abstractchartpatternsLibrary "abstractchartpatterns"
Library having abstract types and methods for chart pattern implementations
checkBarRatio(p1, p2, p3, properties)
checks if three zigzag pivot points are having uniform bar ratios
p1 (chart.point) : First pivot point
p2 (chart.point) : Second pivot point
p3 (chart.point) : Third pivot point
properties (ScanProperties)
Returns: true if points are having uniform bar ratio
getRatioDiff(p1, p2, p3)
gets ratio difference between 3 pivot combinations
p1 (chart.point)
p2 (chart.point)
p3 (chart.point)
Returns: returns the ratio difference between pivot2/pivot1 ratio and pivot3/pivot2 ratio
method inspect(points, stratingBar, endingBar, direction, ohlcArray)
Creates a trend line between 2 or 3 points and validates and selects best combination
Namespace types: chart.point
points (chart.point ) : Array of chart.point objects used for drawing trend line
stratingBar (int) : starting bar of the trend line
endingBar (int) : ending bar of the trend line
direction (float) : direction of the last pivot. Tells whether the line is joining upper pivots or the lower pivots
ohlcArray (OHLC type from Trendoscope/ohlc/1) : Array of OHLC values
Returns: boolean flag indicating if the trend line is valid and the trend line object as tuple
method draw(this)
draws pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be drawn
Returns: Current Pattern object
method erase(this)
erase the given pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be erased
Returns: Current Pattern object
method push(this, p, maxItems)
push Pattern object to the array by keeping maxItems limit
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern ) : array of Pattern objects
p (Pattern) : Pattern object to be added to array
@oaram maxItems Max number of items the array can hold
maxItems (int)
Returns: Current Pattern array
method deepcopy(this)
Perform deep copy of a chart point array
Namespace types: chart.point
this (chart.point ) : array of chart.point objects
Returns: deep copy array
Object containing properties for pattern drawing
patternLineWidth (series int) : Line width of the pattern trend lines
showZigzag (series bool) : show zigzag associated with pattern
zigzagLineWidth (series int) : line width of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
zigzagLineColor (series color) : color of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
showPatternLabel (series bool) : display pattern label containing the name
patternLabelSize (series string) : size of the pattern label. Used only when showPatternLabel is set to true
showPivotLabels (series bool) : Display pivot labels of the patterns marking 1-6
pivotLabelSize (series string) : size of the pivot label. Used only when showPivotLabels is set to true
pivotLabelColor (series color) : color of the pivot label outline. chart.bg_color or chart.fg_color are the appropriate values.
deleteOnPop (series bool) : delete the pattern when popping out from the array of Patterns.
Object containing Individual Pattern data
points (chart.point )
originalPoints (chart.point )
trendLine1 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : First trend line joining pivots 1, 3, 5
trendLine2 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : Second trend line joining pivots 2, 4 (, 6)
properties (DrawingProperties) : DrawingProperties Object carrying common properties
patternColor (series color) : Individual pattern color. Lines and labels will be using this color.
ratioDiff (series float) : Difference between trendLine1 and trendLine2 ratios
zigzagLine (series polyline) : Internal zigzag line drawing Object
pivotLabels (label ) : array containning Pivot labels
patternLabel (series label) : pattern label Object
patternType (series int) : integer representing the pattern type
patternName (series string) : Type of pattern in string
Object containing properties for pattern scanning
offset (series int) : Zigzag pivot offset. Set it to 1 for non repainting scan.
numberOfPivots (series int) : Number of pivots to be used in pattern search. Can be either 5 or 6
errorRatio (series float) : Error Threshold to be considered for comparing the slope of lines
flatRatio (series float) : Retracement ratio threshold used to determine if the lines are flat
checkBarRatio (series bool) : Also check bar ratio are within the limits while scanning the patterns
barRatioLimit (series float) : Bar ratio limit used for checking the bars. Used only when checkBarRatio is set to true
avoidOverlap (series bool) : avoid overlapping patterns.
allowedPatterns (bool ) : array of bool encoding the allowed pattern types.
allowedLastPivotDirections (int ) : array of int representing allowed last pivot direction for each pattern types
themeColors (color ) : color array of themes to be used.
Flags and Pennants [Trendoscope®]🎲 An extension to Chart Patterns based on Trend Line Pairs - Flags and Pennants
After exploring Algorithmic Identification and Classification of Chart Patterns and developing Auto Chart Patterns Indicator , we now delve into extensions of these patterns, focusing on Flag and Pennant Chart Patterns. These patterns evolve from basic trend line pair-based structures, often influenced by preceding market impulses.
🎲 Identification rules for the Extension Patterns
🎯 Identify the existence of Base Chart Patterns
Before identifying the flag and pennant patterns, we first need to identify the existence of following base trend line pair based converging or parallel patterns.
Ascending Channel
Descending Channel
Rising Wedge (Contracting)
Falling Wedge (Contracting)
Converging Triangle
Descending Triangle (Contracting)
Ascending Triangle (Contracting)
🎯 Identifying Extension Patterns.
The key to pinpointing these patterns lies in spotting a strong impulsive wave – akin to a flagpole – preceding a base pattern. This setup suggests potential for an extension pattern:
A Bullish Flag emerges from a positive impulse followed by a descending channel or a falling wedge
A Bearish Flag appears after a negative impulse leading to an ascending channel or a rising wedge.
A Bullish Pennant is indicated by a positive thrust preceding a converging triangle or ascending triangle.
A Bearish Pennant follows a negative impulse and a converging or descending triangle.
🎲 Pattern Classifications and Characteristics
🎯 Bullish Flag Pattern
Characteristics of Bullish Flag Pattern are as follows
Starts with a positive impulse wave
Immediately followed by either a short descending channel or a falling wedge
Here is an example of Bullish Flag Pattern
🎯 Bearish Flag Pattern
Characteristics of Bearish Flag Pattern are as follows
Starts with a negative impulse wave
Immediately followed by either a short ascending channel or a rising wedge
Here is an example of Bearish Flag Pattern
🎯 Bullish Pennant Pattern
Characteristics of Bullish Pennant Pattern are as follows
Starts with a positive impulse wave
Immediately followed by either a converging triangle or ascending triangle pattern.
Here is an example of Bullish Pennant Pattern
🎯 Bearish Pennant Pattern
Characteristics of Bearish Pennant Pattern are as follows
Starts with a negative impulse wave
Immediately followed by either a converging triangle or a descending converging triangle pattern.
Here is an example of Bearish Pennant Pattern
🎲 Trading Extension Patterns
In a strong market trend, it's common to see temporary periods of consolidation, forming patterns that either converge or range, often counter to the ongoing trend direction. Such pauses may lay the groundwork for the continuation of the trend post-breakout. The assumption that the trend will resume shapes the underlying bias of Flag and Pennant patterns
It's important, however, not to base decisions solely on past trends. Conducting personal back testing is crucial to ascertain the most effective entry and exit strategies for these patterns. Remember, the behavior of these patterns can vary significantly with the volatility of the asset and the specific timeframe being analyzed.
Approach the interpretation of these patterns with prudence, considering that market dynamics are subject to a wide array of influencing factors that might deviate from expected outcomes. For investors and traders, it's essential to engage in thorough back testing, establishing entry points, stop-loss orders, and target goals that align with your individual trading style and risk appetite. This step is key to assessing the viability of these patterns in line with your personal trading strategies and goals.
It's fairly common to witness a breakout followed by a swift price reversal after these patterns have formed. Additionally, there's room for innovation in trading by going against the bias if the breakout occurs in the opposite direction, specially when the trend before the formation of the pattern is in against the pattern bias.
🎲 Cheat Sheet
🎲 Indicator Settings
Custom Source : Enables users to set custom OHLC - this means, the indicator can also be applied on oscillators and other indicators having OHLC values.
Zigzag Settings : Allows users to enable different zigzag base and set length and depth for each zigzag.
Scanning Settings : Pattern scanning settings set some parameters that define the pattern recognition process.
Display Settings : Determine the display of indicators including colors, lines, labels etc.
Backtest Settings : Allows users to set a predetermined back test bars so that the indicator will not time out while trying to run for all available bars.
Auto Chart Patterns [Trendoscope®]🎲 Introducing our most comprehensive automatic chart pattern recognition indicator.
Last week, we published an idea on how to algorithmically identify and classify chart patterns.
This indicator is nothing but the initial implementation of the idea. Whatever we explained in that publication that users can do manually to identify and classify the pattern, this indicator will do it for them.
🎲 Process of identifying the patterns.
The bulk of the logic is implemented as part of the library - chartpatterns . The indicator is a shell that captures the user inputs and makes use of the library to deliver the outcome.
🎯 Here is the list of steps executed to identify the patterns on the chart.
Derive multi level recursive zigzag for multiple base zigzag length and depth combinations.
For each zigzag and level, check the last 5 pivots or 6 pivots (based on the input setting) for possibility of valid trend line pairs.
If there is a valid trend line pair, then there is pattern.
🎯 Rules for identifying the valid trend line pairs
There should be at least two trend lines that does not intersect between the starting and ending pivots.
The upper trend line should touch all the pivot highs of the last 5 or 6 pivots considered for scanning the patterns
The lower trend line should touch all the pivot lows of the last 5 or 6 pivots considered for scanning the patterns.
None of the candles from starting pivot to ending pivot should fall outside the trend lines (above upper trend line and below lower trend line)
The existence of a valid trend line pair signifies the existence of pattern. What type of pattern it is, to identify that we need to go through the classification rules.
🎲 Process of classification of the patterns.
We need to gather the following information before we classify the pattern.
Direction of upper trend line - rising, falling or flat
Direction of lower trend line - rising, falling or flat
Characteristics of trend line pair - converging, expanding, parallel
🎯 Broader Classifications
Broader classification would include the following types.
