bullish order block fails. This typically happens when there's an upward trend, and a certain level that was expected to support the market's rise instead gives way, leading to a sharp decline. This decline indicates that sellers have overcome the buyers, absorbing liquidity and shifting the sentiment from bullish to bearish.
Conversely, a bullish breaker block is formed from the failure of a bearish order block. In a downtrend, when a level that was expected to act as resistance is breached, and the price shoots up, it signifies that buyers have taken control, overpowering the sellers.
A fair value gap (FVG), also referred to as an imbalance, is an essential concept in Smart Money trading. It highlights the supply and demand dynamics. This gap arises when there's a notable difference between the volume of buy and sell orders. FVGs can be found across various asset classes, including forex, commodities, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.
FVGs in this toolkit have the ability to detect raids of FVG which helps to identify potential price reversals.
Mitigation option helps to change from what source FVGs will be identified: Close, Wicks or AVG.
The Swing Failure Pattern is a liquidity engineering pattern, generally used to fill large orders. This means, the SFP generally occurs when larger players push the price into liquidity pockets with the sole objective of filling their own positions.
SFP is a technical analysis tool designed to identify potential market reversals. It works by detecting instances where the price briefly breaks a previous high or low but fails to maintain that breakout, quickly reversing direction.
How it works:
Pattern Detection: The indicator scans for price movements that breach recent highs or lows.
Reversal Confirmation: If the price quickly reverses after breaching these levels, it's identified as an SFP.
➤ SFP Display:
Bullish SFP: Marked with a green symbol when price drops below a recent low before reversing upwards.
Bearish SFP: Marked with a red symbol when price rises above a recent high before reversing downwards.
➤ Deviation Levels: After detecting an SFP, the indicator projects white lines showing potential price deviation:
For bullish SFPs, the deviation line appears above the current price.
For bearish SFPs, the deviation line appears below the current price.
These deviation levels can serve as a potential trading opportunity or areas where the reversal might lose momentum.
With Volume Threshold and Filtering of SFP traders can adjust their trading style:
Volume Threshold: This setting allows traders to filter SFPs based on the volume of the reversal candle. By setting a higher volume threshold, traders can focus on potentially more significant reversals that are backed by higher trading activity.
SFP Filtering: This feature enables traders to filter SFP detection. It includes parameters such as:
➤ Equal Lows (EQL) and Equal Highs (EQH) are important concepts in liquidity-based trading.
EQL: A series of two or more swing lows that occur at approximately the same price level.
EQH: A series of two or more swing highs that occur at approximately the same price level.
EQLs and EQHs are seen as potential liquidity pools where a large number of stop loss orders or limit orders may be clustered. They can be used as potential reverse points for trades.
This multi-period feature allows traders to select less and more significant EQL and EQH:
➤ Liquidity wicks:
Liquidity wicks are a minor representation of a stop-loss hunt during the retracement of a pivot point:
➤ Buy and Sell side liquidity:
The buy side liquidity represents a concentration of potential buy orders below the current price level. When price moves into this area, it can lead to increased buying pressure due to the execution of these orders.
The sell side liquidity indicates a pool of potential sell orders below the current price level. Price movement into this area can result in increased selling pressure as these orders are executed.
➤ Sweep Liquidation Zones:
Sweep Liquidation Zones are crucial for understanding market structure and potential future price movements. They provide insights into areas where significant market participants have been forced out of their positions, potentially setting up new trading opportunities.
The core principle behind the success of this toolkit lies in identifying "confluence." This refers to the convergence of multiple trading indicators all signaling the same information at a specific point or area. By seeking such alignment, traders can significantly enhance the likelihood of successful trades.
MS + OBs
The chart illustrates a highly bullish setup where the price is rejecting from a bullish order block (POC), while simultaneously forming a bullish Swing Failure Pattern (SFP). This occurs after an internal structure change, marked by a bullish Change of Character (CHoCH). The price broke through a bearish order block, transforming it into a breaker block, further confirming the bullish momentum.
The combination of these elements—bullish order blocks, SFP, and CHoCH—creates a powerful bullish signal, reinforcing the potential for upward movement in the market.
SFP + Bear OB
This chart above displays a bearish setup with a high probability of a price move lower. The price is currently rejecting from a bear order block, which represents a key resistance area where significant selling pressure has previously occurred. A Swing Failure Pattern (SFP) has also formed near this bear order block, indicating that the price briefly attempted to break above a recent high but failed to sustain that upward movement. This failure suggests that buyers are losing momentum, and the market could be preparing for a move to the downside.
Additionally, we can toggle on the Deviation Area in the SFP section to highlight potential levels where price deviation might occur. These deviation areas represent zones where the price is likely to react after the Swing Failure Pattern:
BUY – SELL sides + EQL
The chart showcases a bullish setup with a high probability of price breaking out of the current sell-side resistance level. The market structure indicates a formation of Equal Lows (EQL), which often suggests a build-up of liquidity that could drive the price higher.
The presence of strong buy-side pressure (69%), indicated by the green zone at the bottom, reinforces this bullish outlook. This area represents a key support zone where buyers are outpacing sellers, providing the foundation for a potential upward breakout.
EQL + Bull ChoCh
This chart illustrates a potential bullish setup, driven by the formation of Equal Lows (EQL) followed by a bullish Change of Character (CHoCH). The presence of Equal Lows often signals a liquidity build-up, which can lead to a reversal when combined with additional bullish signals.
Liquidity grab + Bull ChoCh + FVGs
This chart demonstrates a strong bullish scenario, where several important market dynamics are at play. The price begins its upward momentum from Liquidity grab following a bullish Change of Character (CHoCH), signaling the transition from a bearish phase to a bullish one.
As the price progresses, it performs liquidity grabs, which serve to gather the necessary fuel for further movement. These liquidity grabs often occur before significant price surges, as large market participants exploit these areas to accumulate positions before pushing the price higher.
The chart also highlights a market imbalance area, showing strong momentum as the price moves swiftly through this zone.
In this examples, we see how the combination of multiple “smart money” tools helps identify a potential trade opportunities. This is just one of the many scenarios that traders can spot using this toolkit. Other combinations—such as order blocks, liquidity grabs, fair value gaps, and Swing Failure Patterns (SFPs)—can also be layered on top of these concepts to further refine your trading strategy.
Window: limit calculation period
Swing: limit drawing function
Mapping structure: show structural points
Algorithmic Logic: (Extreme-Adjusted) Use max high/low or pivot point calculation
Algorithmic loopback: pivot point look back
Show Last: Amount of Order block to display
Hide Overlap: hide overlapping order blocks
Construction: Size of the order blocks
Fair value gaps: Choose between normal FVG or Breaker FVG
Mitigation: (close - wick - avg) point to mitigate the order block/imbalance
SFP lookback: find a higher / lower point to improve accuracy
Threshold: remove less relevant SFP
Equal H&L: (short-mid-long term) display longer term
Liquidity Prints: Shows wicks of candles where liquidity was grabbed
Sweep Area: Identify Sweep Liquidation areas
By combining these indicators in one toolkit, traders are equipped with a comprehensive suite of tools that address every angle of the Smart Money Concept. Instead of relying on disparate tools spread across various platforms, having them integrated into a single, cohesive system allows traders to easily see confluence and make more informed trading decisions.
ICT Balanced Price Range [TradingFinder] BPR | FVG + IFVG🔵 Introduction
The ICT Balanced Price Range (BPR) indicator is a valuable tool that helps traders identify key areas on price charts where a balance between buyers and sellers is established. These zones can serve as critical points for potential price reversals or continuations.
