Binary Option Ultimate Backtester-V.1[tanayroy]The Binary Option strategy backtester gives the user extensive power to test any kind of strategy with advance trade management rules.
The strategy tester accepts external scripts as strategy sources. You can add your strategy and test it for historical stats.
Few assumption regarding strategy tester:
We are opening position at next candle after signal come
We are taking the position at opening price
Our call will be profitable if we get a green candle and put will be profitable if we get a red candle
We can open only one trade at a time. So if we are in trade, subsequent signals will be ignored.
How to make your strategy code compatible for strategy backtesting?
In your strategy code file add following lines:
Signal = is_call ? 1 : is_put ? -1 : 0
plot(Signal, title="🔌Connector🔌", display = display.none)
Is_call and is_put is your buy and sell signal. Plot the signal without displaying it in the chart. The new TradingView feature display = display.none, will not display the plot.
All Input options
Add Your Binary Strategy: External strategy to back test.
Trade Call/Put: Select CALL, to trade Call, PUT, to trade Put. Default is BOTH, Trading Call and Put both.
Number of Candles to Hold: How many candles to hold per trade. Default 1. If you want to hold the option for 30 minutes and you are testing your strategy in 15m intervals, use 2 candle holding periods.
Martingale Level: Select up to 15 Martingale. Select 1 for no Martingale.
Use Martingale At Strategy Level: Instead of using Martingale per trade basis, using Martingale per signal basis. Like if we make a loss in the first signal, instead of starting martingale immediately we’ll wait for the next signal to put the martingale amount. For example if you start with $1 and you lose, at the next signal you will invest $2 to recover your losses.
Strategy Martingale Level: Select up to 15 Martingale at strategy signal level. Only workable if Use Martingale At Strategy Level is selected.
Type of Trade: Martingale trade type. Only workable if we are using Martingale Level more than 1.
It can be:
“SAME”: If you are trading CALL and incur a loss, you are taking CALL in subsequent Martingale levels.
“OPSITE”: if you are trading CALL and incur a loss, you are taking PUT in subsequent Martingale levels.
“FOLLOW CANDLE COLOR”: You are following candle color in Martingale levels, i.e if the loss candle is RED, you are taking PUT in subsequent candles.
“OPPOSITE CANDLE COLOR”: You are taking opposite candle color trade, i.e if the loss candle is RED, you are taking CALL in subsequent candle.
Initial Investment Per Option: Initial investment amount per trade
Payout: Per trade payout in percentage
Use Specific Session: Select to test trade on specific session.
Trading Session: Select trading session. Only workable if Use Specific Session is selected.
Use Date Range: Select to use test trades between dates.
Start Time: Select Start Time. Only workable if Use Date Range is selected.
End Time: Select end Time. Only workable if Use Date Range is selected.
Early Quit: Select to quit trade for the day after consecutive win or loss
Quit Trading after Consecutive Win: Number of consecutive wins. Only workable if early Early Quit is selected.
Quit Trading after Consecutive Loss: Number of consecutive losses. Only workable if early Early Quit is selected.
Buy/Sell Flip: Use buy signal for sell and sell signal for buy.
Show Recent Stats: Show win trades in last 3,5,10,15,25 and 30 trades.
Show Daily Stats: Day wise win trades and total trades.
Show Monthly Stats: Month wise win trades and total trades.
Result and stat output:
Back tester without any strategy.
Strategy added with default option.
Stats with 7 Martingales. You can test up to 15.
Optional Stats:
Example Strategy code used :
indicator("Binary Option Strategy",overlay = true)
length =, minval=1)
src = input(close, title="Source")
mult = input.float(3.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50, title="StdDev")
basis = ta.sma(src, length)
dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, length)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
fab_candle_upcross=(high< upper and low>basis)
fab_candle_downcross= (high< basis and low>lower)
if fab_candle_upcross
for a=1 to up_cross
if fab_candle_upcross
if fab_candle_downcross
for a=1 to down_cross
if fab_candle_downcross
//strategy for buying call
is_call=(is_first_up or is_first_down ) and close>open
//strategy for selling call
is_put=(is_first_up or is_first_down ) and close<open
Signal = is_call ? 1 : is_put ? -1 : 0
plot(Signal, title="🔌Connector🔌", display = display.none)
Binary Option Strategy Tester with Martingale-Basic V.2In Binary options, strategy testing is a bit different. The strategy result depends upon expiry intervals and payout ratio.
