Indicadores de Bill Williams
Volumized Order Blocks | Flux ChartsOrder Blocks and Volume
Order Block Detection: The script identifies bullish and bearish order blocks based on price action and volume analysis. An Order Block typically forms when there is a strong move in price accompanied by significant volume, and it is seen as a potential level for price to return to or react at.
Swing Detection: The script looks for price swings (peaks and troughs) within a specified period (swingLength) and identifies these as potential starting points for order blocks.
Zone Types:
Bullish Order Blocks: Formed when price makes a strong upward move with accompanying high volume.
Bearish Order Blocks: Formed when price makes a strong downward move with high volume.
Order Block Validity: The order blocks can become invalid (a "breaker") if price moves past certain levels (depending on whether the obEndMethod is "Wick" or "Close").
The script supports multi-timeframe analysis. You can enable different timeframes for order block detection, and it will combine information from different timeframes for a more comprehensive analysis.
Boxes: Bullish and bearish order blocks are drawn on the chart as boxes, with different colors representing the order type.
Volume Information: The script also displays volume-related information in the order block boxes, including the high and low volume levels within the block.
Combining Order Blocks
The script supports combining overlapping or touching order blocks into a single larger order block for a more refined visual representation. The combined blocks will have aggregated volume and other attributes.
Configuration Options
Show Historic Zones: Allows displaying older order blocks.
Volumetric Info: Option to display volume data within the order blocks.
Extend Zones: Configurable distance for extending the order blocks on the chart.
Text Display: Shows additional information (like the timeframe) on the order blocks.
Key Functions:
findOrderBlocks(): Main function that detects order blocks based on price action and volume.
combineOBsFunc(): Combines overlapping order blocks.
renderOrderBlock(): Renders the detected order blocks visually on the chart.
Advanced Features:
Dynamic Zone Extension: The zones can be dynamically extended based on the volatility of the market.
Volume Bars: Volume is visualized in the form of bars, either to the left or right of the order block zones.
Execution Flow:
Swing Detection: First, it detects significant price swings to identify potential order block zones.
Order Block Creation: Based on the detected swings, the script creates order blocks, calculating their volume, type (bullish or bearish), and other properties.
Order Block Rendering: The script then renders these order blocks on the chart, along with volume information and optional combined text from multiple timeframes.
Validation and Cleanup: The script regularly checks and cleans up invalidated order blocks to ensure the chart remains up-to-date with valid zones.
This script is primarily used for traders who want to identify potential support and resistance zones based on institutional order flow and price action. By using order blocks, traders can visualize key market areas where price might reverse or consolidate. The script's multi-timeframe capabilities allow for a more robust and thorough analysis, making it a powerful tool for technical analysis.
Let me know if you need help with any specific part of the code!
Demand and Supply Zones//@version=5
indicator("Demand and Supply Zones", overlay=true)
// Define the lookback period to detect the zones
lookback =, title="Lookback Period")
// Define the threshold for price change that identifies zones
priceThreshold = input.float(2, title="Price Change Threshold (%)") / 100
// Find the demand zone (sharp price increase after consolidation)
isDemandZone = close < low * (1 - priceThreshold) and close > high
isSupplyZone = close > high * (1 + priceThreshold) and close < low
// Plot Demand Zone as a shaded area
bgcolor(isDemandZone ?, 90) : na, title="Demand Zone")
// Plot Supply Zone as a shaded area
bgcolor(isSupplyZone ?, 90) : na, title="Supply Zone")
// Optionally, add labels or markers
plotshape(series=isDemandZone, location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.labelup, title="Demand Zone Marker")
plotshape(series=isSupplyZone, location=location.abovebar,, style=shape.labeldown, title="Supply Zone Marker")
Dollar Hunter 2025 | V.93.0Dollar Hunter 2025 | V.93.0 Dollar Hunter 2025 | V.93.0 Dollar Hunter 2025 | V.93.0
NEVER BROKE AGAINAlert Signal fo US30 to indicator HH and HL indicator is the best in 5min time frame created by PXYCO
indicator(title='EarnWithJocker_1.1', shorttitle='EWJ_1', overlay=true, format=format.inherit , max_bars_back=5000)
input_diagonal = input.bool(false, "Diagonal Support", group="Support", confirm=true)
input_horizontal = input.bool(false, "Horizontal Support", group="Support", confirm=true)
src_lrgc = input(defval=close, title='Source')
len_lrgc =, title='Length', minval=10)
devlen_lrgc = input.float(defval=2., title='Deviation', minval=0.1, step=0.1)
extendit_lrgc = input(defval=true, title='Extend Lines')
showfibo_lrgc = input(defval=false, title='Show Fibonacci Levels')
showbroken_lrgc = input.bool(defval=false, title='Show Broken Channel', inline='brk')
brokencol_lrgc = input.color(, title='', inline='brk')
upcol_lrgc = input.color(defval=color.lime, title='Up/Down Trend Colors', inline='trcols')
dncol_lrgc = input.color(, title='', inline='trcols')
widt_lrgc = input(defval=2, title='Line Width')
var fibo_ratios_lrgc = array.new_float(0)
var colors_lrgc = array.new_color(2)
if barstate.isfirst and input_diagonal
array.unshift(colors_lrgc, upcol_lrgc)
array.unshift(colors_lrgc, dncol_lrgc)
array.push(fibo_ratios_lrgc, 0.236)
array.push(fibo_ratios_lrgc, 0.382)
array.push(fibo_ratios_lrgc, 0.618)
array.push(fibo_ratios_lrgc, 0.786)
get_channel_lrgc(src, len) =>
mid = math.sum(src, len) / len
slope = ta.linreg(src, len, 0) - ta.linreg(src, len, 1)
intercept = mid - slope * math.floor(len / 2) + (1 - len % 2) / 2 * slope
endy = intercept + slope * (len - 1)
dev = 0.0
for x = 0 to len - 1 by 1
dev := dev + math.pow(src - (slope * (len - x) + intercept), 2)