🟣 Bullish Balanced Price Range
A Bullish BPR forms when a buying pressure zone (Bullish FVG) overlaps with a Bullish Inversion FVG. This overlap indicates a high probability of price moving upwards, making it a crucial area for traders to consider.
🟣 Bearish Balanced Price Range
Similarly, a Bearish BPR is created when a selling pressure zone (Bearish FVG) overlaps with a Bearish Inversion FVG. This zone is often seen as a key area where the price is likely to move downward.
🔵 How to Use
🟣 Identifying the Balanced Price Range (BPR)
To identify the Balanced Price Range (BPR), you must first locate two Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) on the price chart. One FVG should be on the sell side, and the other on the buy side. When these two FVGs horizontally oppose each other, the area where they overlap is recognized as the Balanced Price Range (BPR).
This BPR zone is highly sensitive to price movements due to the combination of two FVGs, often leading to strong market reactions. As the price approaches this area, the likelihood of a significant market move increases, making it a prime target for professional traders.
🟣 Bullish Balanced Price Range (Bullish BPR)
To effectively trade using a Bullish BPR, begin by identifying a bullish market structure and searching for bullish Price Delivery Arrays (PD Arrays). Once the market structure shifts to bullish in a lower time frame, locate a Bullish FVG within the Discount Zone that overlaps with a Bearish FVG.
Mark this overlapping zone and wait for the price to test it before executing a buy trade. Alternatively, you can set a Buy Limit order with a stop loss below the recent swing low and target profits based on higher time frame liquidity draws.
🟣 Bearish Balanced Price Range (Bearish BPR)
For bearish trades, start by identifying a bearish market structure and look for bearish PD Arrays. After the market structure shifts to bearish in a lower time frame, identify a Bearish FVG within the Discount Zone that overlaps with a Bullish FVG. Mark this overlapping zone and execute a sell trade when the price tests it.
You can also use a Sell Limit order with a stop loss above the recent swing high and target profits according to higher time frame liquidity draws.
🔵 Settings
🟣 Global Settings
Show All Inversion FVG & IFVG : If disabled, only the most recent FVG & IFVG will be displayed.
FVG & IFVG Validity Period (Bar) : Determines the maximum duration (in number of candles) that the FVG and IFVG remain valid.
Switching Colors Theme Mode : Includes three modes: "Off", "Light", and "Dark". "Light" mode adjusts colors for light mode use, "Dark" mode adjusts colors for dark mode use, and "Off" disables color adjustments.
🟣 Display Settings
Show Bullish BPR : Toggles the display of demand-related boxes.
Show Bearish BPR : Toggles the display of supply-related boxes.
Mitigation Level BPR : Options include "Proximal", "Distal", or "50 % OB" modes, which you can choose based on your needs. The "50 % OB" line is the midpoint between distal and proximal.
Show Bullish IFVG : Toggles the display of demand-related boxes.
Show Bearish IFV G: Toggles the display of supply-related boxes.
Mitigation Level FVG and IFVG : Options include "Proximal", "Distal", or "50 % OB" modes, which you can choose based on your needs. The "50 % OB" line is the midpoint between distal and proximal.
🟣 Logic Settings
FVG Filter : This refines the number of identified FVG areas based on a specified algorithm to focus on higher quality signals and reduce noise.
Types of FVG filters :
Very Aggressive Filter : Adds a condition where, for an upward FVG, the last candle's highest price must exceed the middle candle's highest price, and for a downward FVG, the last candle's lowest price must be lower than the middle candle's lowest price. This minimally filters out FVGs.
Aggressive Filter : Builds on the Very Aggressive mode by ensuring the middle candle is not too small, filtering out more FVGs.
Defensive Filter : Adds criteria regarding the size and structure of the middle candle, requiring it to have a substantial body and specific polarity conditions, filtering out a significant number of FVGs.
Very Defensive Filte r: Further refines filtering by ensuring the first and third candles are not small-bodied doji candles, retaining only the highest quality signals.
🟣 Alert Settings
Alert Inversion FVG Mitigation : Enables alerts for Inversion FVG mitigation.
Message Frequency : Determines the frequency of alerts. Options include 'All' (every function call), 'Once Per Bar' (first call within the bar), and 'Once Per Bar Close' (final script execution of the real-time bar). Default is 'Once per Bar'.
Show Alert Time by Time Zone : Configures the time zone for alert messages. Default is 'UTC'.
Display More Info : Provides additional details in alert messages, including price range, date, hour, and minute. Set to 'Off' to exclude this information.
🔵 Conclusion
The ICT Balanced Price Range is a powerful and reliable tool for identifying key points on price charts. This strategy can be applied across various time frames and serves as a complementary tool alongside other indicators and technical analysis methods.
The most crucial aspect of utilizing this strategy effectively is correctly identifying FVGs and their overlapping areas, which comes with practice and experience.
Internal/External Market Structure [UAlgo]The "Internal/External Market Structure " indicator is a tool designed to identify and visualize internal and external market structure based on swing highs and lows. It helps traders understand short-term (internal) and long-term (external) price behavior.
🔶 What are ChoCH and BoS?
Change of Character (ChoCH)
Change of character refers to the reversal of market trend either from bullish to bearish or bearish to bullish. ChoCH is also a break of market structure but in opposite direction.
If market is in bullish trend but it breaks it previous (higher) low and makes a lower low, it will be termed a “bearish change of character” as price changed its trend from bullish to bearish.
Like wise if price is in bearish trend and it breaks its previous (lower) high making a higher high it will be marked as “bullish change of character” as price changed its trend from bearish to bullish.
Break of Structure (BoS)
When price breaks its structure in direction of previous trend its called break of structure (BoS). So its a trend continuation pattern.
As you know in bullish trend price makes higher highs. Each time when price break a previous high and marks a new high its known as bullish break of structure.
But in bearish trend price makes lower lows so every time when price breaks previous low and makes a new low it is called as bearish break of structure.
🔶 Key Features
Internal Swing Length: Allowing for fine-tuning of sensitivity to smaller, more frequent market movements.
External Swing Length: Focusing on capturing broader market trends.
The indicator differentiates between internal and external market structures, using different styles and colors to represent each. Internal structures are shown with solid lines, while external structures use dashed lines, providing clear visual cues.
Internal Market Structure:
The internal market structure focuses on shorter-term swings and is useful for identifying minor trend changes and short-term price movements. Breaks of internal swing highs or lows can indicate potential changes in the market's direction or momentum. The labels "CHoCH" and "BoS" help distinguish between changes in character and break of structure events, respectively.
External Market Structure:
The external market structure captures larger, more significant market moves. It is particularly useful for identifying major trend changes and key support and resistance levels. The dashed lines and corresponding labels "CHoCH+" and "BoS+" indicate more substantial shifts in market sentiment.
For BoS (Break of Structure):
For ChoCH (Change of Character):
🔶 Disclaimer
Use with Caution: This indicator is provided for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Users should exercise caution and perform their own analysis before making trading decisions based on the indicator's signals.
Not Financial Advice: The information provided by this indicator does not constitute financial advice, and the creator (UAlgo) shall not be held responsible for any trading losses incurred as a result of using this indicator.
Backtesting Recommended: Traders are encouraged to backtest the indicator thoroughly on historical data before using it in live trading to assess its performance and suitability for their trading strategies.
Risk Management: Trading involves inherent risks, and users should implement proper risk management strategies, including but not limited to stop-loss orders and position sizing, to mitigate potential losses.
No Guarantees: The accuracy and reliability of the indicator's signals cannot be guaranteed, as they are based on historical price data and past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Price Action Toolkit Lite [UAlgo]The Price Action Toolkit Lite is a comprehensive indicator designed to enhance your chart analysis with advanced price action tools. This powerful toolkit combines multiple technical analysis concepts to provide traders with a clear visualization of market structure, liquidity levels, order blocks, and trend lines. By integrating these elements, the indicator aims to offer a holistic view of price action, helping traders identify potential entry and exit points, as well as key levels of interest in the market.