🚩 Classification Based on Geometrical Shapes
This includes
Wedges - both trend lines are moving in the same direction. But, the trend lines are either converging or diverging and not parallel to each other.
Triangles - trend lines are moving in different directions. Naturally, they are either converging or diverging.
Channels - Both trend lines are moving in the same direction, and they are parallel to each other within the limits of error.
🚩 Classification Based on Pattern Direction
This includes
Ascending/Rising Patterns - No trend line is moving in the downward direction and at least one trend line is moving upwards
Descending/Falling Patterns - No trend line is moving in the upward direction, and at least one trend line is moving downwards.
Flat - Both Trend Lines are Flat
Bi-Directional - Both trend lines are moving in opposite direction and none of them is flat.
🚩 Classification Based on Formation Dynamics
This includes
Converging Patterns - Trend Lines are converging towards each other
Diverging Patterns - Trend Lines are diverging from each other
Parallel Patterns - Trend Lines are parallel to each others
🎯 Individual Pattern Types
Now we have broader classifications. Let's go through in detail to find out fine-grained classification of each individual patterns.
🚩 Ascending/Uptrend Channel
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Ascending Patterns, Parallel Patterns and Channels. The rules for the Ascending/Uptrend Channel pattern are as below
Both trend lines are rising
Trend lines are parallel to each other
🚩 Descending/Downtrend Channel
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Descending Patterns, Parallel Patterns and Channels. The rules for the Descending/Downtrend Channel pattern are as below
Both trend lines are falling
Trend lines are parallel to each other
🚩 Ranging Channel
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Flat Patterns, Parallel Patterns and Channels. The rules for the Ranging Channel pattern are as below
Both trend lines are flat
Trend lines are parallel to each other
🚩 Rising Wedge - Expanding
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Rising Patterns, Diverging Patterns and Wedges. The rules for the Expanding Rising Wedge pattern are as below
Both trend lines are rising
Trend Lines are diverging.
🚩 Rising Wedge - Contracting
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Rising Patterns, Converging Patterns and Wedges. The rules for the Contracting Rising Wedge pattern are as below
Both trend lines are rising
Trend Lines are converging.
🚩 Falling Wedge - Expanding
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Falling Patterns, Diverging Patterns and Wedges. The rules for the Expanding Falling Wedge pattern are as below
Both trend lines are falling
Trend Lines are diverging.
🚩 Falling Wedge - Contracting
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Falling Patterns, Converging Patterns and Wedges. The rules for the Converging Falling Wedge are as below
Both trend lines are falling
Trend Lines are converging.
🚩 Rising/Ascending Triangle - Expanding
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Rising Patterns, Diverging Patterns and Triangles. The rules for the Expanding Ascending Triangle pattern are as below
The upper trend line is rising
The lower trend line is flat
Naturally, the trend lines are diverging from each other
🚩 Rising/Ascending Triangle - Contracting
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Rising Patterns, Converging Patterns and Triangles. The rules for the Contracting Ascending Triangle pattern are as below
The upper trend line is flat
The lower trend line is rising
Naturally, the trend lines are converging.
🚩 Falling/Descending Triangle - Expanding
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Falling Patterns, Diverging Patterns and Triangles. The rules for the Expanding Descending Triangle pattern are as below
The upper trend line is flat
The lower trend line is falling
Naturally, the trend lines are diverging from each other
🚩 Falling/Descending Triangle - Contracting
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Falling Patterns, Converging Patterns and Triangles. The rules for the Contracting Descending Triangle pattern are as below
The upper trend line is falling
The lower trend line is flat
Naturally, the trend lines are converging.
🚩 Converging Triangle
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Bi-Directional Patterns, Converging Patterns and Triangles. The rules for the Converging Triangle pattern are as below
The upper trend line is falling
The lower trend line is rising
Naturally, the trend lines are converging.
🚩 Diverging Triangle
This pattern belongs to the broader classifications - Bi-Directional Patterns, Diverging Patterns and Triangles. The rules for the Diverging Triangle pattern are as below
The upper trend line is rising
The lower trend line is falling
Naturally, the trend lines are diverging from each other.
🎲 Indicator Settings - Auto Chart Patterns
🎯 Zigzag Settings
Zigzag settings allow users to select the number of zigzag combinations to be used for pattern scanning, and also allows users to set zigzag length and depth combinations.
🎯 Scanning Settings
Number of Pivots - This can be either 5 or 6. Represents the number of pivots used for identification of patterns.
Error Threshold - Error threshold used for initial trend line validation.
Flat Threshold - Flat angle threshold is used to identify the slope and direction of trend lines.
Last Pivot Direction - Filters patterns based on the last pivot direction. The values can be up, down, both, or custom. When custom is selected, then the individual pattern specific last pivot direction setting is used instead of the generic one.
Verify Bar Ratio - Provides option to ignore extreme patterns where the ratios of zigzag lines are not proportionate to each other.
Avoid Overlap - When selected, the patterns that overlap with existing patterns will be ignored while scanning. Meaning, if the new pattern starting point falls between the start and end of an existing pattern, it will be ignored.
🎯 Group Classification Filters
Allows users to enable disable patterns based on group classifications.
🚩 Geometric Shapes Based Classifications
Wedges - Rising Wedge Expanding, Falling Wedge Expanding, Rising Wedge Contracting, Falling Wedge Contracting.
Channels - Ascending Channel, Descending Channel, Ranging Channel
Triangles - Converging Triangle, Diverging Triangle, Ascending Triangle Expanding, Descending Triangle Expanding, Ascending Triangle Contrcting and Descending Triangle Contracting
🚩 Direction Based Classifications
Rising - Rising Wedge Contracting, Rising Wedge Expanding, Ascending Triangle Contracting, Ascending Triangle Expanding and Ascending Channel
Falling - Falling Wedge Contracting, Falling Wedge Expanding, Descending Triangle Contracting, Descending Triangle Expanding and Descending Channel
Flat/Bi-directional - Ranging Channel, Converging Triangle, Diverging Triangle
🚩 Formation Dynamics Based Classifications
Expanding - Rising Wedge Expanding, Falling Wedge Expanding, Ascending Triangle Expanding, Descending Triangle Expanding, Diverging Triangle
Contracting - Rising Wedge Contracting, Falling Wedge Contracting, Ascending Triangle Contracting, Descending Triangle Contracting, Converging Triangle
Parallel - Ascending Channel, Descending Channgel and Ranging Channel
🎯 Individual Pattern Filters
These settings allow users to enable/disable individual patterns and also set last pivot direction filter individually for each pattern. Individual Last Pivot direction filters are only considered if the main "Last Pivot Direction" filter is set to "custom"
🎯 Display Settings
These are the settings that determine the indicator display. The details are provided in the tooltips and are self explanatory.
🎯 Alerts
A basic alert message is enabled upon detection of new pattern on the chart.
ohlcLibrary "ohlc"
Library having OHLC and Indicator type and method implementations.
getOhlcArray(o, h, l, c, barindex, bartime, indicators)
get array of OHLC values when called on every bar
o (float) : Open price
h (float) : High Price
l (float) : Low Price
c (float) : Close Price
barindex (int) : bar_index of OHLC data
bartime (int) : time of OHLC cata
indicators (Indicator ) : array containing indicator
Returns: Array of OHLC objects
push(this, item, maxItems)
Push items to OHLC array with maxItems limit
this (OHLC )
item (OHLC) : OHLC Item to be pushed to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
push(this, item, maxItems)
Push items to Indicator array with maxItems limit
this (Indicator )
item (Indicator) : Indicator Item to be pushed to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
unshift(this, item, maxItems)
Unshift items to OHLC array with maxItems limit
this (OHLC )
item (OHLC) : OHLC Item to be unshifted to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
unshift(this, item, maxItems)
Unshift items to Indicator array with maxItems limit
this (Indicator )
item (Indicator) : Indicator Item to be unshifted to the array
maxItems (int) : max Items the array can hold at a time
Returns: current object
method getPoints(indicators)
get array of points based on array of indicator values
Namespace types: Indicator
indicators (Indicator ) : Array containing indicator objects
Returns: array of indicator points
method plot(indicator, xloc, line_color, line_style, line_width)
plots an array of Indicator using polyline
Namespace types: Indicator
indicator (Indicator ) : Array containing indicator objects
xloc (string) : can have values xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time. Used for drawing the line based on either bars or time.
line_color (color) : color in which the plots need to be printed on chart.
line_style (string) : line style line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_both
line_width (int) : width of the plot line
Returns: array of plot polyline
Object containing Indicator name and value
name (series string) : Indicator Name
value (chart.point) : Indicator Value as a chart point
Object containing OHLC and indicator values
o (series float) : Open price
h (series float) : High Price
l (series float) : Low Price
c (series float) : Close Price
barindex (series int) : bar_index of OHLC data
bartime (series int) : time of OHLC cata
indicators (Indicator ) : array containing indicator
chartpatternsLibrary "chartpatterns"
Library having complete chart pattern implementation
method draw(this)
draws pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be drawn
Returns: Current Pattern object
method erase(this)
erase the given pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be erased
Returns: Current Pattern object
method findPattern(this, properties, patterns)
Find patterns based on the currect zigzag object and store them in the patterns array
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
this (Zigzag type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2) : Zigzag object containing pivots
properties (PatternProperties) : PatternProperties object
patterns (Pattern ) : Array of Pattern objects
Returns: Current Pattern object
Object containing properties for pattern scanning
offset (series int) : Zigzag pivot offset. Set it to 1 for non repainting scan.
numberOfPivots (series int) : Number of pivots to be used in pattern search. Can be either 5 or 6
errorRatio (series float) : Error Threshold to be considered for comparing the slope of lines
flatRatio (series float) : Retracement ratio threshold used to determine if the lines are flat
checkBarRatio (series bool) : Also check bar ratio are within the limits while scanning the patterns
barRatioLimit (series float) : Bar ratio limit used for checking the bars. Used only when checkBarRatio is set to true
avoidOverlap (series bool)
patternLineWidth (series int) : Line width of the pattern trend lines
showZigzag (series bool) : show zigzag associated with pattern
zigzagLineWidth (series int) : line width of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
zigzagLineColor (series color) : color of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
showPatternLabel (series bool) : display pattern label containing the name
patternLabelSize (series string) : size of the pattern label. Used only when showPatternLabel is set to true
showPivotLabels (series bool) : Display pivot labels of the patterns marking 1-6
pivotLabelSize (series string) : size of the pivot label. Used only when showPivotLabels is set to true
pivotLabelColor (series color) : color of the pivot label outline. chart.bg_color or chart.fg_color are the appropriate values.
allowedPatterns (bool ) : array of bool encoding the allowed pattern types.
themeColors (color ) : color array of themes to be used.