dev := math.sqrt(dev / len)
= get_channel_lrgc(src_lrgc, len_lrgc)
outofchannel_lrgc = slope > 0 and close < y2_ - dev * devlen_lrgc ? 0 : slope < 0 and close > y2_ + dev * devlen_lrgc ? 2 : -1
var reglines_lrgc = array.new_line(3)
var fibolines_lrgc = array.new_line(4)
for x = 0 to 2 by 1
if not showbroken_lrgc or outofchannel_lrgc != x or nz(outofchannel_lrgc , -1) != -1
line.delete(array.get(reglines_lrgc, x))
line.set_color(array.get(reglines_lrgc, x), color=brokencol_lrgc)
line.set_width(array.get(reglines_lrgc, x), width=2)
line.set_style(array.get(reglines_lrgc, x), style=line.style_dotted)
line.set_extend(array.get(reglines_lrgc, x), extend=extend.none)
array.set(reglines_lrgc, x, - (len_lrgc - 1), y1=y1_ + dev * devlen_lrgc * (x - 1), x2=bar_index, y2=y2_ + dev * devlen_lrgc * (x - 1), color=array.get(colors_lrgc, math.round(math.max(math.sign(slope), 0))), style=x % 2 == 1 ? line.style_solid : line.style_dashed, width=widt_lrgc, extend=extendit_lrgc ? extend.right : extend.none))
if showfibo_lrgc
for x = 0 to 3 by 1
line.delete(array.get(fibolines_lrgc, x))
array.set(fibolines_lrgc, x, - (len_lrgc - 1), y1=y1_ - dev * devlen_lrgc + dev * devlen_lrgc * 2 * array.get(fibo_ratios_lrgc, x), x2=bar_index, y2=y2_ - dev * devlen_lrgc + dev * devlen_lrgc * 2 * array.get(fibo_ratios_lrgc, x), color=array.get(colors_lrgc, math.round(math.max(math.sign(slope), 0))), style=line.style_dotted, width=widt_lrgc, extend=extendit_lrgc ? extend.right : extend.none))
var label sidelab_lrgc = - (len_lrgc - 1), y=y1_, text='S', size=size.large)
txt_lrgc = slope > 0 ? slope > slope ? '⇑' : '⇗' : slope < 0 ? slope < slope ? '⇓' : '⇘' : '⇒'
stl_lrgc = slope > 0 ? slope > slope ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_upper_right : slope < 0 ? slope < slope ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_lower_right : label.style_label_right
label.set_style(sidelab_lrgc, stl_lrgc)
label.set_text(sidelab_lrgc, txt_lrgc)
label.set_x(sidelab_lrgc, bar_index - (len_lrgc - 1))
label.set_y(sidelab_lrgc, slope > 0 ? y1_ - dev * devlen_lrgc : slope < 0 ? y1_ + dev * devlen_lrgc : y1_)
label.set_color(sidelab_lrgc, slope > 0 ? upcol_lrgc : slope < 0 ? dncol_lrgc :
alertcondition(outofchannel_lrgc, title='Channel Broken', message='Channel Broken')
// direction
trendisup_lrgc = math.sign(slope) != math.sign(slope ) and slope > 0
trendisdown_lrgc = math.sign(slope) != math.sign(slope ) and slope < 0
alertcondition(trendisup_lrgc, title='Up trend', message='Up trend')
alertcondition(trendisdown_lrgc, title='Down trend', message='Down trend')
//BEAr and bull findeR
colors_obf = input.string(title='Color Scheme', defval='BRIGHT', options= )
periods_obf = input(5, 'Relevant Periods to identify OB') // Required number of subsequent candles in the same direction to identify Order Block
threshold_obf = input.float(0.0, 'Min. Percent move to identify OB', step=0.1) // Required minimum % move (from potential OB close to last subsequent candle to identify Order Block)
usewicks_obf = input(false, 'Use whole range for OB marking?') // Display High/Low range for each OB instead of Open/Low for Bullish / Open/High for Bearish
showbull_obf = input(true, 'Show latest Bullish Channel?') // Show Channel for latest Bullish OB?
showbear_obf = input(true, 'Show latest Bearish Channel?') // Show Channel for latest Bearish OB?
showdocu_obf = input(false, 'Show Label for documentation tooltip?') // Show Label which shows documentation as tooltip?
info_pan_obf = input(false, 'Show Latest OB Panel?') // Show Info Panel with latest OB Stats
ob_period_obf = periods_obf + 1 // Identify location of relevant Order Block candle
absmove_obf = math.abs(close - close ) / close * 100 // Calculate absolute percent move from potential OB to last candle of subsequent candles
relmove_obf = absmove_obf >= threshold_obf // Identify "Relevant move" by comparing the absolute move to the threshold
// Color Scheme
bullcolor_obf = colors_obf == 'DARK' ? color.white :
bearcolor_obf = colors_obf == 'DARK' ? :
// Bullish Order Block Identification
bullishOB_obf = close < open // Determine potential Bullish OB candle (red candle)
int upcandles_obf = 0
for i = 1 to periods_obf by 1
upcandles_obf := upcandles_obf + (close > open ? 1 : 0) // Determine color of subsequent candles (must all be green to identify a valid Bearish OB)
OB_bull_obf = bullishOB_obf and upcandles_obf == periods_obf and relmove_obf // Identification logic (red OB candle & subsequent green candles)
OB_bull_high_obf = OB_bull_obf ? usewicks_obf ? high : open : na // Determine OB upper limit (Open or High depending on input)
OB_bull_low_obf = OB_bull_obf ? low : na // Determine OB lower limit (Low)
OB_bull_avg_obf = (OB_bull_high_obf + OB_bull_low_obf) / 2 // Determine OB middle line
// Bearish Order Block Identification
bearishOB_obf = close > open // Determine potential Bearish OB candle (green candle)
int downcandles_obf = 0
for i = 1 to periods_obf by 1
downcandles_obf := downcandles_obf + (close < open ? 1 : 0) // Determine color of subsequent candles (must all be red to identify a valid Bearish OB)
OB_Bear_obf = bearishOB_obf and downcandles_obf == periods_obf and relmove_obf // Identification logic (green OB candle & subsequent green candles)
OB_Bear_high_obf = OB_Bear_obf ? high : na // Determine OB upper limit (High)
OB_Bear_low_obf = OB_Bear_obf ? usewicks_obf ? low : open : na // Determine OB lower limit (Open or Low depending on input)
OB_Bear_avg_obf = (OB_Bear_low_obf + OB_Bear_high_obf) / 2 // Determine OB middle line
// Plotting
plotshape(OB_bull_obf, title='Bullish OB', style=shape.triangleup, color=bullcolor_obf, textcolor=bullcolor_obf, size=size.tiny, location=location.belowbar, offset=-ob_period_obf, text='Bullish OB') // Bullish OB Indicator
bull1_obf = plot(OB_bull_high_obf, title='Bullish OB High', style=plot.style_linebr, color=bullcolor_obf, offset=-ob_period_obf, linewidth=3) // Bullish OB Upper Limit
bull2_obf = plot(OB_bull_low_obf, title='Bullish OB Low', style=plot.style_linebr, color=bullcolor_obf, offset=-ob_period_obf, linewidth=3) // Bullish OB Lower Limit
fill(bull1_obf, bull2_obf, color=bullcolor_obf, title='Bullish OB fill', transp=0) // Fill Bullish OB