🔶 Key Features
Market Structure Analysis: The indicator includes a ZigZag feature to highlight significant market highs and lows, aiding in the visualization of market structure changes and trends.
Liquidity Sweeps Detection: It identifies and displays liquidity sweeps, which are crucial for recognizing potential market reversals and areas of interest where significant price action is likely to occur.
Order Blocks: Automatically detects and draws order blocks, highlighting areas of institutional buying and selling pressure, which can serve as key support and resistance levels.
Trend Lines: The toolkit can draw and extend trend lines based on pivot points, providing a clear view of prevailing market trends and potential breakout points.
Customizable Settings: Users can adjust various settings, including the length of the ZigZag, liquidity detection sensitivity, the number of order blocks to display, and trend line detection parameters, allowing for a tailored analysis experience.
🔶 Disclaimer
The "Price Action Toolkit Lite " is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
It is not financial advice and should not be construed as such. Trading in financial markets involves substantial risk, including the risk of loss.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.
🔷 Similar Scripts
Order Blocks & Breaker Blocks [TradingFinder] Signals + Alerts🔵 Introduction
Order Block and Breaker Block, are powerful tools in technical analysis. By understanding these concepts, traders can enhance their ability to predict potential price reversals and continuations, leading to more effective trading strategies.
Using historical price action, volume analysis, and candlestick patterns, traders can identify key areas where institutional activities influence market movements.
🟣 Demand Order Block and Supply Breaker Block
Demand Order Block : A Demand Order Block is formed when the price succeeds in breaking the previous high pivot.
Supply Breaker Block : A Supply Breaker Block is formed when the price succeeds in breaking the Demand Order Block. As a result, the Order Block changes its role and turns from the role of price support to resistance.
🟣 Supply Order Block and Demand Breaker Block
Supply Order Block : A Supply Order Block is formed when the price succeeds in breaking the previous low pivot.
Demand Breaker Block : A Demand Breaker Block is formed when the price succeeds in breaking the Supply Order Block. As a result, the Order Block changes its role and turns from the role of price resistance to support.
🔵 How to Use
🟣 Order Blocks (Supply and Demand)
Order blocks are zones where the likelihood of a price reversal is higher. In demand zones, buying opportunities arise, while in supply zones, selling opportunities can be explored.
The "Refinement" feature allows you to adjust the width of the order block to fit your trading strategy. There are two modes in the "Order Block Refine" feature: "Aggressive" and "Defensive." The primary difference between these modes is the width of the order block.
For risk-averse traders, the "Defensive" mode is ideal as it offers a lower loss limit and a higher reward-to-risk ratio.
Conversely, for traders who are willing to take more risks, the "Aggressive" mode is more suitable. This mode, with its wider order block width, caters to those who prefer entering trades at higher prices.
🟣 Breaker Blocks (Supply and Demand)
Trading based on breaker blocks is the same as order blocks and the price in these zones is likely to be reversed.
🔵 Setting
🟣 Global Setting
Pivot Period of Order Blocks Detector : Enter the desired pivot period to identify the Order Block.
Order Block Validity Period (Bar) : You can specify the maximum time the Order Block remains valid based on the number of candles from the origin.
Mitigation Level Order Block : Determining the basic level of a Order Block. When the price hits the basic level, the Order Block due to mitigation.
Mitigation Level Breaker Block : Determining the basic level of a Breaker Block. When the price hits the basic level, the Breaker Block due to mitigation.
Switching Colors Theme Mode : Three modes "Off", "Light" and "Dark" are included in this parameter. "Light" mode is for color adjustment for use in "Light Mode".
"Dark" mode is for color adjustment for use in "Dark Mode" and "Off" mode turns off the color adjustment function and the input color to the function is the same as the output color.
🟣 Order Block Display
Show All Order Block : If it is turned off, only the last Order Block will be displayed.
Demand Main Order Block : Show or not show and specify color.
Demand Sub (Propulsion & BoS Origin) Order Block : Show or not show and specify color.
Supply Main Order Block : Show or not show and specify color.
Supply Sub (Propulsion & BoS Origin) Order Block : Show or not show and specify color.
🟣 Breaker Block Display
Show All Breaker Block : If it is turned off, only the last Breaker Block will be displayed.
Demand Main Breaker Block : Show or not show and specify color.
Demand Sub (Propulsion & BoS Origin) Breaker Block : Show or not show and specify color.
Supply Main Breaker Block : Show or not show and specify color.
Supply Sub (Propulsion & BoS Origin) Breaker Block : Show or not show and specify color.
🟣 Order Block Refinement
Refine Order Blocks : Enable or disable the refinement feature. Mode selection.
🟣 Alert
Alert Name : The name of the alert you receive.
Alert Demand OB Mitigation :
On / Off
Alert Demand BB Mitigation :
On / Off
Alert Supply OB Mitigation :
On / Off
Alert Supply BB Mitigation :
On / Off
Message Frequency :
This string parameter defines the announcement frequency. Choices include: "All" (activates the alert every time the function is called), "Once Per Bar" (activates the alert only on the first call within the bar), and "Once Per Bar Close" (the alert is activated only by a call at the last script execution of the real-time bar upon closing). The default setting is "Once per Bar".
Show Alert Time by Time Zone :
The date, hour, and minute you receive in alert messages can be based on any time zone you choose. For example, if you want New York time, you should enter "UTC-4". This input is set to the time zone "UTC" by default.
Display More Info :
Displays information about the price range of the order blocks (Zone Price) and the date, hour, and minute under "Display More Info".
If you do not want this information to appear in the received message along with the alert, you should set it to "Off".
ICT Single Candle Order Block (SCOB) [UAlgo]The "ICT Single Candle Order Block (SCOB) " designed for traders who utilize the concept of Order Blocks in their trading strategy. Order Blocks are significant price levels where institutions or smart money have placed their trades, leading to potential future price reactions when these levels are revisited. This indicator focuses on identifying and highlighting Single Candle Order Blocks (SCOBs), allowing traders to visually analyze key price levels on their charts.
🔶 What is Single Candle Order Block (SCOB) ?
A Single Candle Order Block (SCOB) is a specific type of Order Block that is identified based on a single candlestick pattern. These patterns indicate potential areas where significant buying or selling interest has occurred, often leading to a notable price reaction when revisited. In the context of this indicator, a bullish SCOB is identified when a specific bullish candlestick pattern is met, and a bearish SCOB is identified based on a bearish candlestick pattern.
Bullish SCOB: Detected when the open price of two bars ago is higher than its close, the close price of the previous bar is higher than its open, the current close price is higher than the open, the low of the previous bar is lower than the low of two bars ago, and the current close is higher than the high of the previous bar.
Bearish SCOB: Detected when the open price of two bars ago is lower than its close, the close price of the previous bar is lower than its open, the current close price is lower than the open, the high of the previous bar is higher than the high of two bars ago, and the current close is lower than the low of the previous bar.
🔶 Key Features
Show Single Candle Order Block (SCOB): Toggle the visibility of the Single Candle Order Blocks on the chart.
Mitigation Method: Choose between "Close" and "Wick" methods for determining whether a SCOB has been mitigated (price has interacted with the block).
Show Last X SCOBs: Control the number of most recent SCOBs displayed on the chart, allowing you to focus on the most relevant price levels.
Volatility Filter: Enable or disable the volatility filter, which uses the Average True Range (ATR) to filter out less significant SCOBs. When enabled, only SCOBs with an ATR above the mean value of the ATR are displayed.