Object containing Individual Pattern data
pivots (Pivot type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2) : array of Zigzag Pivot points
trendLine1 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : First trend line joining pivots 1, 3, 5
trendLine2 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : Second trend line joining pivots 2, 4 (, 6)
properties (PatternProperties) : PatternProperties Object carrying common properties
patternColor (series color) : Individual pattern color. Lines and labels will be using this color.
ratioDiff (series float) : Difference between trendLine1 and trendLine2 ratios
zigzagLine (series polyline) : Internal zigzag line drawing Object
pivotLabels (label ) : array containning Pivot labels
patternLabel (series label) : pattern label Object
patternType (series int) : integer representing the pattern type
patternName (series string) : Type of pattern in string
LineWrapperLibrary "LineWrapper"
Wrapper Type for Line. Useful when you want to store the line details without drawing them. Can also be used in scnearios where you collect lines to be drawn and draw together towards the end.
method draw(this)
draws line as per the wrapper object contents
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
method draw(this)
draws lines as per the wrapper object array
Namespace types: Line
this (Line ) : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
method update(this)
updates or redraws line as per the wrapper object contents
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: current Line object
method update(this)
updates or redraws lines as per the wrapper object array
Namespace types: Line
this (Line ) : (series array) Array of Line object.
Returns: current Array of Line objects
method delete(this)
Deletes the underlying line drawing object
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
Returns: Current Line object
method get_price(this, bar)
get line price based on bar
Namespace types: Line
this (Line) : (series Line) Line object.
bar (int) : (series/int) bar at which line price need to be calculated
Returns: line price at given bar.
Line Wrapper object
p1 (chart.point)
p2 (chart.point)
xloc (series string) : (series string) See description of x1 argument. Possible values: xloc.bar_index and xloc.bar_time. Default is xloc.bar_index.
extend (series string) : (series string) If extend=extend.none, draws segment starting at point (x1, y1) and ending at point (x2, y2). If extend is equal to extend.right or extend.left, draws a ray starting at point (x1, y1) or (x2, y2), respectively. If extend=extend.both, draws a straight line that goes through these points. Default value is extend.none.
color (series color) : (series color) Line color.
style (series string) : (series string) Line style. Possible values: line.style_solid, line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_arrow_left, line.style_arrow_right, line.style_arrow_both.
width (series int) : (series int) Line width in pixels.
obj (series line) : line object
ZigzagLiteLibrary "ZigzagLite"
Lighter version of the Zigzag Library. Without indicators and sub-component divisions
method getPrices(pivots)
Gets the array of prices from array of Pivots
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot ) : array array of Pivot objects
Returns: array array of pivot prices
method getBars(pivots)
Gets the array of bars from array of Pivots
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot ) : array array of Pivot objects
Returns: array array of pivot bar indices
method getPoints(pivots)
Gets the array of chart.point from array of Pivots
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot ) : array array of Pivot objects
Returns: array array of pivot points
method getPoints(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method calculate(this, ohlc, ltfHighTime, ltfLowTime)
Calculate zigzag based on input values and indicator values
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
ohlc (float ) : Array containing OHLC values. Can also have custom values for which zigzag to be calculated
ltfHighTime (int) : Used for multi timeframe zigzags when called within request.security. Default value is current timeframe open time.
ltfLowTime (int) : Used for multi timeframe zigzags when called within request.security. Default value is current timeframe open time.
Returns: current Zigzag object
method calculate(this)
Calculate zigzag based on properties embedded within Zigzag object
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
Returns: current Zigzag object
method nextlevel(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method clear(this)
Clears zigzag drawings array
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing ) : array
Returns: void
method clear(this)
Clears zigzag drawings array
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawingPL
this (ZigzagDrawingPL ) : array
Returns: void
method drawplain(this)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object without trying to calculate
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawplain(this)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawingPL object without trying to calculate
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawingPL
this (ZigzagDrawingPL) : ZigzagDrawingPL object
Returns: ZigzagDrawingPL object
method drawfresh(this, ohlc)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawcontinuous(this, ohlc)
draws zigzag based on the zigzagmatrix input
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
PivotCandle represents data of the candle which forms either pivot High or pivot low or both
_high (series float) : High price of candle forming the pivot
_low (series float) : Low price of candle forming the pivot
length (series int) : Pivot length
pHighBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot High occurred.
pLowBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot Low occurred.
pHigh (series float) : Pivot High Price
pLow (series float) : Pivot Low Price
Pivot refers to zigzag pivot. Each pivot can contain various data
point (chart.point) : pivot point coordinates
dir (series int) : direction of the pivot. Valid values are 1, -1, 2, -2
level (series int) : is used for multi level zigzags. For single level, it will always be 0
ratio (series float) : Price Ratio based on previous two pivots
sizeRatio (series float)
Flags required for drawing zigzag. Only used internally in zigzag calculation. Should not set the values explicitly
newPivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in new pivot
doublePivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in two pivots on same bar
updateLastPivot (series bool) : true if new pivot calculated replaces the old one.
Zigzag object which contains whole zigzag calculation parameters and pivots
length (series int) : Zigzag length. Default value is 5
numberOfPivots (series int) : max number of pivots to hold in the calculation. Default value is 20
offset (series int) : Bar offset to be considered for calculation of zigzag. Default is 0 - which means calculation is done based on the latest bar.
level (series int) : Zigzag calculation level - used in multi level recursive zigzags
zigzagPivots (Pivot ) : array which holds the last n pivots calculated.
flags (ZigzagFlags) : ZigzagFlags object which is required for continuous drawing of zigzag lines.
Zigzag Drawing Object
zigzagLine (series line) : Line joining two pivots
zigzagLabel (series label) : Label which can be used for drawing the values, ratios, directions etc.
Object which holds properties of zigzag drawing. To be used along with ZigzagDrawing
lineColor (series color) : Zigzag line color. Default is color.blue
lineWidth (series int) : Zigzag line width. Default is 1
lineStyle (series string) : Zigzag line style. Default is line.style_solid.
showLabel (series bool) : If set, the drawing will show labels on each pivot. Default is false
textColor (series color) : Text color of the labels. Only applicable if showLabel is set to true.
maxObjects (series int) : Max number of zigzag lines to display. Default is 300
xloc (series string) : Time/Bar reference to be used for zigzag drawing. Default is Time - xloc.bar_time.
curved (series bool) : Boolean field to print curved zigzag - used only with polyline implementation
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties.
zigzag (Zigzag) : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
properties (ZigzagProperties) : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
drawings (ZigzagObject ) : array which contains lines and labels of zigzag drawing.
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties - polyline version
zigzag (Zigzag) : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
properties (ZigzagProperties) : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
zigzagLabels (label )
zigzagLine (series polyline) : polyline object of zigzag lines
Multi-Timeframe Recursive Zigzag [Trendoscope®]🎲 Welcome to the Advanced World of Zigzag Analysis
Embark on a journey through the most comprehensive and feature-rich Zigzag implementation you’ll ever encounter. Our Multi-Timeframe Recursive Zigzag Indicator is not just another tool; it's a groundbreaking advancement in technical analysis.
🎯 Key Features
Multi Time-Frame Support - One of the rare open-source Zigzag indicators with robust multi-timeframe capabilities, this feature sets our tool apart, enabling a broader and more dynamic market analysis.
Innovative Recursive Zigzag Algorithm - At its core is our unique Recursive Zigzag Algorithm, a pioneering development that powers multiple Zigzag levels, offering an intricate view of market movements. This proprietary algorithm is the backbone of our advanced pattern recognition indicators.
Sub-Waves and Micro-Waves Analysis - Dive deeper into market trends with our Sub-Waves and Micro-Waves feature. Sub-Waves reveal the interconnectedness of various Zigzag levels, while Micro-Waves offer insight into the fundamental waves at the base level.
Enhanced Indicator Tracking - Integrate and track your custom indicators or oscillators with the zigzag, capturing their values at each Zigzag level, complete with retracement ratios. This offers a comprehensive view of market dynamics.
Curved Zigzag Visualization - Experience a new way of visualizing market movements with our Curved Zigzag Display, employing Pine Script’s polyline feature for a more intuitive and visually appealing representation.
Built-in Customizable Alerts - Stay ahead with built-in alerts that can be customized via user input settings.
🎯 Practical Applications
Our Zigzag Indicator is designed with an understanding of its inherent nature - the last unconfirmed pivot that consistently repaints. This characteristic, while by design, directs its usage more towards pattern recognition rather than direct identification of market tops and bottoms. Here's how you can leverage the Zigzag Indicator:
Harmonic Patterns - Ideal for those familiar with harmonic patterns, this tool simplifies the manual spotting of complex XABCD, ABC, and ABCD patterns on charts.