My previous script was a try to resolve this but has some bugs in specific choices. The new version overcame those and added some new features useful for binary option strategy testing.
We are opening position at next candle after signal come
Chart interval is option expiry time.
We are taking the position at opening price
Our call will be profitable if we get a green candle and put will be profitable if we get a red candle
We can open only one trade at a time. So if we are in trade, subsequent signals will be ignored.
All Input Options:
Test Call/Put individually or both. Default BOTH
Select up to 5 Martingale levels. Default 2
Type of Martingale Trade. Default “SAME”
“SAME”: If you are trading CALL and incur a loss, you are taking CALL in subsequent Martingale levels.
“OPSITE”: if you are trading CALL and incur a loss, you are taking PUT in subsequent Martingale levels.
“FOLLOW CANDLE COLOR”: You are following candle color in Martingale levels, i.e if the loss candle is RED, you are taking PUT in subsequent candles.
“OPPOSITE CANDLE COLOR”: You are taking opposite candle color trade, i.e if the loss candle is RED, you are taking CALL in subsequent candle.
Select Specific Trading Session. Please select “USE SPECIFIC SESSION”. Default: TRUE
Put the investment amount per option. Default: 10
Payout ratio. Default: 80%
The strategy is taken from Vdub Binary Options SniperVX v1 (by @vdubus). I have deleted extra parts and kept only the necessary parts.
Result Table
Signal and Win Levels:
Signal and Loss:
Please note that Binary options trading is very risky. You must be aware of the risk and be willing to accept them in order to invest in binary options. Only invest what you can afford to lose. The past performance of any trading system, strategy, or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
MAGISTR Binary 3 EURUSD 1min The indicator is designed for use in binary options trading.
Designed for TF 1 minute, EURUSD pair (tested on exchange instrument).
When the rules of the internal algorithm are triggered, the indicator generates a signal with the probable movement of the instrument on the next bar:
if a green bar appears at the bottom of the bar, it means that the indicator assumes that the next bar should close at a positive price growth value (it will be green) and vice versa, if a red bar appears at the bottom of the bar, then the indicator assumes that the next bar should close at a negative price growth value( will be red), the indicator also generates appropriate alerts about the expected price movement on the next bar.
In addition, the indicator counts the signals issued by it and the success of its processing for the period of time available in TradingView.
This indicator uses a set of values of such basic indicators as:
- Stochastic RSI;
- Bollinger Bands;
- Profile of Volumes;
- CCI;
- ADX;
- momentum;
and others.
I left all the settings "open", so it is quite possible, by slightly changing the parameters, to adjust it to another pair or time frame.
Индикатор разработан для применения в торговле на бинарных опционах.
Разработан для ТФ 1 минута, пара EURUSD (оттестирован на показателях инструмента биржи
При сработке правил внутреннего алгоритма - индикатор выдает сигнал с вероятным движением инструмента на следующем баре :
если появилась зеленая полоса внизу бара - значит индикатор предполагает, что следующий бар должен закрыться в положительном значении роста цены ( будет зеленым) и наоборот, если появилась красная полоса внизу бара - значит индикатор предполагает, что следующий бар должен закрыться в отрицательном значении роста цены( будет красным) , также индикатор выдает соответствующее оповещения о предполагаемом им движении цены на следующем баре.
Кроме того индикатором ведется подсчета выданных им сигналов и и успеха его отработки за доступный в TradingView период времени.
В данном индикаторе используются комплекс значений таких базовых индикаторов, как:
- Stochastic RSI;
- Bollindgers Bands;
- Profile of Volumes;
- CCI ;
- ADX;
- Momentum ;
и прочие.
Все настройки оставил "открытыми", так что его вполне можно, немного изменив параметры, подстроить под другую пару или тайм-фрейм.
Binary Option Strategy Tester with MartingaleIn Binary options, strategy testing is a bit different. The script is just a try to test Binary options strategies.
We are opening position at next candle after signal come
We are taking the position at opening price
Our call will be profitable if we get a green candle and put will be profitable if we get a red candle
We can open only one trade at a time. So if we are in trade, subsequent signals will be ignored.
The script is not counting your profit or loss, it just counting the winning and losing trades.
Input Options:
Choose long only or short only test. Default is both.