Customizable Colors: Configure the colors for bullish and bearish SCOBs to enhance visual clarity. The indicator uses cooler RGB values to ensure the blocks are distinct and easily noticeable.
🔶 Disclaimer
The "ICT Single Candle Order Block (SCOB) " indicator is provided for educational and informational purposes only. Trading involves significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Users should use this indicator in conjunction with their own research and trading strategy.
Smart Money Concept [TradingFinder] Major OB + FVG + Liquidity🔵 Introduction
"Smart Money" refers to funds under the control of institutional investors, central banks, funds, market makers, and other financial entities. Ordinary people recognize investments made by those who have a deep understanding of market performance and possess information typically inaccessible to regular investors as "Smart Money".
Consequently, when market movements often diverge from expectations, traders identify the footprints of smart money. For example, when a classic pattern forms in the market, traders take short positions. However, the market might move upward instead. They attribute this contradiction to smart money and seek to capitalize on such inconsistencies in their trades.
The "Smart Money Concept" (SMC) is one of the primary styles of technical analysis that falls under the subset of "Price Action". Price action encompasses various subcategories, with one of the most significant being "Supply and Demand", in which SMC is categorized.
The SMC method aims to identify trading opportunities by emphasizing the impact of large traders (Smart Money) on the market, offering specific patterns, techniques, and trading strategies.
🟣 Key Terms of Smart Money Concept (SMC)
• Market Structure (Trend)
• Change of Character (ChoCh)
• Break of Structure (BoS)
• Order Blocks (Supply and Demand)
• Imbalance (IMB)
• Inefficiency (IFC)
• Fair Value Gap (FVG)
• Liquidity
• Premium and Discount
🔵 How Does the "Smart Money Concept Indicator" Work?
🟣 Market Structure
a. Accumulation
b. Market-Up
c. Distribution
d. Market-Down
a) Accumulation Phase : During the accumulation period, typically following a downtrend, smart money enters the market without significantly affecting the pricing trend.
b) Market-Up Phase : In this phase, the price of an asset moves upward from the accumulation range and begins to rise. Usually, the buying by retail investors is the main driver of this trend, and due to positive market sentiment, it continues.
c) Distribution Phase : The distribution phase, unlike the accumulation stage, occurs after an uptrend. In this phase, smart money attempts to exit the market without causing significant price fluctuations.
d) Market-Down Phase : In this stage, the price of an asset moves downward from the distribution phase, initiating a prolonged downtrend. Smart money liquidates all its positions by creating selling pressure, trapping latecomer investors.
The result of these four phases in the market becomes the market trend.
Types of Trends in Financial Markets :
a. Up-Trend
b. Down Trend
c. Range (No Trend)
a) Up-Trend : The market breaks consecutive highs.
b) Down Trend : The market breaks consecutive lows.
c) No Trend or Range : The market oscillates within a range without breaking either highs or lows.
🟣 Change of Character (ChoCh)
The "ChoCh" or "Change of Character" pattern indicates an initial change in order flow in financial markets. This structural change occurs when a major pivot in the opposite direction of the market trend fails. It signals a potential change in the market trend and can serve as a signal for short-term or long-term trend changes in a trading symbol.
🟣 Break of Structure (BoS)
The "BoS" or "Break of Structure" pattern indicates the continuation of the trend in financial markets. This structure forms when, in an uptrend, the price breaks its ceiling or, in a downtrend, the price breaks its floor.
🟣 Order Blocks (Supply and Demand)
Order blocks consist of supply and demand areas where the likelihood of price reversal is higher. There are six order blocks in this indicator, categorized based on their origin and formation reasons.
a. Demand Main Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
b. Demand Sub Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
c. Demand All Zone, "BoS" Origin.
d. Supply Main Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
e. Supply Sub Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
f. Supply All Zone, "BoS" Origin.
🟣 FVG | Inefficiency | Imbalance
These three terms are almost synonymous. They describe the presence of gaps between consecutive candle shadows. This inefficiency occurs when the market moves rapidly. Primarily, imbalances and these rapid movements stem from the entry of smart money and the imbalance between buyer and seller power. Therefore, identifying these movements is crucial for traders.
These areas are significant because prices often return to fill these gaps or even before they occur to fill price gaps.
🟣 Liquidity
Liquidity zones are areas where there is a likelihood of congestion of stop-loss orders. Liquidity is considered the driving force of the entire market, and market makers may manipulate the market using these zones. However, in many cases, this does not happen because there is insufficient liquidity in some areas.
Types of Liquidity in Financial Markets :
a. Trend Lines
b. Double Tops | Double Bottoms
c. Triple Tops | Triple Bottoms
d. Support Lines | Resistance Lines
All four types of liquidity in this indicator are automatically identified.
🟣 Premium and Discount
Premium and discount zones can assist traders in making better decisions. For instance, they may sell positions in expensive ranges and buy in cheaper ranges. The closer the price is to the major resistance, the more expensive it is, and the closer it is to the major support, the cheaper it is.
🔵 How to Use
🟣 Change of Character (ChoCh) and Break of Structure (BoS)
This indicator detects "ChoCh" and "BoS" in both Minor and Major states. You can turn on the display of these lines by referring to the last part of the settings.
🟣 Order Blocks (Supply and Demand)
Order blocks are Zones where the probability of price reversal is higher. In demand Zones you can buy opportunities and in supply Zones you can check sell opportunities.
The "Refinement" feature allows you to adjust the width of the order block according to your strategy. There are two modes, "Aggressive" and "Defensive," in the "Order Block Refine". The difference between "Aggressive" and "Defensive" lies in the width of the order block.
For risk-averse traders, the "Defensive" mode is suitable as it provides a lower loss limit and a greater reward-to-risk ratio. For risk-taking traders, the "Aggressive" mode is more appropriate. These traders prefer to enter trades at higher prices, and this mode, which has a wider order block width, is more suitable for this group of individuals.
🟣 Fair Value Gap (FVG) | Imbalance (IMB) | Inefficiency (IFC)
In order to identify the "fair value gap" on the chart, it must be analyzed candle by candle. In this process, it is important to pay attention to candles with a large size, and a candle and a candle should be examined before that.
Candles before and after this central candle should have long shadows and their bodies should not overlap with the central candle body. The distance between the shadows of the first and third candles is known as the FVG range.
These areas work in two ways :
• Supply and demand area : In this case, the price reacts to these areas and the trend is reversed.
• Liquidity zone : In this scenario, the price "fills" the zone and then reaches the order block.
Important note : In most cases, the FVG zone of very small width acts as a supply and demand zone, while the zone of significant width acts as a liquidity zone and absorbs price.
When the FVG filter is activated, the FVG regions are filtered based on the specified algorithm.
FVG filter types include the following :
1. Very Aggressive Mode : In addition to the initial condition, an additional condition is considered. For bullish FVG, the maximum price of the last candle must be greater than the maximum price of the middle candle.
Similarly, for a bearish FVG, the minimum price of the last candle must be lower than the minimum price of the middle candle. This mode removes the minimum number of FVGs.
2. Aggressive : In addition to the very aggressive condition, the size of the middle candle is also considered. The size of the center candle should not be small and therefore more FVGs are removed in this case.
3. Defensive : In addition to the conditions of the very aggressive mode, this mode also considers the size of the middle pile, which should be relatively large and make up the majority of the body.
Also, to identify bullish FVGs, the second and third candles must be positive, while for bearish FVGs, the second and third candles must be negative. This mode filters out a significant number of FVGs and keeps only those of good quality.
4. Very Defensive : In addition to the conditions of the defensive mode, in this mode the first and third candles should not be very small-bodied doji candles. This mode filters out most FVGs and only the best quality ones remain.