Chart Patterns - Effortlessly identify patterns like Double/Triple Taps, Head and Shoulders, Inverse Head and Shoulders, and Cup and Handle patterns with enhanced clarity. Navigate through challenging patterns such as Triangles, Wedges, Flags, and Price Channels, where the Zigzag Indicator adds a layer of precision to your breakout strategy.
Elliott Wave Components - The indicator's detailed pivot highlighting aids in identifying key Elliott Wave components, enhancing your wave analysis and decision-making process.
🎲 Deep Dive into Indicator Features
Join us as we explore the intricate features of our indicator in more detail.
🎯 Multi-Timeframe Capability
Our indicator comes equipped with an input option for selecting the desired resolution. This unique feature allows users to view higher timeframe Zigzag patterns directly on their lower timeframe charts.
🎯 Recursive Multi Level Zigzag
Our advanced recursive approach creates multi-level Zigzags from lower-level data. For instance, the level 0 Zigzag forms the base, calculated from specified length and depth parameters, while level 1 Zigzag is derived using level 0 as its foundation, and so forth.
The indicator not only displays multiple Zigzag levels but also offers settings to emphasize specific levels for more detailed analysis.
🎯 Sub-Components and Micro-Components of Zigzag Wave
Sub-components within a Zigzag wave consist of the previous level's Zigzag pivots. Meanwhile, the micro-components are composed of the base level (Level 0) Zigzag pivots encapsulated within the wave.
🎯 Curved Zigzag
Experience a new perspective with our curved Zigzag display. This innovative feature utilizes the polyline curved option to automatically generate sinusoidal waves based on multiple points.
🎯 Indicator Tracking
Default indicators such as RSI, MFI, and OBV are included, alongside the ability to track one external indicator at each Zigzag pivot.
🎯 Customizable Alerts
Our indicator employs the `alert()` function for alert creation. While this means the absence of a customization text box in the alert settings, we've included a custom text area for users to create their own alert templates.
Template placeholders include:
{alertType} - type of alert. Either Confirmed Pivot Update or Last Pivot Update. Depends on the alert type selected in the inputs.
When Last Pivot Update type is selected, the alerts are triggered whenever there is a new Zigzag Pivot. This may also be a repaint of last unconfirmed pivot.
When Confirmed Pivot Update type is selected, the alerts are triggered only when a pivot becomes a confirmed pivot.
{level} - Zigzag level on which the alert is triggered.
{pivot} - Details of the last pivot or confirmed pivot including price, ratio, indicator values and ratios, subcomponent and micro-component pivots.
🎲 User Settings Overview
🎯 Zigzag and Generic Settings
This involves some generic zigzag calculation settings such as length, depth, and timeframe. And few display options such as theme, Highlight Level and Curved Zigzag. By default, zigzag calculation is done based on the latest real time bar. An option is provided to disable this and use only confirmed bars for the calculation.
Indicator Settings
Allows users to track one or more oscillators or volume indicators. Option to add any indicator via external input is provided.
🎯 Alert Settings
Has input fields required to select and customize alerts.
arraysLibrary "arraymethods"
Supplementary array methods.
delete(arr, index)
remove int object from array of integers at specific index
arr : int array
index : index at which int object need to be removed
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove float object from array of float at specific index
arr : float array
index : index at which float object need to be removed
Returns: float
delete(arr, index)
remove bool object from array of bool at specific index
arr : bool array
index : index at which bool object need to be removed
Returns: bool
delete(arr, index)
remove string object from array of string at specific index
arr : string array
index : index at which string object need to be removed
Returns: string
delete(arr, index)
remove color object from array of color at specific index
arr : color array
index : index at which color object need to be removed
Returns: color
delete(arr, index)
remove line object from array of lines at specific index and deletes the line
arr : line array
index : index at which line object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove label object from array of labels at specific index and deletes the label
arr : label array
index : index at which label object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove box object from array of boxes at specific index and deletes the box
arr : box array
index : index at which box object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove table object from array of tables at specific index and deletes the table
arr : table array
index : index at which table object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
delete(arr, index)
remove linefill object from array of linefills at specific index and deletes the linefill
arr : linefill array
index : index at which linefill object need to be removed and deleted
Returns: void
remove last int object from array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove last float object from array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove last bool object from array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove last string object from array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove last color object from array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete last line object from array
arr : line array
Returns: void
remove and delete last label object from array
arr : label array
Returns: void
remove and delete last box object from array
arr : box array
Returns: void
remove and delete last table object from array
arr : table array
Returns: void
remove and delete last linefill object from array
arr : linefill array
Returns: void
remove first int object from array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove first float object from array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove first bool object from array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove first string object from array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove first color object from array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete first line object from array
arr : line array
Returns: void
remove and delete first label object from array
arr : label array
Returns: void
remove and delete first box object from array
arr : box array
Returns: void
remove and delete first table object from array
arr : table array
Returns: void
remove and delete first linefill object from array
arr : linefill array
Returns: void
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add int to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : int array
val : int object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: int
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add float to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : float array
val : float object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: float
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add bool to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : bool array
val : bool object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: bool
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add string to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : string array
val : string object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: string
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add color to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from start to maintain max items cap
arr : color array
val : color object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: color
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add line to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : line array
val : line object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: line
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add label to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : label array
val : label object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: label
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add box to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : box array
val : box object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: box
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add table to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : table array
val : table object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: table
push(arr, val, maxItems)
add linefill to the end of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from start to maintain max items cap
arr : linefill array
val : linefill object to be pushed
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: linefill
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add int to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : int array
val : int object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: int
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add float to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : float array
val : float object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: float
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add bool to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : bool array
val : bool object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: bool
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add string to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : string array
val : string object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: string
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add color to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed from end to maintain max items cap
arr : color array
val : color object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: color
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add line to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : line array
val : line object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: line
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add label to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : label array
val : label object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: label
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add box to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : box array
val : box object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: box
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add table to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : table array
val : table object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: table
unshift(arr, val, maxItems)
add linefill to the beginning of an array with max items cap. Objects are removed and deleted from end to maintain max items cap
arr : linefill array
val : linefill object to be unshift
maxItems : max number of items array can hold
Returns: linefill
remove all int objects in an array
arr : int array
Returns: int
remove all float objects in an array
arr : float array
Returns: float
remove all bool objects in an array
arr : bool array
Returns: bool
remove all string objects in an array
arr : string array
Returns: string
remove all color objects in an array
arr : color array
Returns: color
remove and delete all line objects in an array
arr : line array
Returns: line
remove and delete all label objects in an array
arr : label array
Returns: label
remove and delete all box objects in an array
arr : box array
Returns: box
remove and delete all table objects in an array
arr : table array
Returns: table
remove and delete all linefill objects in an array
arr : linefill array
Returns: linefill
ZigzagLibrary "Zigzag"
Zigzag related user defined types. Depends on DrawingTypes library for basic types
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Pivot object to string representation
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot) : ZigzagTypes/Pivot
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (string ) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Pivot
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts Array of Pivot objects to string representation
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot ) : Pivot object array
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (string ) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of Pivot object array
method tostring(this)
Converts ZigzagFlags object to string representation
Namespace types: ZigzagFlags
this (ZigzagFlags) : ZigzagFlags object
Returns: string representation of ZigzagFlags
method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys)
Converts ZigzagTypes/Zigzag object to string representation
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : ZigzagTypes/Zigzagobject
sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by keys.
sortOrder (int) : Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys
includeKeys (string ) : Array of string containing selective keys. Optional parmaeter. If not provided, all the keys are considered
Returns: string representation of ZigzagTypes/Zigzag
method calculate(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
Calculate zigzag based on input values and indicator values
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
ohlc (float ) : Array containing OHLC values. Can also have custom values for which zigzag to be calculated
indicators (matrix) : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames (string ) : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
Returns: current Zigzag object
method calculate(this)
Calculate zigzag based on properties embedded within Zigzag object
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
Returns: current Zigzag object
method nextlevel(this)
Calculate Next Level Zigzag based on the current calculated zigzag object
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag) : Zigzag object
Returns: Next Level Zigzag object
method clear(this)
Clears zigzag drawings array
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing ) : array
Returns: void
method drawplain(this)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object without trying to calculate
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawfresh(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
indicators (matrix) : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames (string ) : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
Returns: ZigzagDrawing object
method drawcontinuous(this, ohlc, indicators, indicatorNames)
draws zigzag based on the zigzagmatrix input
Namespace types: ZigzagDrawing
this (ZigzagDrawing) : ZigzagDrawing object
ohlc (float ) : values on which the zigzag needs to be calculated and drawn. If not set will use regular OHLC
indicators (matrix) : Array of indicator values
indicatorNames (string ) : Array of indicator names for which values are present. Size of indicators array should be equal to that of indicatorNames
method getPrices(pivots)
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot )
method getBars(pivots)
Namespace types: Pivot
pivots (Pivot )
Indicator is collection of indicator values applied on high, low and close
indicatorHigh (series float) : Indicator Value applied on High
indicatorLow (series float) : Indicator Value applied on Low
PivotCandle represents data of the candle which forms either pivot High or pivot low or both
_high (series float) : High price of candle forming the pivot
_low (series float) : Low price of candle forming the pivot
length (series int) : Pivot length
pHighBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot High occurred.
pLowBar (series int) : represents number of bar back the pivot Low occurred.
pHigh (series float) : Pivot High Price
pLow (series float) : Pivot Low Price
indicators (Indicator ) : Array of Indicators - allows to add multiple
Pivot refers to zigzag pivot. Each pivot can contain various data
point (chart.point) : pivot point coordinates
dir (series int) : direction of the pivot. Valid values are 1, -1, 2, -2
level (series int) : is used for multi level zigzags. For single level, it will always be 0
componentIndex (series int) : is the lower level zigzag array index for given pivot. Used only in multi level Zigzag Pivots
subComponents (series int) : is the number of sub waves per each zigzag wave. Only applicable for multi level zigzags
microComponents (series int) : is the number of base zigzag components in a zigzag wave
ratio (series float) : Price Ratio based on previous two pivots
sizeRatio (series float)
subPivots (Pivot )
indicatorNames (string ) : Names of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorValues (float ) : Values of the indicators applied on zigzag
indicatorRatios (float ) : Ratios of the indicators applied on zigzag based on previous 2 pivots
Flags required for drawing zigzag. Only used internally in zigzag calculation. Should not set the values explicitly
newPivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in new pivot
doublePivot (series bool) : true if the calculation resulted in two pivots on same bar
updateLastPivot (series bool) : true if new pivot calculated replaces the old one.