You can continue your trade with Martingale Level, up to 5. Default is 1 (no Martingale)
You can choose Martingale trade type
SAME: if call subsequent trade will be call only and vice versa
OPPOSITE: if call subsequent trade will be put
FOLLOW CANDLE COLOR: Subsequent trade will follow previous candle color
OPPOSITE CANDLE COLOR: Subsequent trade will opposite of previous candle color
You can choose trading session to test. Default is false.
The strategy is taken from Vdub Binary Options SniperVX v1 (by @vdubus) . I have deleted extra parts and kept only the necessary part.
Without Martingale
Result Table
With Martingale
I am very new to Pine script, so waiting for your comments and review.
Binary KillerThis Binary Options strategy is for the 1-minute timeframe and utilized the martingale strategy. If it does not win the first one, and there is a signal to re-enter, 2.5x your trade amount and enter. (The most I have seen this strategy lose is four times in a row.) If you follow the signals, you are looking at a very high win percentage (relative term) when you combine the re-entries for the win.
1. Set alerts on ONCE PER BAR, do not set for bar end.
2. Once the alert signals, go to the chart and watch to make sure the signal CLOSES at the end of the candlestick. (While you are doing this you should have your binary options broker up, setting up your trade. Make sure you start your trade small. Nobody ever went broke taking a profit)
3. Set your trade time for 1 minute, enter as soon as the candle CLOSES, and the signal is confirmed. (It will go away if it is not a confirmed entry, DO NOT enter if the signal goes away)
4. If the trade is losing, look for a re-entry signal, enter at the close of the candle. Continue as long as you get signals or until you win.
*Trade this at your own risk, it is a risky strategy, know your limits, and do not overtrade. Get a few wins and get off.
Try not to mess with the settings too much, these are optimized for every forex pair.
This indicator is a combination of Bolinger Bands, Stoch, and RSI methods to ensure the best possible entry.
Rainbow Gator - EMAs strategy for Binary OptionThis is an EMAs indicator for Binary Option or Scalping Alert designed for lower Time Frame Trend (2-5minutes).
Although you will find it a useful tool for higher time frames as well.
The Alerts are generated when the fast EMA cross over/under other slower EMAs, you then have the chance to wait for the pullback during the new trend then enter for trend momentum (follow the trend).
Beware when the trend is close to EMA200.
You must draw your SRT (Support-Resistance-Trendline) before looking for setups.
Good luck.
Black-Scholes Options Pricing ModelThis is an updated version of my "Black-Scholes Model and Greeks for European Options" indicator, that i previously published. I decided to make this updated version open-source, so people can tweak and improve it.
The Black-Scholes model is a mathematical model used for pricing options. From this model you can derive the theoretical fair value of an options contract. Additionally, you can derive various risk parameters called Greeks. This indicator includes three types of data: Theoretical Option Price (blue), the Greeks (green), and implied volatility (red); their values are presented in that order.
1) Theoretical Option Price:
This first value gives only the theoretical fair value of an option with a given strike based on the Black-Scholes framework. Remember this is a model and does not reflect actual option prices, just the theoretical price based on the Black-Scholes model and its parameters and assumptions.
2)Greeks (all of the Greeks included in this indicator are listed below):
a)Delta is the rate of change of the theoretical option price with respect to the change in the underlying's price. This can also be used to approximate the probability of your option expiring in the money. For example, if you have an option with a delta of 0.62, then it has about a 62% chance of expiring in-the-money. This number runs from 0 to 1 for Calls, and 0 to -1 for Puts.
b)Gamma is the rate of change of delta with respect to the change in the underlying's price.
c)Theta, aka "time decay", is the rate of change in the theoretical option price with respect to the change in time. Theta tells you how much an option will lose its value day by day.
d) Vega is the rate of change in the theoretical option price with respect to change in implied volatility .
e)Rho is the rate of change in the theoretical option price with respect to change in the risk-free rate. Rho is rarely used because it is the parameter that options are least effected by, it is more useful for longer term options, like LEAPs.
f)Vanna is the sensitivity of delta to changes in implied volatility . Vanna is useful for checking the effectiveness of delta-hedged and vega-hedged portfolios.
g)Charm, aka "delta decay", is the instantaneous rate of change of delta over time. Charm is useful for monitoring delta-hedged positions.