🟣 Liquidity
These levels are where traders intend to exit their trades. "Market makers" or smart money usually accumulate or distribute their trading positions near these levels, where many retail traders have placed their "stop loss" orders. When liquidity is collected from these losses, the price often reverses.
A "Stop hunt" is a move designed to offset liquidity generated by established stop losses. Banks often use major news events to trigger stop hunts and capture liquidity released into the market. For example, if they intend to execute heavy buy orders, they encourage others to sell through stop-hots.
Consequently, if there is liquidity in the market before reaching the order block area, the validity of that order block is higher. Conversely, if the liquidity is close to the order block, that is, the price reaches the order block before reaching the liquidity limit, the validity of that order block is lower.
🟣 Alert
With the new alert functionality in this indicator, you won't miss any important trading signals. Alerts are activated when the price hits the last order block.
1. It is possible to set alerts for each "symbol" and "time frame". The system will automatically detect both and include them in the warning message.
2. Each alert provides the exact date and time it was triggered. This helps you measure the timeliness of the signal and evaluate its relevance.
3. Alerts include target order block price ranges. The "Proximal" level represents the initial price level strike, while the "Distal" level represents the maximum price gap in the block. These details are included in the warning message.
4. You can customize the alert name through the "Alert Name" entry.
5. Create custom messages for "long" and "short" alerts to be sent with notifications.
🔵 Setting
a. Pivot Period of Order Blocks Detector :
Using this parameter, you can set the zigzag period that is formed based on the pivots.
b. Order Blocks Validity Period (Bar) :
You can set the validity period of each Order Block based on the number of candles that have passed since the origin of the Order Block.
c. Demand Main Zone, "ChoCh" Origin :
You can control the display or not display as well as the color of Demand Main Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
d. Demand Sub Zone, "ChoCh" Origin :
You can control the display or not display as well as the color of Demand Sub Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
e. Demand All Zone, "BoS" Origin :
You can control the display or not display as well as the color of Demand All Zone, "BoS" Origin.
f. Supply Main Zone, "ChoCh" Origin :
You can control the display or not display as well as the color of Supply Main Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
g. Supply Sub Zone, "ChoCh" Origin :
You can control the display or not display as well as the color of Supply Sub Zone, "ChoCh" Origin.
h. Supply All Zone, "BoS" Origin :
You can control the display or not display as well as the color of Supply All Zone, "BoS" Origin.
i. Refine Demand Main : You can choose to be refined or not and also the type of refining.
j. Refine Demand Sub : You can choose to be refined or not and also the type of refining.
k. Refine Demand BoS : You can choose to be refined or not and also the type of refining.
l. Refine Supply Main : You can choose to be refined or not and also the type of refining.
m. Refine Supply Sub : You can choose to be refined or not and also the type of refining.
n. Refine Supply BoS : You can choose to be refined or not and also the type of refining.
o. Show Demand FVG : You can choose to show or not show Demand FVG.
p. Show Supply FVG : You can choose to show or not show Supply FVG
q. FVG Filter : You can choose whether FVG is filtered or not. Also specify the type of filter you want to use.
r. Show Statics High Liquidity Line : Show or not show Statics High Liquidity Line.
s. Show Statics Low Liquidity Line : Show or not show Statics Low Liquidity Line.
t. Show Dynamics High Liquidity Line : Show or not show Dynamics High Liquidity Line.
u. Show Dynamics Low Liquidity Line : Show or not show Dynamics Low Liquidity Line.
v. Statics Period Pivot :
Using this parameter, you can set the Swing period that is formed based on Static Liquidity Lines.
w. Dynamics Period Pivot :
Using this parameter, you can set the Swing period that is formed based Dynamics Liquidity Lines.
x. Statics Liquidity Line Sensitivity :
is a number between 0 and 0.4. Increasing this number decreases the sensitivity of the "Statics Liquidity Line Detection" function and increases the number of lines identified. The default value is 0.3.
y. Dynamics Liquidity Line Sensitivity :
is a number between 0.4 and 1.95. Increasing this number increases the sensitivity of the "Dynamics Liquidity Line Detection" function and decreases the number of lines identified. The default value is 1.
z. Alerts Name : You can customize the alert name using this input and set it to your desired name.
aa. Alert Demand Main Mitigation :
If you want to receive the alert about Demand Main 's mitigation after setting the alerts, leave this tick on. Otherwise, turn it off.
bb. Alert Demand Sub Mitigation :
If you want to receive the alert about Demand Sub's mitigation after setting the alerts, leave this tick on. Otherwise, turn it off.
cc. Alert Demand BoS Mitigation :
If you want to receive the alert about Demand BoS's mitigation after setting the alerts, leave this tick on. Otherwise, turn it off.
dd. Alert Supply Main Mitigation :
If you want to receive the alert about Supply Main's mitigation after setting the alerts, leave this tick on. Otherwise, turn it off.
ee. Alert Supply Sub Mitigation :
If you want to receive the alert about Supply Sub's mitigation after setting the alerts, leave this tick on. Otherwise, turn it off.
ff. Alert Supply BoS Mitigation :
If you want to receive the alert about Supply BoS's mitigation after setting the alerts, leave this tick on. Otherwise, turn it off.
gg. Message Frequency :
This parameter, represented as a string, determines the frequency of announcements. Options include: 'All' (triggers the alert every time the function is called), 'Once Per Bar' (triggers the alert only on the first call within the bar), and 'Once Per Bar Close' (activates the alert only during the final script execution of the real-time bar upon closure). The default setting is 'Once per Bar'.
hh. Show Alert time by Time Zone :
The date, hour, and minute displayed in alert messages can be configured to reflect any chosen time zone. For instance, if you prefer London time, you should input 'UTC+1'. By default, this input is configured to the 'UTC' time zone.
ii. Display More Info : The 'Display More Info' option provides details regarding the price range of the order blocks (Zone Price), along with the date, hour, and minute. If you prefer not to include this information in the alert message, you should set it to 'Off'.
You also have access to display or not to display, choose the Style and Color of all the lines below :
a. Major Bullish "BoS" Lines
b. Major Bearish "BoS" Lines
c. Minor Bullish "BoS" Lines
d. Minor Bearish "BoS" Lines
e. Major Bullish "ChoCh" Lines
f. Major Bearish "ChoCh" Lines
g. Minor Bullish "ChoCh" Lines
h. Minor Bearish "ChoCh" Lines
i. Last Major Support Line
j. Last Major Resistance Line
k. Last Minor Support Line
l. Last Minor Resistance Line
Mxwll Price Action Suite [Mxwll]Introducing the Mxwll Price Action Suite!
The Mxwll Price Action Suite is an all-in-one analysis indicator incorporating elements of SMC and also ideas extending beyond the trading methodology!
Internal structures
External structures
Customizable Sensitivities
Order Blocks
Rolling TF highs/lows
Rolling Volume Comparisons
Auto Fibs
And more!
The image above shows the indicator's market structure identification capabilities. Internal BoS and CHoCH structures in addition to overarching market structures are available with customizable sensitivities.
The image above shows the indicator identifying order blocks! Additionally, HH/LH/LL/LH areas are also identified.
The image above shows a rolling area of interest. These areas can be compared to supply/demand zones, where traders might consider a bargain long/short/sell area.
The indicator displays a rolling 4hr high/low and 1D high/low, alongside auto fibonacci levels with a customizable sensitivity.
Finally, the Mxwll Price Action Suite shows relevant session information.
Table information
Current Session
Countdown to session close
Next Session
Countdown to next session open
Rolling 4-Hr volume intensity
Rolling 24-Hr volume intensity
Introducing the Mxwll SMC Suite!