Zigzag object which contains whole zigzag calculation parameters and pivots
length (series int) : Zigzag length. Default value is 5
numberOfPivots (series int) : max number of pivots to hold in the calculation. Default value is 20
offset (series int) : Bar offset to be considered for calculation of zigzag. Default is 0 - which means calculation is done based on the latest bar.
level (series int) : Zigzag calculation level - used in multi level recursive zigzags
zigzagPivots (Pivot ) : array which holds the last n pivots calculated.
flags (ZigzagFlags) : ZigzagFlags object which is required for continuous drawing of zigzag lines.
Zigzag Drawing Object
zigzagLine (series line) : Line joining two pivots
zigzagLabel (series label) : Label which can be used for drawing the values, ratios, directions etc.
Object which holds properties of zigzag drawing. To be used along with ZigzagDrawing
lineColor (series color) : Zigzag line color. Default is color.blue
lineWidth (series int) : Zigzag line width. Default is 1
lineStyle (series string) : Zigzag line style. Default is line.style_solid.
showLabel (series bool) : If set, the drawing will show labels on each pivot. Default is false
textColor (series color) : Text color of the labels. Only applicable if showLabel is set to true.
maxObjects (series int) : Max number of zigzag lines to display. Default is 300
xloc (series string) : Time/Bar reference to be used for zigzag drawing. Default is Time - xloc.bar_time.
Object which holds complete zigzag drawing objects and properties.
zigzag (Zigzag) : Zigzag object which holds the calculations.
properties (ZigzagProperties) : ZigzagProperties object which is used for setting the display styles of zigzag
drawings (ZigzagObject ) : array which contains lines and labels of zigzag drawing.
Zigzag Tails [Trendoscope®] 🎲 Introducing Zigzag Tails Indicator by Trendoscope.
The Zigzag Tails Indicator, a groundbreaking tool from Trendoscope, redefines technical analysis by seamlessly integrating anchored VWAPs (Volume Weighted Average Prices) and Average Price calculations with Zigzag pivot points. This advanced indicator recalculates Average Price or VWAP from one Zigzag pivot to the next, offering unparalleled insights into market movements.
🎯 Innovative Design
Each Zigzag pivot can feature up to three distinct tails, corresponding to the high, low, and close prices of each candle. Users have the flexibility to select between Average Price and VWAP for display on their charts. By default, the indicator plots all three tails, but individual tail visibility is customizable via the settings panel.
Average Price Mode: When selected, tails depict the average price across a specified number of bars.
VWAP Mode: In this mode, tails represent the VWAP, calculated for a given price over a set number of bars.
🎯 Dynamic Dotted Tail
The Zigzag Tails Indicator features dotted tails that extend from the last Zigzag pivot to the current bar. These dotted tails dynamically adapt to market changes and are subject to repainting with the emergence of new Zigzag pivots.
When repainting is enabled, the dotted tails originate from the last unconfirmed Zigzag pivot, extending to the current bar. This setting offers a more immediate, albeit tentative, visual representation of market trends.
With repainting disabled, the dotted tails will be anchored from the last confirmed Zigzag pivot to the current bar, providing a more stable but slightly delayed market analysis.
Irrespective of the repaint option, the dotted dynamic tails is always expected to repaint.
🎯 Practical Applications
The Zigzag Tails Indicator provides more accurate support and resistance levels than traditional VWAP, rolling VWAP, or moving averages. Its precision makes it an invaluable tool for identifying trends, as well as potential trend continuations or reversals.
🛠 Indicator Settings
Zigzag Configuration:
Zigzag Length determines the loopback length for the foundational Zigzag calculation.
Number of Bars represent the calculation distance. This limitation is added to avoid runtime errors on lower timeframes. The calculations run through lots of loops. Hence, if it is run across too many bars, we may get timeout issues.
Repaint: Activating this will also display the last, unconfirmed Zigzag pivot. Since the last pivot is inherently tentative, it may repaint with the arrival of new bars. A pivot is confirmed only when a subsequent unconfirmed pivot emerges on the chart.
Tail Configuration
Tail Type: Choose between average and VWAP for the tail calculation. The average option plots a simple average, while the VWAP option calculates an anchored VWAP from pivot to pivot.
Display Options: Tailored display options for High, Low, Close prices, with customizable colors for each tail type.
Inspired by the ideas of @KioseffTrading's implementation of Zigzag Anchored VWAP
Divergence Indicator [Trendoscope®]🎲 New Divergence Indicator by Trendoscope
Our latest Divergence Indicator revolutionizes the way traders identify market trends and potential reversals. Built upon the robust foundation of the Zigzag Trend Divergence Detector and inline with our recent implementation of the Divergence Goggles indicator, this tool is designed to be intuitive yet powerful, making it an essential addition to any trader's toolkit.
We received several queries on extending the Divergence Goggles to last N bars instead of using an interactive widget. Though it is possible, we thought the better approach is to enable the indicator to use any oscillator and trend indicator in order to define the divergence.
🎯 Key Features
Flexible Oscillator Integration : Choose from a wide range of built-in oscillators or import your own, including options like the innovative Multiband Oscillator. This versatility extends to using volume indicators like OBV for divergence calculations, broadening the scope of analysis.
Trend Identification Versatility : Utilize built-in methods like Zigzag and MA Difference, or integrate external trend indicators. Our system adapts to various methods, ensuring you have the right tools for precise trend identification.
Customizable Zigzag Sensitivity : Adjust the Zigzag based on your chosen oscillator's sensitivity to ensure divergence lines are accurate and visually coherent.
Repainting vs. Delayed Signals : Tailor the indicator to your strategy by choosing between immediate repainting signals and slightly delayed but more stable signals.
🎯 Understanding Divergence: Key Rules
Bullish Divergence
Happens only in downtrend
Observed on Pivot Lows
Price makes lower low whereas oscillator makes higher low, indicating weakness and possible reversal
Bearish Divergence
Happens only in uptrend
Observed on Pivot Highs
Price makes higher high whereas oscillator makes lower high, indicating weakness and possible reversal
Bullish Hidden Divergence
Happens only in uptrend
Observed on Pivot Lows
Price makes higher low, whereas indicator makes lower low due to price consolidation. In bullish trend, this is considered as bullish as the price gets a breather and get ready to surge further.
Bearish Hidden Divergence
Happens only in downtrend
Observed on Pivot Highs
Price makes lower high whereas oscillator makes higher high due to price consolidation. In bearish trend, this is considered as bearish as the price gets a breather and get ready to fall further.
🎯 Visual Insights: Divergence and Hidden Divergence
For a clearer understanding, refer to our visual guides:
🎲 Using the Divergence Indicator: A Step-by-Step Guide
🎯 Step 1 - Selecting the Oscillator
Customize your analysis by choosing from a variety of oscillators or importing your preferred one. Options are available to select a range of built-in oscillators and the loopback length. However, if the oscillator that user want to use is not in the list, they can simply load the oscillator from the indicator library and use it as an external signal.
In our current example, we are using a custom oscillator called - Multiband Oscillator
This also means, the indicator option is not limited to oscillators. Users can even make use of volume indicators such as OBV for the calculation of divergence.
🎯 Step 2 - Choosing the Trend Identification Method
Select from our built-in methods or integrate an external indicator to accurately identify market trends. Trend is one of the key parameters of divergence type identification. Trend can be identified mathematically by various methods. Some of them are as simple as above or below 200 moving average and some can follow trend based indicators such as supertrend and others can be very complex.
To cater for a wider audience, here too we have provided the option to use an external trend indicator. The simple condition for the external trend indicator is that it should return positive value for uptrend and negative value for downtrend.
Other than that, we also have 2 built in trend identification methods.
Zigzag - The trend is defined by the starting pivot of divergence line. If the starting pivot is Higher High or Higher Low, then it is considered uptrend. And if the starting pivot is either Lower Low or Lower High, then we consider it as downtrend.
MA Difference - In this case, the difference between the moving average of pivots joining the divergence line will determine the trend. It is considered uptrend if the moving average increased from starting pivot to ending pivot of the divergence line, and it is considered downtrend if the moving average decreased from starting pivot to the ending pivot of the divergence line.
🎯 Step 3 - Adjusting Zigzag Sensitivity
Fine-tune the Zigzag to match the oscillator's sensitivity, ensuring divergence lines are accurate and visually coherent.
🎯 Step 4 - Managing Repainting
Understand the implications of repainting in the last pivot of the Zigzag and choose between immediate or delayed signals based on your trading strategy. The last pivot of the zigzag repaint by design. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Users can just choose not to use the last pivot, but instead use the last but one for all the calculations. But, this also means, the signals will be delayed.
Indicator provides option to use repainting signal vs delayed signal. If you select the repaint option, the signals are shown immediately as and when they occur. But, there is a possibility that these signals change when the new price candles change zigzag pivot.
If you chose not to select the repaint option, then the divergence signals may lag by a few bars.