plotshape(OB_bull_avg_obf, title='Bullish OB Average', style=shape.cross, color=bullcolor_obf, size=size.normal, location=location.absolute, offset=-ob_period_obf) // Bullish OB Average
plotshape(OB_Bear_obf, title='Bearish OB', style=shape.triangledown, color=bearcolor_obf, textcolor=bearcolor_obf, size=size.tiny, location=location.abovebar, offset=-ob_period_obf, text='Bearish OB') // Bearish OB Indicator
bear1_obf = plot(OB_Bear_low_obf, title='Bearish OB Low', style=plot.style_linebr, color=bearcolor_obf, offset=-ob_period_obf, linewidth=3) // Bearish OB Lower Limit
bear2_obf = plot(OB_Bear_high_obf, title='Bearish OB High', style=plot.style_linebr, color=bearcolor_obf, offset=-ob_period_obf, linewidth=3) // Bearish OB Upper Limit
fill(bear1_obf, bear2_obf, color=bearcolor_obf, title='Bearish OB fill', transp=0) // Fill Bearish OB
plotshape(OB_Bear_avg_obf, title='Bearish OB Average', style=shape.cross, color=bearcolor_obf, size=size.normal, location=location.absolute, offset=-ob_period_obf) // Bullish OB Average
var line linebull1_obf = na // Bullish OB average
var line linebull2_obf = na // Bullish OB open
var line linebull3_obf = na // Bullish OB low
var line linebear1_obf = na // Bearish OB average
var line linebear2_obf = na // Bearish OB high
var line linebear3_obf = na // Bearish OB open
if OB_bull_obf and showbull_obf
linebull1_obf :=, y1=OB_bull_avg_obf, x2=bar_index - 1, y2=OB_bull_avg_obf, extend=extend.left, color=bullcolor_obf, style=line.style_solid, width=1)
linebull2_obf :=, y1=OB_bull_high_obf, x2=bar_index - 1, y2=OB_bull_high_obf, extend=extend.left, color=bullcolor_obf, style=line.style_dashed, width=1)
linebull3_obf :=, y1=OB_bull_low_obf, x2=bar_index - 1, y2=OB_bull_low_obf, extend=extend.left, color=bullcolor_obf, style=line.style_dashed, width=1)
if OB_Bear_obf and showbear_obf
linebear1_obf :=, y1=OB_Bear_avg_obf, x2=bar_index - 1, y2=OB_Bear_avg_obf, extend=extend.left, color=bearcolor_obf, style=line.style_solid, width=1)
linebear2_obf :=, y1=OB_Bear_high_obf, x2=bar_index - 1, y2=OB_Bear_high_obf, extend=extend.left, color=bearcolor_obf, style=line.style_dashed, width=1)
linebear3_obf :=, y1=OB_Bear_low_obf, x2=bar_index - 1, y2=OB_Bear_low_obf, extend=extend.left, color=bearcolor_obf, style=line.style_dashed, width=1)
// Alerts for Order Blocks Detection
alertcondition(OB_bull_obf, title='New Bullish OB detected', message='New Bullish OB detected - This is NOT a BUY signal!')
alertcondition(OB_Bear_obf, title='New Bearish OB detected', message='New Bearish OB detected - This is NOT a SELL signal!')
// Print latest Order Blocks in Data Window
var latest_bull_high_obf = 0.0 // Variable to keep latest Bull OB high
var latest_bull_avg_obf = 0.0 // Variable to keep latest Bull OB average
var latest_bull_low_obf = 0.0 // Variable to keep latest Bull OB low
var latest_bear_high_obf = 0.0 // Variable to keep latest Bear OB high
var latest_bear_avg_obf = 0.0 // Variable to keep latest Bear OB average
var latest_bear_low_obf = 0.0 // Variable to keep latest Bear OB low
// Assign latest values to variables
if OB_bull_high_obf > 0
latest_bull_high_obf := OB_bull_high_obf
if OB_bull_avg_obf > 0
latest_bull_avg_obf := OB_bull_avg_obf
if OB_bull_low_obf > 0
latest_bull_low_obf := OB_bull_low_obf
if OB_Bear_high_obf > 0
latest_bear_high_obf := OB_Bear_high_obf
if OB_Bear_avg_obf > 0
latest_bear_avg_obf := OB_Bear_avg_obf
if OB_Bear_low_obf > 0
latest_bear_low_obf := OB_Bear_low_obf
// Plot invisible characters to be able to show the values in the Data Window
plotchar(latest_bull_high_obf, char=' ', location=location.abovebar,, 100), size=size.tiny, title='Latest Bull High')
plotchar(latest_bull_avg_obf, char=' ', location=location.abovebar,, 100), size=size.tiny, title='Latest Bull Avg')
plotchar(latest_bull_low_obf, char=' ', location=location.abovebar,, 100), size=size.tiny, title='Latest Bull Low')
plotchar(latest_bear_high_obf, char=' ', location=location.abovebar,, 100), size=size.tiny, title='Latest Bear High')
plotchar(latest_bear_avg_obf, char=' ', location=location.abovebar,, 100), size=size.tiny, title='Latest Bear Avg')
plotchar(latest_bear_low_obf, char=' ', location=location.abovebar,, 100), size=size.tiny, title='Latest Bear Low')
//InfoPanel for latest Order Blocks
draw_InfoPanel(_text, _x, _y, font_size) =>
var label la_panel = na
la_panel :=, y=_y, text=_text, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price,, 5), style=label.style_label_left, textcolor=color.white, size=font_size)
info_panel_x_obf = time_close + math.round(ta.change(time) * 100)
info_panel_y_obf = close
row0_obf = '-----------------------------------------------------'
row1_obf = ' Bullish - High: ' + str.tostring(latest_bull_high_obf, '#.##')
row2_obf = ' Bullish - Avg: ' + str.tostring(latest_bull_avg_obf, '#.##')
row3_obf = ' Bullish - Low: ' + str.tostring(latest_bull_low_obf, '#.##')
row4_obf = '-----------------------------------------------------'
row5_obf = ' Bearish - High: ' + str.tostring(latest_bear_high_obf, '#.##')
row6_obf = ' Bearish - Avg: ' + str.tostring(latest_bear_avg_obf, '#.##')
row7_obf = ' Bearish - Low: ' + str.tostring(latest_bear_low_obf, '#.##')
panel_text_obf = ' ' + title_obf + ' ' + row0_obf + ' ' + row1_obf + ' ' + row2_obf + ' ' + row3_obf + ' ' + row4_obf + ' ' + row5_obf + ' ' + row6_obf + ' ' + row7_obf + ' '
if info_pan_obf
draw_InfoPanel(panel_text_obf, info_panel_x_obf, info_panel_y_obf, size.normal)
// === Label for Documentation/Tooltip ===
chper_obf = time - time
chper_obf := ta.change(chper_obf) > 0 ? chper_obf : chper_obf
// === Tooltip text ===
var vartooltip_obf = 'Indicator to help identifying instituational Order Blocks. Often these blocks signal the beginning of a strong move, but there is a high probability, that these prices will be revisited at a later point in time again and therefore are interesting levels to place limit orders. Bullish Order block is the last down candle before a sequence of up candles. Bearish Order Block is the last up candle before a sequence of down candles. In the settings the number of required sequential candles can be adjusted. Furthermore a %-threshold can be entered which the sequential move needs to achieve in order to validate a relevant Order Block. Channels for the last Bullish/Bearish Block can be shown/hidden.'