h)Vomma measures the sensitivity of vega to changes in implied volatility .
i)Veta measures the rate of change in vega with respect to time.
j)Vera measures the rate of change of rho with respect to implied volatility .
k)Speed measures the rate of change in gamma with respect to changes in the underlying's price. Speed can be used when evaluating delta-hedged and gamma hedged portfolios.
l)Zomma measures the rate of change in gamma with respect to changes in implied volatility . Zomma can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a gamma-hedged portfolio.
m)Color, aka "gamma decay", measures the rate of change of gamma over time. This can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a gamma-hedged portfolio.
n)Ultima measures the rate of change in vomma with respect to implied volatility .
o)Probability of Touch, is not a Greek, but a metric that I included, which tells you the probability of price touching your strike price before expiry.
3) Implied Volatility:
This is the market's forecast of future volatility . Implied volatility is directionless, it cannot be used to forecast future direction. All it tells you is the forecast for future volatility.
How to use this indicator:
1st. Input the strike price of your option. If you input a strike that is more than 3 standard deviations away from the current price, the model will return a value of n/a.
2nd. Input the current risk-free rate.(Including this is optional, because the risk-free rate is so small, you can just leave this number at zero.)
3rd. Input the time until expiry. You can enter this in terms of days, hours, and minutes.
4th.Input the chart time frame you are using in terms of minutes. For example if you're using the 1min time frame input 1, 4 hr time frame input 480, daily time frame input 1440, etc.
5th. Pick what style of option you want data for, European Vanilla or Binary.
6th. Pick what type of option you want data for, Long Call or Long Put.
7th . Finally, pick which Greek you want displayed from the drop-down list.
*Remember the Option price presented, and the Greeks presented, are theoretical in nature, and not based upon actual option prices. Also, remember the Black-Scholes model is just a model based upon various parameters, it is not an actual representation of reality, only a theoretical one.
*Note 1. If you choose binary, only data for Long Binary Calls will be presented. All of the Greeks for Long Binary Calls are available, except for rho and vera because they are negligible.
*Note 2. Unlike vanilla european options, the delta of a binary option cannot be used to approximate the probability of the option expiring in-the-money. For binary options, if you want to approximate the probability of the binary option expiring in-the-money, use the price. The price of a binary option can be used to approximate its probability of expiring in-the-money. So if a binary option has a price of $40, then it has approximately a 40% chance of expiring in-the-money.
*Note 3. As time goes on you will have to update the expiry, this model does not do that automatically. So for example, if you originally have an option with 30 days to expiry, tomorrow you would have to manually update that to 29 days, then the next day manually update the expiry to 28, and so on and so forth.
There are various formulas that you can use to calculate the Greeks. I specifically chose the formulations included in this indicator because the Greeks that it presents are the closest to actual options data. I compared the Greeks given by this indicator to brokerage option data on a variety of asset classes from equity index future options to FX options and more. Because the indicator does not use actual option prices, its Greeks do not match the brokerage data exactly, but are close enough.
I may try to make future updates that include data for Long Binary Puts, American Options, Asian Options, etc.
Black-Scholes Model and Greeks for European OptionsThe Black-Scholes model is a mathematical model used for pricing options. From this model you can derive the theoretical fair value of a European option (an option where you have to wait until expiry to exercise). Additionally, you can derive various risk parameters called Greeks. This indicator includes three types of data: Theoretical Option Price (blue), the Greeks (green), and implied volatility (red); their values are presented in that order.
1) Theoretical Option Price:
This first value gives only the theoretical fair value of an option with a given strike based on the Black-Scholes framework. Remember this is a model and does not reflect actual option prices, just the theoretical price based on the Black-Scholes model and its parameters and assumptions.
