Library "math" It's a library of discrete aproximations of a price or Series float it uses Fourier Discrete transform, Laplace Discrete Original and Modified transform and Euler's Theoreum for Homogenus White noice operations. Calling functions without source value it automatically take close as the default source value. Here is a picture of Laplace and...
Library "loxxfft" This code is a library for performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) operations. FFT is an algorithm that can quickly compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence. The library includes functions for performing FFTs on both real and complex data. It also includes functions for fast correlation and convolution, which are operations...
Library "FFTLibrary" contains a function for performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) along with a few helper functions. In general, FFT is defined for complex inputs and outputs. The real and imaginary parts of formally complex data are treated as separate arrays (denoted as x and y). For real-valued data, the array of imaginary parts should be filled with...