// === Print Label ===
var label l_docu = na
if showdocu_obf
l_docu := + chper_obf * 35, y=close, text='DOCU OB', color=color.gray, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_center, xloc=xloc.bar_time, yloc=yloc.price, size=size.tiny, textalign=text.align_left, tooltip=vartooltip_obf)
//AND BULL BEAr findeR
length_ex_p_conn = input(100)
astart_ex_p_conn = input(1, 'A-High Position')
aend_ex_p_conn = input(0, 'B-High Position')
bstart_ex_p_conn = input(1, 'A-Low Position')
bend_ex_p_conn = input(0, 'B-Low Position')
csrc_ex_p_conn = input(false, 'Use Custom Source ?')
src_ex_p_conn = input(close, 'Custom Source')
up_ex_p_conn = ta.pivothigh(csrc_ex_p_conn ? src_ex_p_conn : high, length_ex_p_conn, length_ex_p_conn)
dn_ex_p_conn = ta.pivotlow(csrc_ex_p_conn ? src_ex_p_conn : low, length_ex_p_conn, length_ex_p_conn)
n_ex_p_conn = bar_index
a1_ex_p_conn = ta.valuewhen(not na(up_ex_p_conn), n_ex_p_conn, astart_ex_p_conn)
b1_ex_p_conn = ta.valuewhen(not na(dn_ex_p_conn), n_ex_p_conn, bstart_ex_p_conn)
a2_ex_p_conn = ta.valuewhen(not na(up_ex_p_conn), n_ex_p_conn, aend_ex_p_conn)
b2_ex_p_conn = ta.valuewhen(not na(dn_ex_p_conn), n_ex_p_conn, bend_ex_p_conn)
line upper_ex_p_conn = , up_ex_p_conn , n_ex_p_conn , up_ex_p_conn , extend=extend.right,, width=2)
line lower_ex_p_conn = , dn_ex_p_conn , n_ex_p_conn , dn_ex_p_conn , extend=extend.right,, width=2)
line.delete(upper_ex_p_conn )
line.delete(lower_ex_p_conn )
label ahigh_ex_p_conn = , up_ex_p_conn , 'A-High',, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small)
label bhigh_ex_p_conn = , up_ex_p_conn , 'B-High',, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small)
label alow_ex_p_conn = , dn_ex_p_conn , 'A-Low',, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small)
label blow_ex_p_conn = , dn_ex_p_conn , 'B-Low',, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small)
label.delete(ahigh_ex_p_conn )
label.delete(bhigh_ex_p_conn )
label.delete(alow_ex_p_conn )
label.delete(blow_ex_p_conn )
plot(up_ex_p_conn, 'Pivot High\'s',, 0), 4, style=plot.style_circles, offset=-length_ex_p_conn, join=true)
plot(dn_ex_p_conn, 'Pivot Low\'s',, 0), 4, style=plot.style_circles, offset=-length_ex_p_conn, join=true)
watermarki_supp = input.bool(true, "Watermark", group="Author Sign") //confirm=true)
string i_tableYpos_oto_supp = input.string("top", "Position", inline = "12", options = )
string i_tableXpos_oto_supp = input.string("right", "", inline = "12", options = )
int i_height_oto_supp =, "Height", minval = 1, maxval = 100, inline = "13")
int i_width_oto_supp =, "Width", minval = 1, maxval = 100, inline = "13a")
color i_c_text_oto_supp = input.color(, 0), "", inline = "14")
color _bg_oto_supp = input.color(, 70), "", inline = "14")
string i_textSize = input.string("normal", "Size", inline = "14", options = )
i_text2_supp = "EarnWithKoKo"
i_text1_supp = "When using the indicator EarnWithKoKo thank you"
var table watermark_supp = + "_" + i_tableXpos_oto_supp, 1, 1)
if barstate.islast and watermarki_supp
varip bool _changeText_supp = true
_changeText_supp := not _changeText_supp
string _txt_supp = _changeText_supp ? i_text2_supp : i_text1_supp
table.cell(watermark_supp, 0, 0, i_text2_supp, i_width_oto_supp, i_height_oto_supp, i_c_text_oto_supp, text_size = i_textSize, bgcolor = _bg_oto_supp)
showTF = input.bool(true, "show time frame", inline = "24")
showpf = input.bool(true, "show prefix title", inline = "24")
string i_tableYpos = input.string("bottom", "Position", inline = "12", options = )
string i_tableXpos = input.string("center", "", inline = "12", options = )
size1 = input.string("huge", "title", inline = "14", options = )
size2 = input.string("auto", "extra", inline = "14", options = )
color = input.color(#999999, "color")
string = input.string("by EarnWithKoKo", "your signature")
seperator = input.string("/", "seperator")
cur = syminfo.currency
base = syminfo.basecurrency
exchange = syminfo.prefix
getTimeFrame() =>
tf = timeframe.multiplier
tfstr = ""
if timeframe.isseconds
tfstr := "s"
if timeframe.isminutes
if tf >= 60
tf := tf / 60
tfstr := "h"
tfstr := "m"
if timeframe.isdaily
tfstr := "D"
if timeframe.isweekly
tfstr := "W"
if timeframe.ismonthly
tfstr := "M"
var table table1 = + "_" + i_tableXpos , 3, 1)
if barstate.islast
str1 = base + seperator + cur
= getTimeFrame()
table.cell(table1, 0, 0, showpf ? exchange : "", text_color = color, text_size=size2)
table.cell(table1, 1, 0, str1 + (showTF ? (" " + period + tf) : ""), text_color = color, text_size=size1)
table.cell(table1, 2, 0, string, text_color = color, text_size=size2)
// ================================== //
// ------------> Tips <-------------- //
// ================================== //
leftTip = "Look left for swing high/low in x number of bars to form pivot"
rightTip = "Look right for swing high/low in x number of bars to form pivot"
nPivTip = "This sets the array size, or the number of pivots to track at a time (x highs, and x number of lows)"
atrLenTip = "Number of bars to average. ATR is used to standardize zone width between assets and timeframes"
multTip = "ATR multiplier to set zone width. Default is half of one ATR from box bottom to box top"
perTip = "Max zone size as a percent of price. Some assets can be too volatile at low prices creating an unreasonably sized zone"
srcTip = "Source input for pivots. Default tracks the highest and lowest bodies of HA candles to average price action, whcih can result in a level that sits in the overlap of support and resistance"
alignZonesTip = "Alligns recurring zones whos edges overlap an existing zone creating a zone that ages in time and intensifies visually"
dhighsTip = "Disabling will prevent highs from being tracked"
dlowsTip = "Disabling will prevent lows from being tracked"
detectBOTip = "Show points that price action breaks above all pivots. An arrow from below is displayed"
detectBDTip = "Show points that price action breaks below all pivots. An arrow from above is displayed"
breakUpTip = "Show points that price action breaks above resistance. An arrow from below is displayed"
breakDnTip = "Show points that price action breaks below support. An arrow from above is displayed"
falseBullTip = "Show points that price action initially breaks below support before reversing. False moves can lead to fast moves in the opposite direction (bear trap). A large arrow from below is displayed"
falseBearTip = "Show points that price action initially breaks above resistance before reversing. False moves can lead to fast moves in the opposite direction (bull trap). A large arrow from above is displayed"
supPushTip = "Show up candles that are detected within a support zone. Can show points support is being respected. A triangle from below is displayed"
resPushTip = "Show down candles that are detected within a resistance zone. Can show points resistance is being respected. A triangle from above is displayed"
lookbackTip = "Number of candles that can be included in a false break signal"
swingTip = "Swing detection is used to filter signals on breakout type signals. A higher number will mean more significant points, but less of them"
pivotColorTip = "Color of key levels --> (bull color, bear color, transparency of box background, transparency of box borders)"
breakoutTip = "Color of breakout arrows --> (bull, bear, transp., transp.)"