2)Greeks (all of the Greeks included in this indicator are listed below):
a)Delta is the rate of change of the theoretical option price with respect to the change in the underlying's price. This can also be used to approximate the probability of your option expiring in the money. For example, if you have an option with a delta of 0.62, then it has about a 62% chance of expiring in-the-money. This number runs from 0 to 1 for Calls, and 0 to -1 for Puts.
b)Gamma is the rate of change of delta with respect to the change in the underlying's price.
c)Theta, aka "time decay", is the rate of change in the theoretical option price with respect to the change in time. Theta tells you how much an option will lose its value day by day.
d)Vega is the rate of change in the theoretical option price with respect to change in implied volatility.
e)Rho is the rate of change in the theoretical option price with respect to change in the risk-free rate. Rho is rarely used because it is the parameter that options are least effected by, it is more useful for longer term options, like LEAPs.
f)Vanna is the sensitivity of delta to changes in implied volatility. Vanna is useful for checking the effectiveness of delta-hedged and vega-hedged portfolios.
g)Charm, aka "delta decay", is the instantaneous rate of change of delta over time. Charm is useful for monitoring delta-hedged positions.
h)Vomma measures the sensitivity of vega to changes in implied volatility.
i)Veta measures the rate of change in vega with respect to time.
j)Vera measures the rate of change of rho with respect to implied volatility.
k)Speed measures the rate of change in gamma with respect to changes in the underlying's price. Speed can be used when evaluating delta-hedged and gamma hedged portfolios.
l)Zomma measures the rate of change in gamma with respect to changes in implied volatility. Zomma can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a gamma-hedged portfolio.
m)Color, aka "gamma decay", measures the rate of change of gamma over time. This can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a gamma-hedged portfolio.
n)Ultima measures the rate of change in vomma with respect to implied volatility.
o)Probability of Touch, is not a Greek, but a metric that I included, which tells you the probability of price touching your strike price before expiry.
3) Implied Volatility:
This is the market's forecast of future volatility. Implied volatility is directionless, it cannot be used to forecast future direction. All it tells you is the forecast for future volatility.
How to use this indicator:
1st. Input the strike price of your option. If you input a strike that is more than 3 standard deviations away from the current price, the model will return a value of n/a.
2nd. Input the current risk-free rate.(Including this is optional, because the risk-free rate is so small, you can just leave this number at zero.)
3rd. Input the time until expiry. You can enter this in terms of days, hours, and minutes.
4th.Input the chart time frame you are using in terms of minutes. For example if you're using the 1min time frame input 1, 4 hr time frame input 480, daily time frame input 1440, etc.
5th. Pick what type of option you want data for, Long Call or Long Put.
6th. Finally, pick which Greek you want displayed from the drop-down list.
*Remember the Option price presented, and the Greeks presented, are theoretical in nature, and not based upon actual option prices. Also, remember the Black-Scholes model is just a model based upon various parameters, it is not an actual representation of reality, only a theoretical one.
BO - RSI - M5 BacktestingBO - RSI - M5 Backtesting -Rule of Strategy
A. Data
1. Chart M5 IDC
2. Symbol: EURJPY
B. Indicator
1. RSI
2. Length: 12 (adjustable)
3. Extreme Top: 75 (adjustable)
4. Extreme Bottom: 25 (adjustable)
C. Rule of Signal
1. Put Signal
* Rsi create a temporary peak over Extreme Top
row61: peak_rsi= rsi >rsi and rsi >rsi and rsi rsi_top
2. Call Signal
* Rsi create a temporary bottom under Extreme Bottom
row62: bott_rsi= rsi rsi and rsi <rsi_bot
D. Rule of Order
1. Only 1 trade opening
2. Stoploss: No trade open after 1 loss trade each day (number of loss trades adjustable)
3. Expiry: after 6 bars (number of bars adjustable)
BO - Bar's direction Signal - BacktestingBO - Bar's direction Signal - Backtesting Options:
A. Factors Calculate probability of x bars same direction
1. Periods Counting: Data to count From day/month/year To day/month/year
2. Trading Time: only cases occurred in trading time were counted.
B. Timezone
1. Trading time depend on Time zone and specified chart.
2. Enable Highlight Trading Time to check your period time is correct
C. Date Backtesting
* Only cases occurred in Date Backtesting were reported.
D. Setup Options & Rule
1. Reversal after 2 bars same direction
* Probability of 3 bars same direction < 50
* 2 bars same direction is start of series
2. Reversal after 3 bars same direction
* Probability of 4 bars same direction < 50
* 3 bars same direction is start of series
3. Reversal after 4 bars same direction
* Probability of 4 bars same direction < 50
* 3 bars same direction is start of series
4. Reversal after 5 bars same direction
* Probability of 5 bars same direction < 50
* 4 bars same direction is start of series
5. Reversal after 6 bars same direction
* Probability of 6 bars same direction < 50
* 5 bars same direction is start of series
Implied Volatility Rank & Model-Free IVRThis is an update to my previous IV Rank & IV Percentile Script.