The Mxwll SMC Suite is an all-in-one analysis indicator incorporating elements of SMC and also ideas extending beyond the trading methodology!
Internal structures
External structures
Customizable Sensitivities
Order Blocks
Rolling TF highs/lows
Rolling Volume Comparisons
Auto Fibs
And more!
The image above shows the indicator's market structure identification capabilities. Internal BoS and CHoCH structures in addition to overarching market structures are available with customizable sensitivities.
The image above shows the indicator identifying order blocks! Additionally, HH/LH/LL/LH areas are also identified.
The image above shows a rolling area of interest. These areas can be compared to supply/demand zones, where traders might consider a bargain long/short/sell area.
The indicator displays a rolling 4hr high/low and 1D high/low, alongside auto fibonacci levels with a customizable sensitivity.
Finally, the Mxwll Price Action Suite shows relevant session information.
Table information
Current Session
Countdown to session close
Next Session
Countdown to next session open
Rolling 4-Hr volume intensity
Rolling 24-Hr volume intensity
Expanded Features of Mxwll Price Action Suite
Internal and External Structures
Internal Structures: These elements refer to the price formations and patterns that occur within a smaller scope or a specific trading session. The suite can detect intricate details like minor support/resistance levels or short-term trend reversals.
External Structures: These involve larger, more significant market patterns and trends spanning multiple sessions or time frames. This capability helps traders understand overarching market directions.
Customizable Sensitivities
Adjusting sensitivity settings allows users to tailor the indicator's responsiveness to market changes. Higher sensitivity can catch smaller fluctuations, while lower sensitivity might focus on more significant, reliable market moves.
Break of Structure (BoS) and Change of Character (CHoCH)
BoS: This feature identifies points where the price breaks a significant structure, potentially indicating a new trend or a trend reversal.
CHoCH: Detects subtle shifts in the market's behavior, which could suggest the early stages of a trend change before they become apparent to the broader market.
Order Blocks and Market Phases
Order Blocks: These are essentially price levels or zones where significant trading activities previously occurred, likely pointing to the positions of smart money.
HH/LH/LL/LH Areas: Identifying Higher Highs (HH), Lower Highs (LH), Lower Lows (LL), and Lower Highs (LH) helps in understanding the trend and market structure, aiding in predictive analysis.
Rolling Timeframe Highs/Lows and Volume Comparisons
Tracks highs and lows over specified rolling periods, providing dynamic support and resistance levels.
Compares volume data across different timeframes to assess the strength or weakness of the current price movements.
Auto Fibonacci Levels
Automatically calculates and plots Fibonacci retracement levels, a popular tool among traders to identify potential reversal points based on past movements.
Session Data and Volume Intensity
Session Information: Displays current and upcoming trading sessions along with countdown timers, which is crucial for day traders and those trading on session overlaps.
Volume Intensity: Measures and compares the volume within the last 4 hours and 24 hours to gauge market activity and potential breakout/breakdown movements.
Visualizations and Practical Use
Dynamic Visuals: The suite provides dynamic visual aids, such as real-time updating of high/low markers and Fibonacci levels, which adjust as new data comes in. This feature is critical in fast-paced markets.
Strategic Entry/Exit Points: By identifying order blocks and using Fibonacci levels, traders can pinpoint strategic entry and exit points, maximizing potential returns.
Risk Management: Enhanced features like session countdowns and volume intensity help in better risk management by providing traders with more data on market sentiment and potential volatility.
Smart Money Setup 05 [TradingFinder] Minor OB & Trend Proof🔵 Introduction
The "Smart Money Concept" transcends the realm of mere technical trading strategies to embody a comprehensive philosophy on the dynamics of market operations. It posits that key market participants engage in price manipulation, thereby complicating the trading landscape for smaller, retail traders.
Under this doctrine, retail traders are advised to tailor their strategies in alignment with the maneuvers of "Smart Money" - essentially, the capital operated by market makers.
To this end, one should endeavor to mirror the trading patterns of these influential market participants, who are adept at navigating through the nuances of supply, demand, and overall market structure. As a proponent of Smart Money trading, these elements are pivotal in your decision-making process for trade entries.
🟣 Key Insights
The core principle of this strategy hinges on misleading other traders. A sudden market movement against the prevailing trend that results in the formation of either a lower low or a higher high, followed by a pullback where a divergence pattern emerges, sets the stage.
Subsequently, the market may form another lower low or higher high. Traders, persuaded that the market will continue along the trajectory of the new movement, are caught off-guard when the price abruptly reverses direction. Following a "Stop Hunt" of the traders' open positions, the market resumes its initial trend.
To grasp the essence of this setup, observe the following illustrations.
"Bullish Setup" :
"Bearish Setup" :
🔵 How to Use
The setups can be customized based on the desired formation period. This adjustment can be made through the indicator's price setting options, where the default period is set at 2.
Upon configuring your preferred period, the signals become actionable. Once a setup forms, the subsequent step involves waiting for the price to reach the "Order Block".
"Bullish Setup" :
"Bearish Setup" :
Inversion Fair Value Gap Screener | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Inverse Fair Value Gap Screener! This screener can provide information about the latest Inverse Fair Value Gaps in up to 5 tickers. You can also customize the algorithm that finds the Inverse Fair Value Gaps and the styling of the screener.
Features of the new Inverse Fair Value Gap (IFVG) Screener :
Find Latest Inverse Fair Value Gaps Across 5 Tickers
Shows Their Information Of :
Latest Status
Number Of Retests
Consumption Percent
Customizable Algorithm / Styling
A Fair Value Gap generally occur when there is an imbalance in the market. They can be detected by specific formations within the chart. An Inverse Fair Value Gap is when a FVG becomes invalidated, thus reversing the direction of the FVG.
IFVGs get consumed when a Close / Wick enters the IFVG zone. Check this example:
This screener then finds Fair Value Gaps across 5 different tickers, and shows the latest information about them.
Status ->
Far -> The current price is far away from the IFVG.
Approaching ⬆️/⬇️ -> The current price is approaching the IFVG, and the direction it's approaching from.
Inside -> The price is currently inside the IFVG.
Retests -> Retest means the price tried to invalidate the IFVG, but failed to do so. Here you can see how many times the price retested the IFVG.
Consumed -> IFVGs get consumed when a Close / Wick enters the IFVG zone. For example, if the price hits the middle of the IFVG zone, the zone is considered 50% consumed.
Volume -> Volume of a IFVG is essentially the volume of the bar that broke the original FVG that formed it.
This screener can detect latest Inverse Fair Value Gaps and give information about them for up to 5 tickers. This saves the user time by showing them all in a dashboard at the same time. The screener also uniquely shows information about the number of retests and the consumed percent of the IFVG, as well as it's volume. We believe that this extra information will help you spot reliable IFVGs easier.
1. Tickers
You can set up to 5 tickers for the screener to scan Fair Value Gaps here. You can also enable / disable them and set their individual timeframes.
2. General Configuration
FVG Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for FVG Zone Invalidation.
IFVG Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for IFVG Zone Invalidation. This setting also switches the type for IFVG consumption.
Zone Filtering -> With "Average Range" selected, algorithm will find FVG zones in comparison with average range of last bars in the chart. With the "Volume Threshold" option, you may select a Volume Threshold % to spot FVGs with a larger total volume than average.
FVG Detection -> With the "Same Type" option, all 3 bars that formed the FVG should be the same type. (Bullish / Bearish). If the "All" option is selected, bar types may vary between Bullish / Bearish.
Detection Sensitivity -> You may select between Low, Normal or High FVG detection sensitivity. This will essentially determine the size of the spotted FVGs, with lower sensitivities resulting in spotting bigger FVGs, and higher sensitivities resulting in spotting all sizes of FVGs.