RSI-Divergence Goggles [Trendoscope®]🎲 Introducing the RSI-Divergence Goggle
🎯 Revolutionizing Divergence Analysis in Trading
While the concept of divergence plays a crucial role in technical analysis, existing indicators in the community library have faced limitations, particularly in simultaneously displaying divergence lines on both price and oscillator graphs. This challenge stems from the fact that RSI and other oscillators are typically plotted in a separate pane from the price chart. Traditional Pine Script® indicators are confined to a single pane, thus restricting comprehensive divergence analysis.
🎯 Our Innovative Solution: RSI on the Price Pane
The RSI-Divergence Goggle breaks through these limitations. Our innovative approach involves plotting the RSI directly onto the price pane within a movable and resizable widget. This groundbreaking feature allows for the simultaneous drawing of zigzag patterns on both price and the oscillator, enabling the effective calculation and visualization of divergence lines on both.
🎯 The Foundation: Our Divergence Research and Rules
Our journey into divergence research began three years ago with the launch of the "Zigzag Trend Divergence Detector." The foundational rules established with this script remain pertinent and form the basis of all our subsequent divergence-based indicators.
🎯 Understanding Divergence: Key Concepts
Divergence Varieties : We identify two main types - Bullish Divergence (and its hidden counterpart) occurs at pivot lows, while Bearish Divergence (and its hidden version) appears at pivot highs.
Contextual Occurrence : Bullish divergence is a phenomenon of downtrends, whereas bearish divergence is unique to uptrend. Conversely, hidden bullish divergence arises in uptrends, and hidden bearish divergence in downtrends.
Oscillator Behavior : In standard divergence scenarios, the oscillator lags behind price, signaling potential reversals. In hidden divergence cases, the oscillator leads, suggesting trend continuation.
🎯 Visual Insights: Divergence and Hidden Divergence
For a clearer understanding, refer to our visual guides:
🎯 A Word of Caution
While divergence is a powerful tool, it's not a standalone guarantee of trend reversals or continuations. We recommend using these patterns in conjunction with support and resistance levels, as demonstrated in our "Divergence Based Support Resistance" implementation.
🎯 Using the RSI-Divergence Goggles
Upon applying the indicator to your chart, you'll be prompted to select two corner points, defining the widget's placement and size. This widget is the stage for your RSI plotting and divergence calculations. Choose these points carefully to ensure they encompass your area of interest without overlapping important price bars.
An example as below.
🎯 Innovative Features:
Plotting RSI: RSI values are scaled from 0 to 100 within the widget. This unique plotting may not align with individual bar values, but pivot labels and tooltips provide detailed RSI and retracement ratio information.
Zigzag and Pivots: Our adjusted RSI plots determine the zigzag pivot highs and lows, which may not always correspond with visible price pivots. However, calculations based on close prices ensure minimal deviation.
Divergence Display: Divergence types are identified following our established rules, with a simple moving average employed to discern the prevailing trend.
🎯 Trend Detection Mechanism
A simple moving average is used as base for determining the trend. If the difference between moving averages of the alternate pivots is positive, then the sentiment is considered to be uptrend. Else, we consider the sentiment to be in downtrend.
This is a simple method to identify trend, implemented via this indicator. The indicator does not provide alternative methods to identify trend. This is something that we can explore in the future.
🎯 Interactive and Customizable
The RSI-Divergence Goggle isn't just a static tool; it's an interactive feature on your chart. You can move or resize the widget, allowing for dynamic analysis and focused study on different chart segments.
Oscillator Volume Profile [Trendoscope®]The Oscillator Volume Profile indicator is designed to construct a volume profile based on predefined oscillator levels. It integrates volume data with oscillator readings to offer a unique perspective on market dynamics.
🎲 Selectable Oscillators:
Users can select from an array of oscillator options for the basis of the volume profile, including:
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO)
Center of Gravity (COG)
Money Flow Index (MFI)
Rate of Change (ROC)
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
Stochastic Oscillator (Stoch)
True Strength Index (TSI)
Williams %R (WPR)
The length parameters - Length, Fast Length, Slow Length allows users to define the period over which the chosen oscillator is calculated, tailoring the sensitivity of the indicator to their trading strategy.
🎲 Dynamic Overbought/Oversold Ranges:
This indicator enhances traditional concepts by introducing dynamic overbought and oversold levels. These adaptable thresholds are calculated using various methods, including:
🎯 Highest/Lowest Range Method : This method establishes the range based on the highest and lowest values of the oscillator within the last N bars.
🎯 Moving Average Range Method : The range is derived from a moving average of the oscillator, providing a smoothed threshold that reflects more recent market conditions.
In addition to these methods, the indicator incorporates a unique 'Sticky Border' feature:
🎯 Sticky Border: With this option enabled, the dynamic ranges maintain their levels until the oscillator breaks out of the range. Once a breakout occurs, the levels are recalculated and updated. This mechanism ensures that the borders remain consistent and relevant, only adjusting to significant market movements that warrant a recalculation.
Users can select their preferred method for determining dynamic ranges, allowing for a customized approach that aligns with their analysis and trading strategy. The sticky border feature further refines this functionality, offering continuity until a decisive market move occurs.
🎲 Volume Profile Calculation Parameters:
🎯 Trend Filter: The indicator provides a versatile trend filter with four selectable options:
Uptrend: The volume profile is calculated when the oscillator indicates an uptrend.
Downtrend: The volume profile is calculated when the oscillator indicates a downtrend.
Any: The volume profile is calculated regardless of the trend.
External: Users can input values from an external indicator. The volume profile is then calculated only when the external indicator's value is non-zero, integrating external analysis into the volume profile construction.
🎯 Precision: Users have the option to define the precision for calculating the volume profile, which is crucial due to the varying scales of different oscillators (e.g., some oscillators range from 0 to 100, while others from -1 to 1). Selecting an appropriate precision ensures that the volume profile is accurately aligned with the minimal price range significant to the chosen oscillator. This setting requires user intervention for optimal configuration, as automatic calculation is not feasible due to the diverse nature of oscillator ranges.
🎯 Number of Bars: Users can select a specific number of bars for volume profile calculation, or opt to include all available historical bars for a comprehensive profile.
🎲 Selecting the right precision:
Users must select the right precision based on their choice of indicator. For example, RSI values range from 0-100. Hence, the default precision of 1 work fine on RSI as the volume profiles are plotted from 0 to 100 at the interval of 0.1
But, the default precision of 1 will not be ok on TSI because TSI values range from -1 to 1. Hence, using 1 as precision will result in very less volume profile lines as shown below.
Due to this, it is necessary to increase the precision for oscillators such as TSI where the range between highest and lowest value is far less. Once we set the precision to 2, we can see more appropriate volume profile division.
🎲 Note of thanks:
This publication uses polyline feature for drawing volume profiles. The advantage of using polyline is that we can overcome max 500 lines issue that we face by using the regular line objects. More details of polyline can be found in the tradingview blog post
Further, using polyline for display of volume profiles is inspired by the publications of fikira and KioseffTrading
Volume Spike Analysis [Trendoscope]The Volume Spike Analysis is designed to detect volume spikes in a trading instrument's data. Rather than relying on the traditional method of comparing volume to its moving average, this indicator employs a distinctive approach to ensure accuracy.
Historical Volume Comparison: The indicator first assesses the current bar's volume, say 100k, and looks back historically to determine the last instance when the volume was equal to or exceeded this level.
High Volume Bar Gap Calculation: The intervals or gaps between high volume bars are recorded. These gaps help in determining how common or rare a particular volume spike is.
Spike Magnitude Determination: Here, the extent of the volume spike is gauged in relation to either the median, lowest, or average volume of the intervening bars. The reference metric (median, lowest, or average) can be chosen by the user through the "Volume Spike Reference" input parameter.
Spike Percentile Analysis: The calculated spike magnitude (as a percentage of the reference volume) is cataloged. This collection aids in understanding the relative intensity of the current volume spike when compared to previous spikes.
Threshold Comparisons: The indicator then compares the calculated "High Volume Distance Percentile" to the "Last High Volume Distance Percentile" and the "Volume Spike Percentile" to the "Volume Spike Threshold". If these values surpass the preset thresholds, the current bar is flagged as a high volume or volume spike bar.
Visual Components
Bar Highlighting : High volume or volume spike bars are accentuated with bright colors for easy identification. All other bars have increased transparency to reduce visual clutter.
Distance from the High Volume Bar: Indication of the number of bars since the last high volume occurrence and its respective percentile.
Comparative Factors: A factor representing the magnitude by which the current volume surpasses the lowest, median, and average volumes.
Lowest, Median and Average Volumes: The lowest and median volumes are indicated by tooltips on lines marking the respective bars. The average volume is depicted as a dotted horizontal line, with a triangle marker tooltip revealing its value.
This indicator offers a nuanced analysis of volume spikes, aiding traders in making more informed decisions.
ABC on Recursive Zigzag [Trendoscope]There are several implementations of ABC pattern in tradingview and pine script. However, we have made this indicator to provide users additional quantifiable information along with flexibility to experiment and develop their own strategy based on the patterns.
🎲 Highlights of this indicator over other ABC implementations are:
Implementation is based on recursive multi level zigzag allows bigger as well as smaller patterns to be identified
Allows users to set their trading rules with respect to entry, target and stop ratios, experiment and build their own strategy based on the ABC pattern.
Back test summary including win ratio and risk reward will help users understand the profitability based on different settings being used.
🎲 Concept of ABC Pattern
The ABC pattern, also known as the "Corrective Wave" or "Zigzag Pattern," is a fundamental concept in Elliott Wave Theory, which is widely used in technical analysis to identify and predict price movements in financial markets.
The ABC pattern is a three-wave corrective pattern that typically occurs within the context of a larger impulse or trending wave. It consists of two smaller waves in the opposite direction (A and C) separated by a corrective wave (B). These waves are labeled alphabetically and represent price movements.