I originally made this script for binary/digital options, but this also can be used for vanilla options too.
There are two lines on this script, one plotting Model-Based IV rank and Model-Free IV Rank.
How it works:
Model-Based IV Rank:
1. Take whatever timeframe you're using and multiply it by 252. This is done because typically IV is calculated over a year, which has 252 days. But this can be used for any timeframe, so just multiply you're timeframe by 252. In the picture above I'm using a 30 min chart, so I multiplied 30 min by 252 and got 7 days, 14 hrs , and 30 min.
2. Next input the result you got from step 1 into the corresponding input boxes.
3. Then input the timeframe you are using into the input box labeled timeframe. I'm using 30 min so I put 30.
4.Finally choose the delta that you want to use and input its standard deviation into the input box. There is a list of common deltas and their corresponding standard deviations in the menu so you don't have to go looking them up. Typically 16D or 1 standard deviation is used when calculating IV, but you can choose whichever one you want.
*FYI. For people trading binary/digital options, the delta of a vanilla option is the same as the price of a binary/digital option. This is because the delta is the first-order mathematical derivative of the vanilla option's price, and a binary/digital option is a mathematical derivative of a vanilla option. So when you see the list of deltas and their corresponding standard deviations values, just know that 40D=$40 binary, 30D=$30 binary, 20D=$20 binary, and so on. But again typically the 16D or $16 binary's standard deviation value would be used*
This calculation of IV rank is useful for vanilla option traders who use Tradingview and don't have access to this metric.
This calculation of IV rank is useful for binary/digital option traders using Tradingview because the only two regulated binary options exchanges: the CBOE and Nadex, do not offer advanced options data, such as IV rank. On the CBOE and Nadex only the market-makers have this data, which they get from their own in-house pricing models. So at least now any binary option traders can have the same data as the market makers that they are trading against. Also if your wondering how accurate my pricing model is; just know that I have have compared the prices given by the pricing model to realtime prices on Nadex (live account) and the prices that my model shows for differing strike prices matches the prices that the market-makers set. So the pricing model, upon which this IV rank is based, is accurate.*
Model-Free IV Rank:
This IV Rank is based off the VixFix and just ranks the VixFix's values over the past 252 periods. In the menu you can see the recommended periods for calculating the VixFix, with 22 being the one most people use. This is the exact same methodology used in my original IV Rank script.
Which should you use?
This is up to you and each have their own pros and cons.
The main pro of using the model-free version is that because it does not rely on a pricing model, it does not take as many steps to calculate IV and therefore can update its IV projections much quicker than the model based approach. This is why if you zoom out the model-free version will have a more choppy appearance than the model based.
The main pro of using the model based version is that this is what the overwhelming majority of options traders use, and can be applied to any option delta you want, while the model-free version only calculates IV rank on the 16D aka $16 binary aka 1 standard deviation strike.
Hello Binary Options traders, do you worry about loss in binary, now no need to worry, search my page in Fb, named "IQ Option Traders PK " ,like my page and send me a message, i will send you details of my strategy free of cost.
or comment below i will respond you.
Hello Binary Options traders, do you worry about loss in binary? now no need to worry, search my page in Fb, named "IQ Option Traders PK " ,like my page and send me a message, i will send you details of my strategy free of cost.
or comment below i will respond you.
BBINARY NON REPAINT INDICATOR 2019Free Binary Option Strategy:
Hello Binary Options traders, do you worry about loss in binary, now no need to worry, search my page in Fb, named "IQ Option Traders PK " ,like my page and send me a message, i will send you details of my strategy free of cost.
or comment below i will respond you.
Binary Options TrendOnly for trading binary options.
Use 5 sec candles in your options trading software (IQ Option, Expert Option etc.)
Win more than 60% of trades.
Recommended Timeframe : 1 min
Long : When the color is darker green
Short : When the color is darker red
Reviews and Suggestions are welcome.
Feedback Appreciated.
Thank you.
Previous CandlesThis is an indicator based on the average of the maximum and minimum of the past candle, and there is another strategy that makes the filter, it is very good for binary options, if you combine our indicator CCI and All4 it gets even better!
Currency: Any pair.
TimeFrame: 5m
Execute order: You can enter 1 minute or 5 minutes.