SnRTip = "Color of triangles for broken support or resistance --> (bull, bear, transp., transp.)"
falseBreakTip = "Color of arrows for false breaks --> (bull, bear, transp., transp., arrow max height in pixels)"
moveTip = "Color of triangles for candles that are detected within zones --> (bull, bear, transp., transp.)"
// ================================== //
// ---------> User Input <----------- //
// ================================== //
left = (20 , "Look Left" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= leftTip)
right = (15 , "Look Right" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= rightTip)
nPiv = (4 , "Number of Pivots" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= nPivTip)
atrLen = (30 , "ATR Length" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= atrLenTip)
mult = input.float (0.5 , "Zone Width (ATR)" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= multTip, step = 0.1)
per = input.float (5, "Max Zone Percent" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= perTip)
src = input.string ("HA" , "Source For Pivots" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= srcTip, options= )
alignZones = input.bool (true , "Align Zones" , group= "Zones" , tooltip= alignZonesTip)
dhighs = input.bool (true , "Detect Pivot Highs" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= dhighsTip)
dlows = input.bool (true , "Detect Pivot Lows" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= dlowsTip)
detectBO = input.bool (false , "Detect Breakout" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= detectBOTip)
detectBD = input.bool (false , "Detect Breakdown" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= detectBDTip)
breakUp = input.bool (false , "Detect Resistance Break" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= breakUpTip)
breakDn = input.bool (false , "Detect Support Break" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= breakDnTip)
falseBull = input.bool (false , "Detect False Breakdown" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= falseBullTip)
falseBear = input.bool (false , "Detect False Breakup" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= falseBearTip)
supPush = input.bool (false , "Detect Moves Off Support" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= supPushTip)
resPush = input.bool (false , "Detect Moves Off Resistance" , group= "Detection" , tooltip= resPushTip)
lookback = (2 , "Lookback For Breaks" , group= "Lookback" , tooltip= lookbackTip)
swing = (5 , "swing High/Low" , group= "Lookback" , tooltip= swingTip)
bullCol = input.color (#64b5f6, "" , inline="1" , group= "Pivot Color")
bearCol = input.color (#ffeb3b, "" , inline="1" , group= "Pivot Color")
bgTransp = (75 , "" , inline="1" , group= "Pivot Color")
bordTransp = (100 , "" , inline="1" , group= "Pivot Color" , tooltip= pivotColorTip)
bullBreak = input.color (#0000ff, "" , inline="2" , group= "Breakout Color")
bearBreak = input.color (#ff00ff, "" , inline="2" , group= "Breakout Color")
bullTransp = (40 , "" , inline="2" , group= "Breakout Color")
bearTransp = (40 , "" , inline="2" , group= "Breakout Color" , tooltip= breakoutTip)
resBreakCol = input.color (#17ff00, "" , inline="3" , group= "S&R Break Color")
supBreakCol = input.color (#ff0000, "" , inline="3" , group= "S&R Break Color")
resBreakTransp = (40 , "" , inline="3" , group= "S&R Break Color")
supBreakTransp = (40 , "" , inline="3" , group= "S&R Break Color" , tooltip= SnRTip)
falseBullCol = input.color (#17ff00, "" , inline="4" , group= "False Break Color")
falseBearCol = input.color (#ff0000, "" , inline="4" , group= "False Break Color")
falseBullTransp = (40 , "" , inline="4" , group= "False Break Color")
falseBearTransp = (40 , "" , inline="4" , group= "False Break Color")
arrowMax = (75 , "" , inline="4" , group= "False Break Color" , tooltip= falseBreakTip)
moveBull = input.color (#64b5f6, "" , inline="5" , group= "Moves From S&R Color")
moveBear = input.color (#ffeb3b, "" , inline="5" , group= "Moves From S&R Color")
moveBullTransp = (40 , "" , inline="5" , group= "Moves From S&R Color")
moveBearTransp = (40 , "" , inline="5" , group= "Moves From S&R Color" , tooltip= moveTip)
alertMode = input.string (alert.freq_once_per_bar_close , "Alerts Mode" , group = "Alert Frequency", options= )
// ================================== //
// -----> Immutable Constants <------ //
// ================================== //
sync = bar_index
confirmed = barstate.isconfirmed
var pivotHigh = array.new_box (nPiv)
var pivotLows = array.new_box (nPiv)
var highBull = array.new_bool (nPiv)
var lowsBull = array.new_bool (nPiv)
var bullBorder = (bullCol, bordTransp)
var bullBgCol = (bullCol, bgTransp)
var bearBorder = (bearCol, bordTransp)
var bearBgCol = (bearCol, bgTransp)
var upCol = (bullBreak, bullTransp)
var dnCol = (bearBreak, bearTransp)
var supCol = (resBreakCol, resBreakTransp)
var resCol = (supBreakCol, supBreakTransp)
var fBull = (falseBullCol, falseBullTransp)
var fBear = (falseBearCol, falseBearTransp)
var moveBullCol = (moveBull, moveBullTransp)
var moveBearCol = (moveBear, moveBearTransp)
haSrc = src == "HA"
hiLoSrc = src == "High/Low"
// ================================== //
// ---> Functional Declarations <---- //
// ================================== //
_haBody() =>
haClose = (open + high + low + close) / 4
haOpen = float(na)
haOpen := na(haOpen ) ? (open + close) / 2 :
(nz(haOpen ) + nz(haClose )) / 2
_arrayLoad(_x, _max, _val) =>
array.unshift (_x, _val)
if array.size (_x) > _max
array.pop (_x)
_getBox(_x,_i) =>
_box = array.get (_x,_i)
_t = box.get_top (_box)
_b = box.get_bottom (_box)
_align(_x,_y) =>
for i = 0 to array.size (_x) -1
= _getBox (_y, 0)
= _getBox (_x, i)
if _T > _b and _T < _t or
_B < _t and _B > _b or
_T > _t and _B < _b or
_B > _b and _T < _t
box.set_top (array.get (_y, 0), _t)
box.set_bottom (array.get (_y, 0), _b)
_extend(_x) =>
for i = 0 to array.size (_x)-1
box.set_right (array.get (_x, i), sync)
_color(_x, _y) =>
var int _track = nPiv
for i = 0 to array.size (_x) -1
= _getBox (_x, i)
_isBull = array.get (_y, i)
if close > t_ and not _isBull
array.set(_x, i, sync, t_, sync, b_,
xloc = xloc.bar_index,
border_color = bullBorder,
bgcolor = bullBgCol))
array.set(_y, i, true)
_track += 1
if close < b_ and _isBull
array.set(_x, i, sync, t_, sync, b_,
xloc = xloc.bar_index,
border_color = bearBorder,
bgcolor = bearBgCol))
array.set(_y, i, false)
_track -= 1
_detect(_x,_y) =>
int _i = 0
bool _found = false
bool _isBull = na
while (not _found and _i < array.size (_x) )
= _getBox (_x,_i)
if low < t_ and high > b_
_isBull := array.get (_y,_i)