Market Structures Screener | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Market Structures Screener! This screener can provide information about the latest market structures in up to 5 tickers. You can also customize the styling of the screener.
Features of the new Market Structures Screener :
Find Latest Market Structures Across 5 Tickers
Break Of Structure (BOS)
Change of Character (CHoCH)
Change of Character+ (CHoCH+)
Customizable Algoritm / Styling
Sometimes specific market structures form and break as the market fills buy & sell orders. Formed Change of Character (CHoCH) and Break of Structure (BOS) often mean that market will change direction, and they can be spotted by inspecting low & high pivot points of the chart.
This screener then finds market structures across 5 different tickers, and shows the latest information about them.
Formed market structures can be strong hints about the current direction and the state of the market, and our screener has the ability to detect Change Of Character structures of the market with higher sensitivity (CHoCH+), so you will miss less hints. This screener will then show the elapsed time of the found BOS, CHoCH and CHoCH+ structures.
1. Tickers
You can set up to 5 tickers for the screener to scan market structures here. You can also enable / disable them and set their individual timeframes.
ICT Killzones Toolkit [LuxAlgo]The ICT Killzones Toolkit is a comprehensive set of tools designed to assist traders in identifying key trading zones and patterns within the market.
The ICT Killzones Toolkit includes the following Price Action components:
ICT Killzones with Pivot Highs/Lows
Order Blocks
Breaker Blocks
Fair Value Gaps
Market Structure Shifts
By combining these components, the ICT Killzones Toolkit provides traders with a comprehensive framework for analyzing the market and identifying setups of interest. Leveraging these tools effectively can enhance traders' decision-making process and improve killzones interpretability.
In forex/futures trading, timing is crucial. ICT Killzone are specific periods when there's a higher chance of finding setups of interest. Mastering these time intervals can offer significant advantages to traders who know how to use them effectively.
The image above highlights a potential setup of interest when using the ICT Killzones Toolkit.
As another example for utilizing the ICT Killzones Toolkit, we can see in the image above when price retests setups generated from killzones such as Order Blocks or Fair Value Gaps, a potential strategy could be to look for entries on those & take profits as the next killzone appears.
🔹 Order Blocks
Order Blocks are sections on a price chart where notable buying or selling activity has occured, often signaling interest zones for institutional traders. This toolkit's Order Blocks component pinpoints these areas within the Killzone, which may act as potential support or resistance levels.
🔹 Breaker Blocks
Breaker Blocks are zones built from mitigated order blocks, and highlight zones on the chart where price has previously stalled or reversed. These areas may act as significant barriers to price movement in the future, and the Breaker Blocks component helps traders identify them for potential trading opportunities.
🔹 Fair Value Gaps
Fair value gaps are especially favored by price action traders and arise from market inefficiencies or imbalances, typically when buying and selling are unequal. These gaps often attract price movement before resuming in the same direction. the Fair Value Gaps component of the toolkit helps traders identify and analyze them.
🔹 Market Structure Shifts
Market Structure Shifts refer to significant changes in the overall structure of the market, such as shifts in trend direction, volatility, or trading activity. These shifts can provide valuable insights into market sentiment and potential trading opportunities, and the Market Structure Shifts component helps traders identify and interpret them.
Overall, the ICT Killzone Toolkit combines these components to provide traders with a comprehensive framework for analyzing the markets and identifying high-probability trading setups.
🔹 ICT Killzones
Asian, London Open, New York, and London Close: toggles the visibility of specific Killzones, allowing users to customize time periods and Killzone colors.
Killzone Lines : Top/Bottom, Mean and Extend Top/Bottom: toggles the visibility of the Killzone's pivot high and low lines, mean (average) line, and allows users to extend the pivot lines.
Killzone Labels: Toggles the visibility of the Killzone labels.
Display Killzones within Timeframes Up To: Toggles the visibility of the Killzones up to selected Timeframes.
Open Price, Separator, Label, and Color: toggles the visibility of the open price of the Killzones or for the day, week, or month. If the day, week, or month is selected, a separator will be displayed to highlight the beginning of each respective period. Additionally, users can customize the color and toggle the label as needed.
🔹 Order Blocks & Breaker Blocks
Order Blocks | Breaker Blocks: toggles the visibility of the order blocks & breaker blocks.
Swing Detection Length: lookback period used for the detection of the swing points used to create order blocks & breaker blocks.
Mitigation Price: allows users to select between closing price or wick of the candle.
Use Candle Body in Detection: allows users to use candle bodies as order block areas instead of the full candle range.
Remove Mitigated Order Blocks & Breaker Blocks: toggles the visibility of the mitigated order blocks & breaker blocks.
Extend Order Blocks & Breaker Blocks: enables processing of the order blocks & breaker blocks beyond the boundaries of the killzones.
Display Order Blocks & Breaker Blocks: enables the display of the first, last, or all occurrences of the order blocks & breaker blocks.
Order Blocks : Bullish, Bearish Color: color customization option for order blocks.
Breaker Blocks : Bullish, Bearish Color: color customization option for breaker blocks.
Show Order Blocks & Breaker Blocks Text: toggles the visibility of the order blocks & breaker blocks labels.
🔹 Market Structure Shifts
Market Structure Shifts: toggles the visibility of the market structure shifts.
Detection Length: market structure shift detection length.
Display Market Structure Shifts: enables the display of the first, last, or all occurrences of the market structure shifts.
Market Structure Shifts : Bullish, Bearish Color: color custumization option for market structure shifts.
Show Market Structure Shifts Text: toggles the visibility of the market structure shifts labels.
🔹 Fair Value Gaps
Fair Value Gaps: toggles the visibility of the fair value gaps.
Fair Value Gap Width Filter: filtering threshold wile detecting fair value gaps.
Remove Mitigated Fair Value Gaps: removes mitigated fair value gaps.
Extend Fair Value Gaps: enables processing of the fair value gaps beyond the boundaries of the killzones.
Display Fair Value Gaps: enables the display of the first, last, or all occurrences of the fair value gaps.
Bullish Imbalance Color: color customization option.
Bearish Imbalance Color: color customization option.
Show Fair Value Gaps Text: toggles the visibility of the fair value gaps labels.
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Order Blocks Screener | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Order Blocks Screener! This screener can provide information about the latest order blocks in up to 5 tickers. You can also customize the algorithm that finds the order blocks and the styling of the screener.
Features of the new Order Blocks Screener :
Find Latest Order Blocks Accross 5 Tickers
Latest Status, Restests, Bullish & Bearish Volume
Customizable Algoritm / Styling
Order blocks occur when there is a high amount of market orders exist on a price range. It is possible to find order blocks using specific formations on the chart.
The high & low volume of order blocks should be taken into consideration while determining their strengths. The determination of the high & low volume of order blocks are similar to FVGs, in a bullish order block, the high volume is the last 2 bars' total volume, while the low volume is the oldest bar's volume. In a bearish order block scenerio, the low volume becomes the last 2 bars' total volume.
This screener then finds order blocks accross 5 different tickers, and shows the latest information about them.
Status ->
Far -> The current price is far away from the order block.
Approaching ⬆️/⬇️ -> The current price is approaching the order block, and the direction it's approaching from.
Inside -> The price is currently inside the order block.
Retests -> Retest means the price to invalidate the order block, but failed to do so. Here you can see how many times the price retested the order block.
For the bullish / bearish volume, check the "How Does It Work" section.
This screener can detect latest order blocks and give information about them for up to 5 tickers. This saves the user time by showing them all in a dashboard at the same time. The screener shows the number of the retests of the order block as an unique trait. Another unique ability of the screener is that it shows the latest valid order block's bullish and bearish volume in the dashboard.