In the graph below the ICC, you can see the green and red squares, it works as follows.
Before giving any input you have to enter the change of a color.
Example: It was red and now it's green, so you could give the entry, but you must have at least 3 squares of red before, if only 1 squared has appeared, the hit percentage will be low!
The CCI indicator is for confirmation.
Any doubt I am available!
Note: This indicator does not make magic nor is it a holy grall, it is only an indicator to aid in binary operations!
Abramov_V4First of all for binary options
Multi currency
Timeframe 5 minutes +
Volatility - not lower than average
This indicator includes:
1. Bollinger waves of 3 levels - on / off
2. Moving averages 2 pieces - on / off
3. Price channel - on / off
4. Day and resistance level support - on / off
5. Main support and resistance level for 120 minutes - on / off
6. Areas of RSI overbought / oversold in the form of arrows.
Any of the indicators is configurable.
The optimal settings are set by default.
This indicator is suitable for several strategies.
Access on request.
When working with this indicator, it is necessary to avoid news and sudden jumps in the market
PROFIT_CANDLE_BillionWay_ExclusiveBinaryOptionAndForexHere is the spectacular working Binary option script with Alert condition enabled code.
Tested this with 1min and 5min and proven to be 80% ITM 8 win to loss out of 10 trades.One can use this for Binary option trading for some good win rates.
This is the upgraded version of Read through this before using this updated version.
How it works and How to use this :
1.This can be applied for any time frame ,Best works in 30min ,1hr,1D,W,M -- For BinaryOption 1minchart ,5minchart with 1-2min expiry,5-10min expiry works best.
2.Only Look for the Blue handle to appear in the chart once you see the candle as soon as Enter "CALL in Binary option" ,Now you can enable the Tradingview Alert after the setting so that you get alert and trade (Put option logic not included ,This is only work for Call ,But it can be used for any forex,equity ,currency market)
3.As soon as you sea the blue candle forming Enter Buy (If you see the black candle after the candle made huge high avoid entering the trade at very high level price) and expiry time should be 1-2min for 1min chart, 5 to 10min for 5min chart ,Normally 1plus times of chart frame time.
4.If it is forex or equity Cover the the trade after 2to3 candle for quick profit or keep it for 15-20 candles for good profits ,This gives some false signal as well so this might work only 80%.Be cautious risking your money .
Test it and provide your feedback in the comment section ,Invited user will be given access,Do not comment grant access in comment section ,Send me pvt message in Tradingview.
How to enable the alert
1.First choose the timeframe in which u want to get the alert for example EURJPY 1min chart
2.Go to Tools(Right top corner in Tradingview) Click on the Alerts and then click on the SetAlerts or press Alt+A
3.Now in the "Condition" Choose PROFIT_CANDLE_BillionWay_ExclusiveBinaryOptionAndForex
4.Choose the frequency one per bar and choose other option if you wish and then click on create
--> If you are pro member you can set 10 alerts for various time frame or for 10 differrent currency pair which will alert on live time to enter call
if you atleast get 3call in an hour from each script in 10script ,30calls you would trade in an hour and if the win rate is 70% you would go with good money every time.
Please post your valuable feedback so that it will help others too. Happy Trading Happy Earning.
Published on 12-08-2018 12PM
Here is the spectacular working Binary option script with Alert condition enabled code.
Tested this with 1min and 5min and proven to be 80% ITM 8 win to loss out of 10 trades.One can use this for Binary option trading for some good win rates.
This is the upgraded version of Read through this before using this updated version.
How it works and How to use this :
1.This can be applied for any time frame ,Best works in 30min ,1hr,1D,W,M -- For BinaryOption 1minchart ,5minchart with 1-2min expiry,5-10min expiry works best.
2.Only Look for the Blue handle to appear in the chart once you see the candle as soon as Enter "CALL in Binary option" ,Now you can enable the Tradingview Alert after the setting so that you get alert and trade (Put option logic not included ,This is only work for Call ,But it can be used for any forex,equity ,currency market)
3.As soon as you sea the blue candle forming Enter Buy (If you see the black candle after the candle made huge high avoid entering the trade at very high level price) and expiry time should be 1-2min for 1min chart, 5 to 10min for 5min chart ,Normally 1plus times of chart frame time.
4.If it is forex or equity Cover the the trade after 2to3 candle for quick profit or keep it for 15