_found := true
_i += 1
falseBreak(_l) =>
bool _d = false
bool _u = false
for i = 1 to lookback
if _l < _l and _l >= _l and _l < _l
_d := true
if _l > _l and _l <= _l and _l > _l
_u := true
_numLevel(_x,_y) =>
int _above = 0
int _fill = 0
for i = 0 to array.size (_x)-1
_isBull = array.get (_x,i)
if _isBull
_above += 1
if not na(_isBull)
_fill += 1
for i = 0 to array.size (_y)-1
_isBull = array.get (_y,i)
if _isBull
_above += 1
if not na(_isBull)
_fill += 1
_check(_src,_l) =>
bool _check = false
for i = 0 to _l
if _src
_check := true
// ================================== //
// ----> Variable Calculations <----- //
// ================================== //
highest = close == ta.highest (close, right)
lowest = close == ta.lowest (close, right)
closeLows = ta.lowest (close, swing)
closeHigh = ta.highest (close, swing)
= _haBody ()
hiHaBod = math.max (close_, open_)
loHaBod = math.min (close_, open_)
hiBod = math.max (close, open)
loBod = math.min (close, open)
srcHigh = haSrc ? hiHaBod : hiLoSrc ? high : hiBod
srcLow = haSrc ? loHaBod : hiLoSrc ? low : loBod
pivot_high = ta.pivothigh (srcHigh, left, right)
pivot_low = ta.pivotlow (srcLow, left, right)
perc = close* (per/100)
atr = ta.atr (atrLen)* mult
band = math.min (atr, perc) /2
HH = pivot_high+ band
HL = pivot_high- band
LH = pivot_low+ band
LL = pivot_low- band
coDiff = close - open
// ================================== //
// --------> Logical Order <--------- //
// ================================== //
if pivot_high and dhighs and confirmed and input_horizontal
_arrayLoad (highBull, nPiv, false)
_arrayLoad (pivotHigh, nPiv, sync , HH, sync, HL,
xloc = xloc.bar_index,
border_color = bearBorder,
bgcolor = bearBgCol))
if pivot_low and dlows and confirmed and input_horizontal
_arrayLoad (lowsBull, nPiv, true)
_arrayLoad (pivotLows, nPiv, sync , LH, sync, LL,
xloc = xloc.bar_index,
border_color = bullBorder,
bgcolor = bullBgCol))
if alignZones and input_horizontal
_align (pivotHigh, pivotHigh)
_align (pivotHigh, pivotLows)
_align (pivotLows, pivotLows)
_align (pivotLows, pivotHigh)
_extend (pivotHigh)
_extend (pivotLows)
trackHigh = _color (pivotHigh, highBull)
trackLows = _color (pivotLows, lowsBull)
// ================================== //
// ----> Conditional Parameters <---- //
// ================================== //
isLows = closeLows == close
isHigh = closeHigh == close
wasLows = _check (isLows, lookback)
wasHigh = _check (isHigh, lookback)
= _numLevel (highBull, lowsBull)
moveAbove = trackHigh > trackHigh
moveBelow = trackLows < trackLows
resBreak = (trackLows > trackLows or moveAbove)
supBreak = (trackHigh < trackHigh or moveBelow)
breakOut = moveAbove and highest and above == total
breakDwn = moveBelow and lowest and above == 0
= falseBreak (trackHigh)
= falseBreak (trackLows)
falseBreakBull = wasLows and (dh or dl)
falseBreakBear = wasHigh and (uh or ul)
= _detect (pivotHigh, highBull)
= _detect (pivotLows, lowsBull)
bullCheck = not resBreak and not resBreak and (fh or fl) and close > open and (hb or lb)
bearCheck = not supBreak and not supBreak and (fh or fl) and close < open and not (hb or lb)
// ================================== //
// ------> Graphical Display <------- //
// ================================== //
plotFalseDn = falseBull and falseBreakBull
plotFalseUp = falseBear and falseBreakBear
falseUpCol = plotFalseUp ? upCol : na
falseDnCol = plotFalseDn ? dnCol : na
plotBreakOut = breakOut and detectBO and not plotFalseDn
plotBreakDn = breakDwn and detectBD and not plotFalseUp
plotResBreak = resBreak and breakUp and not (plotBreakOut or plotFalseDn)
plotSupBreak = supBreak and breakDn and not (plotBreakDn or plotFalseUp)
plotBullCheck = bullCheck and supPush
plotBearCheck = bearCheck and resPush
plotarrow (plotFalseUp ? coDiff : na , colorup = fBull, colordown= fBear, maxheight= arrowMax)
plotarrow (plotFalseDn ? coDiff : na , colorup = fBull, colordown= fBear, maxheight= arrowMax)
plotshape (plotBreakOut , style=shape.arrowup , location=location.belowbar, color= upCol)
plotshape (plotBreakDn , style=shape.arrowdown , location=location.abovebar, color= dnCol)
plotshape (plotResBreak , style=shape.arrowup , location=location.belowbar, color= supCol)
plotshape (plotSupBreak , style=shape.arrowdown , location=location.abovebar, color= resCol)
plotshape (plotBullCheck , style=shape.triangleup , location=location.belowbar, color= moveBullCol)
plotshape (plotBearCheck , style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color= moveBearCol)
// ================================== //
// -----> Alert Functionality <------ //
// ================================== //
alertcondition (resBreak , 'Resistance break' , 'Resistance broke on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
alertcondition (supBreak , 'Support break' , 'Support broke on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
alertcondition (bullCheck , 'Found Support' , 'Pushing Off Key Level Support on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
alertcondition (bearCheck , 'Found Resistance' , 'Pushing Off Key Level Resistance on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
alertcondition (falseBreakBull , 'False Break Down' , 'False Break Down on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
alertcondition (falseBreakBear , 'False Break Up' , 'False Break Up on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
alertcondition (breakOut , 'Breakout' , 'Breakout on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
alertcondition (breakDwn , 'Breakdown' , 'Breakdown on {{interval}} chart. Price is {{close}}')
if plotResBreak
alert ('Resistance broke on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
if plotSupBreak
alert ('Resistance broke on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
if plotBullCheck
alert ('Pushing Off Key Level Support on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
if plotBearCheck
alert ('Pushing Off Key Level Resistance on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
if plotFalseDn
alert ('False Break Down on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
if plotFalseUp
alert ('False Break Up on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
if plotBreakOut
alert ('Breakout on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
if plotBreakDn
alert ('Breakdown on ' + timeframe.period + ' chart. Price is ' + str.tostring(close), alertMode)
Alligator + RSI Divergence Indicator
This custom TradingView indicator combines the Alligator (50-100-200) and RSI Divergence to identify potential trend reversals and trading opportunities.