Wave A (Impulse Wave): Wave A is the first leg of the ABC pattern and is characterized by a strong price move in the opposite direction of the prevailing trend. It is often driven by a fundamental or sentiment-driven event that temporarily disrupts the trend.
Wave B (Corrective Wave): Wave B is the corrective wave that follows Wave A. It represents a partial retracement of Wave A's price movement. Wave B can take various forms, such as a simple correction or a complex correction (e.g., a triangle or a flat correction). It typically doesn't retrace the entire length of Wave A.
Wave C (Impulse Wave): Wave C is the final leg of the ABC pattern and is characterized by a strong price move in the same direction as the prevailing trend. It often surpasses the starting point of Wave A and confirms the resumption of the larger trend.
🎲 Indicator Components
Upon loading the indicator on the chart, we can observe the following components on the chart.
Pattern Drawings is the graphical representation of present patterns. Please note that it is not necessary for patterns to be there on the chart all the time. Patterns will appear on the chart when price makes the patterns.
Trade Box is the box representing trade signals of the pattern. These trade levels are generated based on the user settings.
Summary Table is the back test summary containing details of historical pattern performance including Win Ratio and Risk Reward.
🎲 Indicator Settings
Details of each user settings are provided in the tooltips. Below is the snapshot of it.
🎲 Alerts
Basic level of alerts are built in the script using alert function to highlight the following conditions:
New ABC Pattern
Updates to existing Pattern
Both conditions will alert simple text messages. There is not much customization provided as part of this indicator. We will consider providing more options in future versions based on the interest and demand shown by users.
Historical Pattern Matcher [Trendoscope]Do you believe in patterns and think price movements are more likely to follow historical patterns? If yes, this is an indicator for you.
🎲 Concept
The patterns in this script are not a named or known pattern. But, it can be any pattern that happen to repeat again and again over a period of time.
The indicator collects the following information over a period of time.
Collects all possible patterns for specified number of pivots based on relation between each pivot prices. (Default 6)
Keeps track of all the possible patterns for the given pivots and number of occurrences of such patterns over a period of time.
Collects the movement of next pivot (in terms of retracement ratio) after the pattern has formed for each occurrence.
Keeps track of the last occurrence of each pattern collected
And the indicator presents on chart following information
Current Pattern drawing based on last confirmed pivot.
Current Pattern drawing based on current unconfirmed pivot in the opposite direction.
Projection range based on historical retracement ratio for both patterns
Detailed info on last occurrence and overall occurrences.
Last occurrence of both confirmed and unconfirmed pivot patterns.
Please note that, if the patterns have not been repeated over a period, then it will not be shown on the screen. Hence, it is perfectly normal to not see any projection. This can happen when the current pattern has not been repeated any time before.
🎲 Details
When you load the indicator on the chart, you may see the following patterns and projections.
You may also notice, in the pattern details, information about the last occurrence of the pattern. If you scroll on your chart to the left to the given data and time, you can observe how the past occurrence of the pattern has formed and the price movement past that point.
For example, last occurrence of pattern based on confirmed pivot happened on 02-Jun-2023 00:00 UTC time
And last occurrence of pattern based on unconfirmed pivot happened on 27-Apr-2023 22:00 UTC time
🎲 Settings
Settings are minimal, and here is the meaning of them.
Most important setting here is the number of pivots forming the pattern.
🎲 Caution
The indicator is designed to present the projection based on historical occurrences of similar price pattern. This does not necessarily mean the patterns are supposed to be bullish or bearish. But, it will certainly give users an idea of what happened when similar price action presented historically.
Note to developers This script makes use of new pine script feature - maps
PercentX Trend Follower [Trendoscope]"Trendoscope" was born from our trading journey, where we first delved into the world of trend-following methods. Over time, we discovered the captivating allure of pattern analysis and the exciting challenges it presented, drawing us into exploring new horizons. However, our dedication to trend-following methodologies remains steadfast and continues to be an integral part of our core philosophy.
Here we are, introducing another effective trend-following methodology, employing straightforward yet powerful techniques.
🎲 Concepts
Introducing the innovative PercentX Oscillator , a representation of Bollinger PercentB and Keltner Percent K. This powerful tool offers users the flexibility to customize their PercentK oscillator, including options for the type of moving average and length.
The Oscillator Range is derived dynamically, utilizing two lengths - inner and outer. The inner length initiates the calculation of the oscillator's highest and lowest range, while the outer length is used for further calculations, involving either a moving average or the opposite side of the highest/lowest range, to obtain the oscillator ranges.
Next, the Oscillator Boundaries are derived by applying another round of high/low or moving average calculations on the oscillator range values.
Breakouts occur when the close price crosses above the upper boundary or below the lower boundary, signaling potential trading opportunities.
🎲 How to trade a breakout?
To reduce false signals, we employ a simple yet effective approach. Instead of executing market trades, we use stop orders on both sides at a certain distance from the current close price.
In case of an upper side breakout, a long stop order is placed at 1XATR above the close, and a short stop order is placed at 2XATR below the close. Conversely, for a lower side breakout, a short stop order is placed at 1XATR below the close, and a long stop order is placed at 2XATR above the ATR. As a trend following method, our first inclination is to trade on the side of breakout and not to find the reversals. Hence, higher multiplier is used for the direction opposite to the breakout.
The script provides users with the option to specify ATR multipliers for both sides.
Once a trade is initiated, the opposite side of the trade is converted into a stop-loss order. In the event of a breakout, the script will either place new long and short stop orders (if no existing trade is present) or update the stop-loss orders if a trade is currently running.
As a trend-following strategy, this script does not rely on specific targets or target levels. The objective is to run the trade as long as possible to generate profits. The trade is only stopped when the stop-loss is triggered, which is updated with every breakout to secure potential gains and minimize risks.
🎲 Default trade parameters
Script uses 10% equity per trade and up to 4 pyramid orders. Hence, the maximum invested amount at a time is 40% of the equity. Due to this, the comparison between buy and hold does not show a clear picture for the trade.
Feel free to explore and optimize the parameters further for your favorite symbols.
🎲 Visual representation
The blue line represents the PercentX Oscillator, orange and lime colored lines represent oscillator ranges. And red/green lines represent oscillator boundaries. Oscillator spikes upon breakout are highlighted with color fills.
Volume Forks [Trendoscope]🎲 Volume Forks - Advanced Price Analysis with Recursive Auto-Pitchfork and Angled Volume Profile
The Volume Forks Indicator is a comprehensive research tool that combines two innovative techniques, Recursive Auto-Pitchfork and Angled Volume Profile . This indicator provides traders with valuable insights into price dynamics by integrating accurate pitchfork drawing and volume analysis over angled levels. The indicator does following things
Detects Pitchfork formations automatically on the chart over Recursive Zigzag
Instead of drawing forks based on fib levels, volume distribution over ABC of pitchfork is calculated and drawn in the direction of the handle.
🎲 Brief about Pitchfork
Pitchfork is drawn when price forms ABC pattern. Pitchfork draws a series of parallel lines in the direction of trend which can be used for support and resistance.
There are many methods of drawing pitchfork. In all cases, a line joining BC will make the base of pitchfork and fork lines are drawn from different points of the base. All the fork lines will be parallel. But, the handle of the base defines the direction of fork lines. Classification of pitchfork is mainly based on the starting and ending points of the handle.
🎲 Regular Types
Here, end of the handle is always fixed and it will be the mid point of B and C.
🎯 Andrews Pitchfork
Handle starts from A and joins the base at mid of B and C.
Forks are drawn based on fib ratios from the handle
🎯 Schiff Pitchfork
Handle starts from Bar of A and price of middle of AB and joins the base at mid of B and C
Forks are drawn based on fib ratios from the handle
🎯 Modified Schiff Pitchfork
Handle starts from mid of A and B and joins the base at mid of B and C
Forks are drawn based on fib ratios from the handle
🎲 Inside Types
Here, C will act as end of the handle which joins the Base BC .
🎯 Andrews Pitchfork (Inside)
Handle starts from A and joins the base at C
Forks are drawn based on fib ratios from the handle
🎯 Schiff Pitchfork (Inside)
Handle starts from Bar of A and price of (A+B)/2 and joins the base at C
Forks are drawn based on fib ratios from the handle
🎯 Modified Schiff Pitchfork (Inside)
Handle starts from mid of A and B and joins the base at C
Forks are drawn based on fib ratios from the handle
🎲 Brief about Pitchfork
The Angled Volume Profile technique expands on the concept of volume profile by measuring volume distribution levels over angled levels rather than just horizontal levels. By selecting a starting point and angle interactively, traders can assess volume distribution within specific price trends. This feature is particularly useful for analysing volume dynamics in trending markets.
🎲 Settings
Indicator settings include few things which determine the scanning of pitchforks and few which determines drawing of volume profile lines.
Please note that, due to pine limitations of 500 lines, if there are too many formations on the chart, volume profile may not appear correctly. If that happens, please reduce the number of volume forks per formation.
Recursive Micro Zigzag🎲 Overview
Zigzag is basic building block for any pattern recognition algorithm. This indicator is a research-oriented tool that combines the concepts of Micro Zigzag and Recursive Zigzag to facilitate a comprehensive analysis of price patterns. This indicator focuses on deriving zigzag on multiple levels in more efficient and enhanced manner in order to support enhanced pattern recognition.
The Recursive Micro Zigzag Indicator utilises the Micro Zigzag as the foundation and applies the Recursive Zigzag technique to derive higher-level zigzags. By integrating these techniques, this indicator enables researchers to analyse price patterns at multiple levels and gain a deeper understanding of market behaviour.
🎲 Concept:
Micro Zigzag Base : The indicator utilises the Micro Zigzag concept to capture detailed price movements within each candle. It allows for the visualisation of the sequential price action within the candle, aiding in pattern recognition at a micro level.