1. Tickers
You can set up to 5 tickers for the screener to scan order blocks here. You can also enable / disable them and set their individual timeframes.
2. General Configuration
Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for Order Block Invalidation.
Swing Length -> Swing length is used when finding order block formations. Smaller values will result in finding smaller order blocks.
Market Structure with Inducements & Sweeps [LuxAlgo]The Market Structure with Inducements & Sweeps indicator is a unique take on Smart Money Concepts related market structure labels that aims to give traders a more precise interpretation considering various factors.
Compared to traditional market structure scripts that include Change of Character (CHoCH) & Break of Structures (BOS) -- this script also includes the detection of Inducements (IDM) & Sweeps which are major components of determining other structures labeled on the chart.
SMC & price action traders have historically considered this a more accurate representation of market structure by including these components.
Below we can see a diagram for how market structure is displayed within the Market Structure with Inducements & Liquidity indicator.
Change of Characters (CHoCH) are based on swing points detection, while Break of Structures (BOS) are based on trailing maximum & minimums from the detected Change of Characters. We do this for a more dynamic & timely display of market structure.
🔹 Inducements (IDM)
Traders that consider inducements as a part of their analysis of Change of Characters & Break of Structures can more easily avoid fakeouts within trends as shown below.
In this script IDM's are always required between each market structures.
🔹 Sweeps of Liquidity (x)
SMC traders looking to properly analyze market structure need to look for sweeps of liquidity to ensure levels that are wicked are noted as sweeps, while levels that are fully closed above / below are labeled as confirmed market structures.
In the chart below we can see a Sweep of Liquidity which typically can occur on the longer term price action and indicate a potential reversal.
Notably, since labels such as CHoCH or BOS's can occur at the same level as a Sweep of liquidity, we have allowed the indicator to display the market structure label at the current bar in the event this happens.
The Sweeps of Liquidity are also based on trailing maximum / minimum, which allows for a continuous evaluation of areas for liquidity sweeps to occur.
This can be helpful for traders looking for longer term & shorter term sweeps.
CHoCH Detection Period: Detection period for CHoCH's, higher values will return longer term CHoCH's.
IDM Detection Period: Detection period for IDM's, higher values will return longer term IDM's.
Thank you all for 500k followers on TradingView! Enjoy!
Fibonacci Inversion Fair Value Gaps | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Fibonacci Inversion Fair Value Gaps (IFVG) indicator! Inverse Fair Value Gaps occur when a Fair Value Gap becomes invalidated. They reverse the role of the original Fair Value Gap, making a bullish zone bearish and vice versa. This indicator plots the Fibonacci retracement levels of the IFVG, which often act like support & resistance levels.
Features of the new Fibonacci IFVGs Indicator :
Renders Bullish / Bearish IFVG Zones
Renders Fibonacci Retracement Levels Of IFVGs
Combination Of Overlapping FVG Zones
Variety Of Zone Detection / Sensitivity / Filtering / Invalidation Settings
High Customizability
This indicator stands out with its ability to render up to 3 Fibonacci retracement levels of IFVGs. Fibonacci retracement levels are widely used within trading, and we wanted to implement them for IFVG zones. You can also customize the FVG Filtering method, FVG & IFVG Zone Invalidation, Detection Sensitivity etc. according to your needs to get the best performance from the indicator.
A Fair Value Gap generally occur when there is an imbalance in the market. They can be detected by specific formations within the chart. An Inverse Fair Value Gap is when a FVG becomes invalidated, thus reversing the direction of the FVG.
This indicator renders 0.618, 0.5 and 0.382 (can be changed from the settings) Fibonacci retracement levels of the IFVGs, which often act as support and resistances. Check this example :
1. General Configuration
FVG Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for FVG Zone Invalidation.
IFVG Zone Invalidation -> Select between Wick & Close price for IFVG Zone Invalidation. This setting also switches the type for IFVG consumption.
Zone Filtering -> With "Average Range" selected, algorithm will find FVG zones in comparison with average range of last bars in the chart. With the "Volume Threshold" option, you may select a Volume Threshold % to spot FVGs with a larger total volume than average.
FVG Detection -> With the "Same Type" option, all 3 bars that formed the FVG should be the same type. (Bullish / Bearish). If the "All" option is selected, bar types may vary between Bullish / Bearish.
Detection Sensitivity -> You may select between Low, Normal or High FVG detection sensitivity. This will essentially determine the size of the spotted FVGs, with lower sensitivies resulting in spotting bigger FVGs, and higher sensitivies resulting in spotting all sizes of FVGs.
Show Historic Zones -> If this option is on, the indicator will render invalidated IFVG zones as well as current IFVG zones. For a cleaner look at current IFVG zones which are not invalidated yet, you can turn this option off.
2. Fibonacci Retracement Levels
You can enable / disable up to 3 different Fibonnaci Retracement levels at this group of settings. You can also switch their line styles between solid, dashed and dotted as well as changing their colors.
SMC Structures and FVGThe SMC Structures and FVG indicator allows the user to easily identify trend continuations (Break Of Structure) or trend changes (CHange Of CHaracter) on any time frame. In addition, it display all FVG areas, whether they are bullish, bearish, or even mitigated.
Fair Value Gap :
The FVG process shows every bullish, bearish or even mitigated FVG liquidity area. When a FVG is fully mitigated it will directly be removed of the chart.
There is an history of FVG to show. By selecting specific number of FVG to show in the chart, the user can focus its analysis on lasts liquidity area.
Here's the rules for FVG color :
Green when it's a bullish FVG and has not been mitigated
Red when it's a bearish FVG and has not been mitigated
Gray when the bullish / bearish FVG has been mitigated
Removed when the FVG has been fully mitigated
Structures analysis:
The Structure process show BOS in grey lines and CHoCH in yellow lines. It shows to the user the lasts price action pattern.
The blue lines are the high value and the low value of the current structure.
SMT Divergences [LuxAlgo]The SMT Divergences indicator highlights SMT divergences between the chart symbol and two user-selected tickers (ES and YM by default).
A dashboard returning the SMT divergences statistics is also provided within the settings.
Swing Lookback: Calculation window used to detect swing points.
Comparison Ticker: If enabled, will detect SMT divergences between the chart prices and the prices of the selected ticker.
🔹 Dashboard
Show Dashboard: Displays statistics dashboard on the chart.
Location: Location of the dashboard on the chart.
Size: Size of the displayed dashboard.
SMT Divergences are characterized by diverging swing points between two securities.
The detection of SMT Divergences is performed by detecting swing points using the user chart prices as well as the prices of the selected external tickers. If a swing point on the chart ticker is detected at the same time on external tickers, comparison is performed.
Due to the detection requiring swing point confirmation (3 candles by default), this indicator can better be used to study price behaviors on the occurrence of an SMT divergence.
The dashboard highlights the number of SMT divergences that occurred on a swing high and swing low between the chart ticker and the selected external tickers.
The returned percentage indicates the proportion of swing highs or swing lows that led to an SMT divergence.
Inversion GapsAn inverted fair value gap (FVG) occurs when candles start closing below a bullish FVG or above a bearish FVG and in this case, support FVGs become resistances and vice versa. This is a smart money concept introduced by ICT. While we a number of have indicators for FVGs, we don't have any for inversion FVGs. This indicator is just for that - it shows FVGs only after they're inverted.
The meat of it comes from being able to plot HTF inverted FVGs in LTF. In the above BTC chart, you can see M15 inverted FVGs plotted on M1 chart and you can see price respecting them. Mitigations can also be shown as lines (as you can see in the chart).
You can also setup alerts for formation and mitigation of such inversion FVGs.