✅ Trend Identification:
The trend is considered bullish when the price is above all Alligator lines (50, 100, 200).
The trend is considered bearish when the price is below all Alligator lines.
✅ Divergence Detection with RSI (14):
Bullish Divergence: Price forms a lower low while RSI forms a higher low.
Bearish Divergence: Price forms a higher high while RSI forms a lower high.
✅ Trade Entry & Exit Levels:
The indicator plots entry signals when a valid divergence occurs at the Alligator levels.
It draws Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) levels based on a 1:1 risk-reward ratio.
✅ Visual Alerts:
Green arrows appear for bullish signals (buy).
Red arrows appear for bearish signals (sell).
SL (red line) and TP (green line) are plotted on the chart.
✅ Alerts for TradingView Notifications:
Alerts are triggered when a bullish or bearish divergence is detected.
This indicator is designed to help traders identify high-probability reversal points by combining price action with momentum divergence. 🚀
SUMUhis custom TradingView indicator combines the Alligator (50-100-200) and RSI Divergence to identify potential trend reversals and trading opportunities.
✅ Trend Identification:
The trend is considered bullish when the price is above all Alligator lines (50, 100, 200).
The trend is considered bearish when the price is below all Alligator lines.
✅ Divergence Detection with RSI (14):
Bullish Divergence: Price forms a lower low while RSI forms a higher low.
Bearish Divergence: Price forms a higher high while RSI forms a lower high.
✅ Trade Entry & Exit Levels:
The indicator plots entry signals when a valid divergence occurs at the Alligator levels.
It draws Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) levels based on a 1:1 risk-reward ratio.
✅ Visual Alerts:
Green arrows appear for bullish signals (buy).
Red arrows appear for bearish signals (sell).
SL (red line) and TP (green line) are plotted on the chart.
✅ Alerts for TradingView Notifications:
Alerts are triggered when a bullish or bearish divergence is detected.
This indicator is designed to help traders identify high-probability reversal points by combining price action with momentum divergence. 🚀
CipherBTDI EX. REplication of CYpher B who ever that is. Great indicator though. Something about money flow and Rsis and stoch rsi all mix in one indciator. I did it for personal use but you can use as well. ENJOY!
kellev1fena bir indikatör kullanmanızı tavsiye ederim İÇERİK OLARAK ZENGİN BİR İNDİKATÖR OLUP YUKARIDAN VE AŞŞAĞIDAN AL SAT SİNYALLERİNİ VERMEKTEDİR. bu tam olarak size bir trade yöntemi değil akıl vermek icin tasarlanmış olup asıl yazarı LUX tur
Aj's DikFat Adjusted ADXRAj's DikFat Adjusted ADXR
This indicator is designed to plot the Average Directional Index (ADX) and Average Directional Movement Rating (ADXR) on the chart. The ADX and ADXR are both used to measure the strength of a trend in the market. The script allows you to customize several parameters, including the ADX Length and the Moving Average Method used for smoothing the directional movement indicators.
Key Features:
- ADX Length : Defines the number of periods over which the ADX is calculated. This value can be adjusted by the user to suit different trading styles and timeframes.
- Moving Average Method : Choose between several smoothing methods, including Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Wilder's Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average (WMA), Hull Moving Average (HMA), or a Super Smooth Moving Average.
- Directional Indicators : The script calculates the +DI and -DI, which represent the positive and negative directional indicators respectively. These are then used to calculate the ADX.
- ADXR : The ADXR is calculated as the average of the current ADX value and the ADX value from 14 periods ago, providing a more smoothed representation of the trend strength.
How Traders Use ADX and ADXR:
- ADX : A rising ADX indicates an increasing trend strength, while a falling ADX suggests a weakening trend. A value above 25 is often considered an indication of a strong trend.
- ADXR : This indicator smooths the ADX over time, helping traders identify persistent trends. The ADXR can help filter out noise and provide a clearer picture of the trend's health.
Please note that this script and its indicators are designed to be used as tools for analysis, not as guarantees of market outcomes. Adjustments to the moving average method or ADX length can change the behavior of the indicators based on market conditions.
JD GANN DATE HIGH n LOW (Multiple)Custom High and Low for Specific Dates
Custom High and Low for Specific Dates
Custom High and Low for Specific Dates
Custom High and Low for Specific Dates
Custom High and Low for Specific Dates
NR7 Indicator//@version=6
//author =
indicator("NR7 Indicator", overlay=true)
diff(k) =>
math.abs(high - low ) // Use math.abs() instead of abs()
isNr7(k) =>
a = diff(1-k)
b = diff(2-k)
c = diff(3-k)
d = diff(4-k)
e = diff(5-k)
f = diff(6-k)
g = diff(7-k)
retval = a<b and a<c and a<d and a<e and a<f and a<g
retval ? a : 0
nr7Candle = isNr7(1)
plotchar(nr7Candle, char='7', size=size.tiny, location=location.abovebar,
// Alert when NR7 candle is formed
alertcondition(nr7Candle != 0, title="NR7 Candle", message="NR7 candle formed")
// Store the high and low of the NR7 candle
nr7High = nr7Candle != 0 ? high : na
nr7Low = nr7Candle != 0 ? low : na
// Alert when the high of NR7 is broken
alertcondition(cross(close, nr7High) and nr7Candle != 0, title="NR7 High Broken", message="NR7 high broken")
// Alert when the low of NR7 is broken
alertcondition(cross(close, nr7Low) and nr7Candle != 0, title="NR7 Low Broken", message="NR7 low broken")
BB ATR Fractal MMThe Bollinger Bands + ATR with Fractal indicator is a powerful combination of Bollinger Bands, ATR (Average True Range), and Fractal to help identify market volatility and potential entry/exit points on the chart.