Basic implementation of micro zigzag can be found in this link - Micro-Zigzag
Recursive Zigzag Expansion : Building upon the Micro Zigzag base, the indicator applies the Recursive Zigzag concept to derive higher-level zigzags. Through recursive analysis of the Micro Zigzag's pivots, the indicator uncovers intricate patterns and trends that may not be evident in single-level zigzags.
Earlier implementations of recursive zigzag can be found here:
Recursive Zigzag
Recursive Zigzag - Trendoscope
And the libraries
The major differences in this implementation are
Micro Zigzag Base - Earlier implementation made use of standard zigzag as base whereas this implementation uses Micro Zigzag as base
Not cap on Pivot depth - Earlier implementation was limited by the depth of level 0 zigzag. In this implementation, we are trying to build the recursive algorithm progressively so that there is no cap on the depth of level 0 zigzag. But, if we go for higher levels, there is chance of program timing out due to pine limitations.
These algorithms are useful in automatically spotting patterns on the chart including Harmonic Patterns, Chart Patterns, Elliot Waves and many more.
Interactive Motive Wave ChecklistHere is an interactive tool that can be used for learning a bit about Elliott Waves
🎲 How it works?
The script upon load asks users to enter 6 pivots in an order. Once all 6 pivots are selected on the interactive chart, the script will calculate if the structure is a valid motive wave.
When you load the script, you will see a prompt on the chart to select points on the chart to form 6 pivots.
When you select the 6 pivots, the checklists are populated on the chart to notify users which conditions for qualifying the selection has passed and which of them are failed.
🎲 Conditions for Motive Wave
Motive wave can be either Impulse or Diagonal Wave. Diagonal wave can be either expanding or contracting diagonals. To learn more about diagonal waves, please go through this idea.
Rules for generic motive waves are as below
Pivots in order - Checks wether the pivots selected are in progressive order.
Directions in order - Checks if the pivot directions are correct - either PH, PL, PH, PL, PH, PL or PL, PH, PL, PH, PL, PH
Wave 2 never moves beyond the start of wave 1 - Wave 2 retracement is less than 100% of wave1
Wave 3 always moves beyond the end of wave 1 - Wave 3 retracement is more than 100% of wave2
Wave 3 is never the shortest one - Checks if Wave 3 is bigger than either Wave 1 or wave 5 or both.
Now, these are the specific rules for Impulse Waves on top of Motive Wave conditions
Wave 4 never moves beyond the end of Wave 1 - meaning wave 1 and wave 4 never overlap on price scale.
Wave 1, 3, 5 are all not extended. We check for retracement ratios of more than 200% to be considered as extended wave.
Below are the conditions for Diagonal Waves on top of Motive Wave conditions
Wave4 never moves beyond the start of Wave 3 - Wave 4 retracement is less than 100%
Wave 4 always ends within the price territory of Wave 1 - Unlike impulse wave, wave 4 intersects with wave 1 in case of diagonal waves. This is the major difference between impulse and diagonal wave.
Waves are progressively expanding or contracting - Wave1 > Wave3 > Wave5 and Wave2 > Wave4 to be contracting diagonal. Wave1 < Wave3 < Wave5 and Wave2 < Wave4 to be expanding diagonal wave.
Here is an example of diagonal wave projection
Here is an example of impulse wave projection
cphelperLibrary "cphelper"
ACPU helper library - for private use. Not so meaningful for others.
calculate_rr(targetArray, rrArray, breakevenOnTarget1)
calculates risk reward for given targets
targetArray (float ) : array of targets
rrArray (float ) : array of risk reward
breakevenOnTarget1 (simple bool) : option to breakeven
Returns: array rrArray
trendPairs(l1StartX, l1StartY, l1EndX, l1EndY, l2StartX, l2StartY, l2EndX, l2EndY, zgColor)
creates trendline pairs
l1StartX (int) : startX of first line
l1StartY (float) : startY of first line
l1EndX (int) : endX of first line
l1EndY (float) : endY of first line
l2StartX (int) : startX of second line
l2StartY (float) : startY of second line
l2EndX (int) : endX of second line
l2EndY (float) : endY of second line
zgColor (color) : line color
find_type(l1t, l2t, channelThreshold)
Finds type based on trendline pairs
l1t (line) : line1
l2t (line) : line2
channelThreshold (simple float) : theshold for channel identification
Returns: pattern type and flags
Flatten flags
flags (bool ) : array of flags
Returns: - flattened flags isChannel, isTriangle, isWedge, isExpanding, isContracting, isFlat, isRising, isFalling
Get type based on type number
typeNum (int) : number representing type
Returns: String value of type
getStatus(status, maxStatus)
Get status based on integer value representations
status (int) : integer representing current status
maxStatus (int) : integer representing max status
Returns: String status value
calculate_simple_targets(trendLines, settingsMatrix, patternTypeMapping, patternType)
Calculate targets based on trend lines
trendLines (line ) : trendline pair array
settingsMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing settings
patternTypeMapping (string ) : array containing pattern type mapping
patternType (int) : pattern type
Returns: arrays containing long and short calculated targets
recalculate_position(patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, targetMatrix, index, pIndex, status, maxStatus, targetValue, stopValue, dir, breakevenOnTarget1)
Recalculate position values
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing pattern type and status
targetMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing targets
index (int) : current index
pIndex (int) : pattern index
status (int) : current status
maxStatus (int) : max status reached
targetValue (float) : current target value
stopValue (float) : current stop value
dir (int) : direction
breakevenOnTarget1 (simple bool) : flag to breakeven upon target1
Returns: new status and maxStatus values
draw_targets(longTargets, shortTargets, index, labelColor, patternName, positionIndex, longMaxStatus, longStatus, shortMaxStatus, shortStatus, tempBoxes, tempLines, tempLabels)
Draw targets on chart
longTargets (matrix) : matrix containing long targets
shortTargets (matrix) : matrix containing short targets
index (int) : current index
labelColor (color) : color of lines and labels
patternName (string) : Pattern name
positionIndex (int) : position on the chart
longMaxStatus (int) : max status for long
longStatus (int) : long status value
shortMaxStatus (int) : max status for short
shortStatus (int) : short status value
tempBoxes (box ) : temporary box array
tempLines (line ) : temporary lines array
tempLabels (label ) : temporary labels array
Returns: void
populate_open_stats(patternIdArray, barMatrix, patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, patternColorArray, longTargets, shortTargets, patternRRMatrix, OpenStatPosition, lblSizeOpenTrades)
Populate open stats table
patternIdArray (int ) : pattern Ids
barMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing bars
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix) : matrix containing pattern type and status
patternColorArray (color ) : array containing current patter colors
longTargets (matrix) : matrix of long targets
shortTargets (matrix) : matrix of short targets
patternRRMatrix (matrix) : pattern risk reward matrix
OpenStatPosition (simple string) : table position
lblSizeOpenTrades (simple string) : text size
Returns: void
draw_pattern_label(trendLines, patternFlagMatrix, patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, patternColorArray, patternFlags, patternLabelArray, zgColor, patternType, drawLabel, clearOldPatterns, safeRepaint, maxPatternsReference)
trendLines (line )
patternFlagMatrix (matrix)
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix)
patternColorArray (color )
patternFlags (bool )
patternLabelArray (label )
zgColor (color)
patternType (int)
drawLabel (simple bool)
clearOldPatterns (simple bool)
safeRepaint (simple bool)
maxPatternsReference (simple int)
populate_closed_stats(patternTypeAndStatusMatrix, bullishCounts, bearishCounts, bullishRetouchCounts, bearishRetouchCounts, bullishSizeMatrix, bearishSizeMatrix, bullishRR, bearishRR, ClosedStatsPosition, lblSizeClosedTrades, showSelectivePatternStats, showPatternStats, showStatsInPercentage)
patternTypeAndStatusMatrix (matrix)
bullishCounts (matrix)
bearishCounts (matrix)
bullishRetouchCounts (matrix)
bearishRetouchCounts (matrix)
bullishSizeMatrix (matrix)
bearishSizeMatrix (matrix)
bullishRR (matrix)
bearishRR (matrix)
ClosedStatsPosition (simple string)
lblSizeClosedTrades (simple string)
showSelectivePatternStats (simple bool)
showPatternStats (simple bool)
showStatsInPercentage (simple bool)
Master Supertrend Strategy [Trendoscope]Here is the strategy version of the indicator - Master Supertrend
Options and variations are same throughout.
🎲 Variations
Following variations are provided in the form of settings.
🎯 Range Type
Instead of ATR, different types of ranges can be used for stop calculation. Here is the complete list used in the script.
Plus/Minus Range* - Calculates plus range and minus range for each candle and uses them for different sides of stop calculation
Ladder ATR - Based on the existing concept of Ladder ATR defined in Supertrend-Ladder-ATR
True Range - True range derived from standard function ta.tr
Standard Deviation - Standard deviation of close prices
🎯 Applied Calculation
In standard ATR, rma of TR is used for calculations. But, the application calculation provides option to users to use different mechanisms. It can be a type of moving average or few other types of calculations.
Available values are
🎯 Other options
Few other options provided are
Use Close Price - If selected stops are calculated based on the close price instead of high/low prices
Wait for Close If selected, change of supertrend direction is calculated based on close price instead of high/low prices
Diminishing Stop Distance - When selected, stop distance for the trend direction can only reduce and cannot increase. This option is useful for keeping the tight stops on strong trends.
🎯 Plus Minus Range*
One of the range type used is Plus/Minus Range. What it means and how are these ranges calculated? Let's have a look.
Plus Range is an upward movement of a candle from its last price or open price whichever is lower.
Minus Range is a downward movement of a candle from its last price or open price whichever is higher.
This divides True Range into two separate range for positive and negative side.
Note : Effectiveness on daily charts are quire visible. However, if you want to use it for lower timeframes, please play around with settings before settling on suitable configuration.