Bollinger Bands help to assess the market’s volatility by calculating upper and lower bands based on the simple moving average (SMA) and standard deviation. It’s an excellent tool for identifying overbought and oversold conditions.
ATR (Average True Range) is used to measure market volatility. It helps determine how much the price is moving, and it can be used to adjust the Bollinger Bands, creating bands that reflect the current volatility more accurately.
Fractal helps to identify peaks and troughs in the market, supporting decision-making by highlighting potential reversal points. Fractals mark regions where price may reverse direction, making it easier to spot possible trade opportunities.
How to Use:
Bollinger Bands Upper and Lower Bands: These bands help to identify overbought or oversold conditions. If the price breaks above the upper band, the market may be overbought. If the price breaks below the lower band, the market may be oversold.
ATR: It indicates the volatility level of the market. When the market shows large volatility (ATR increases), the Bollinger Bands expand to reflect higher price swings.
Fractal: Arrows appear at the market’s peaks and troughs, helping identify entry points for buying (at fractal lows) or selling (at fractal highs). These signals can help you make trading decisions based on potential price reversals.
Gaussian Channel with Stochastic RSI StrategyUsed this recenrly
The strategy combines multiple indicators to provide a more comprehensive view of the market.
The Gaussian channel helps to identify potential support and resistance levels.
The stochastic oscillator and RSI help to identify overbought and oversold conditions.
The strategy requires multiple indicators, which can increase the complexity of the analysis.
The Gaussian channel may not always provide accurate support and resistance levels.
The stochastic oscillator and RSI may provide false signals in certain market conditions.
Overall, the Gaussian Channel with Stochastic RSI Strategy is a complex trading strategy that requires careful analysis and risk management. It is essential to backtest the strategy and adjust the parameters to suit your trading style and risk tolerance.
Gaussian Channel with Stochastic RSI StrategyKeltner Channel with Stochastic RSI Strategy
The Keltner Channel with Stochastic RSI strategy is a technical trading approach that combines the Keltner Channel, a volatility-based indicator, with the Stochastic RSI, a momentum indicator. This strategy aims to identify trading opportunities by detecting overbought and oversold conditions in conjunction with volatility contractions and expansions.
Keltner Channel: A volatility-based indicator consisting of three bands: the upper band, lower band, and middle band (20-period moving average). The bands are set at 2 x Average True Range (ATR) above and below the middle band.
Stochastic RSI: A momentum indicator that measures the relative position of the RSI (Relative Strength Index) within its own range. The Stochastic RSI is set to 14 periods with overbought and oversold levels at 80 and 20, respectively.
Strategy Rules:
Long Entry:
The price touches or breaks below the lower Keltner Channel band.
The Stochastic RSI falls below 20, indicating oversold conditions.
The RSI must be below 30 to confirm the oversold condition.
Short Entry:
The price touches or breaks above the upper Keltner Channel band.
The Stochastic RSI rises above 80, indicating overbought conditions.
The RSI must be above 70 to confirm the overbought condition.
Exit Rules:
Profit Target: Set a profit target at 1:1 or 1:2 risk-reward ratio.
Stop Loss: Set a stop loss at the opposite side of the Keltner Channel band.
Trailing Stop: Use a trailing stop to lock in profits as the trade moves in your favor.
Additional Considerations:
Trend Filter: Use a trend filter, such as a 50-period moving average, to ensure that trades are taken in the direction of the underlying trend.
Risk Management: Always use proper risk management techniques, such as position sizing and stop-loss orders, to limit potential losses.
By combining the Keltner Channel and Stochastic RSI indicators, this strategy offers a unique approach to identifying trading opportunities in various markets.
Optimized Adaptive SuperTrend [AlgoAlpha]🔹 Name: Optimized Adaptive SuperTrend
🔹 Category: Trend-Following Indicator
🔹 Description:
The Optimized Adaptive SuperTrend is an advanced trend-following indicator that dynamically adjusts to market volatility using K-Means clustering and an adaptive ATR-based SuperTrend algorithm.
Key Features:
✅ Adaptive SuperTrend – Adjusts dynamically to different volatility levels
✅ Machine Learning-Based ATR Filtering – Reduces false signals and noise
✅ Smoothed Trend Detection – Uses an EMA-smoothed ATR for improved accuracy
✅ Clear Bullish & Bearish Signals – Provides easy-to-read trend shifts
✅ Volatility Alerts – Identifies high, medium, and low volatility zones
This indicator is ideal for trend traders looking for high-accuracy signals while filtering out market noise.
💡 Best Used On: All timeframes (especially 1H, 4H, and Daily).
Estrategia NASDAQ Futuros - EMA + RSI + Bollinger//@version=5
strategy("Estrategia NASDAQ Futuros - EMA + RSI + Bollinger", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=10)
// Parámetros de la EMA
ema_rapida = ta.ema(close, 9)
ema_lenta = ta.ema(close, 21)
// Parámetros del RSI
rsi_length = 14
rsi_sobrecompra = 70
rsi_sobreventa = 30
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsi_length)
// Parámetros de las Bandas de Bollinger
bb_length = 20
bb_desviacion = 2
=, bb_length, bb_desviacion)
// Condiciones de Entrada
condicion_compra = ta.crossover(ema_rapida, ema_lenta) and rsi < rsi_sobreventa and close < bb_inferior
condicion_venta = ta.crossunder(ema_rapida, ema_lenta) and rsi > rsi_sobrecompra and close > bb_superior
// Ejecución de las Órdenes
if (condicion_compra)
strategy.entry("Compra", strategy.long)
if (condicion_venta)
strategy.entry("Venta", strategy.short)
// Gestión del Riesgo
stop_loss = 50 // Ajusta según el valor del futuro del NASDAQ
take_profit = 100
strategy.exit("Cerrar Compra", "Compra", stop=strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stop_loss/10000), limit=strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + take_profit/10000))
strategy.exit("Cerrar Venta", "Venta", stop=strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + stop_loss/10000), limit=strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - take_profit/10000))
// Visualización en el Gráfico
plot(ema_rapida,, title="EMA Rápida (9)")
plot(ema_lenta,, title="EMA Lenta (21)")
plot(bb_superior,, title="Banda Superior")
plot(bb_inferior,, title="Banda Inferior")
hline(rsi_sobrecompra, "Sobrecompra",
hline(rsi_sobreventa, "Sobreventa",
Fisher Indicator with Buy/Sell Signals by@ kawalskyfisher indiktorü long short indikatörüdür.
sadece profesyoneller için
indicator("Custom MA Crossover", overlay=true, shorttitle="CMA Cross")
// Inputs
fast_length =, title="Fast MA Length", minval=1)
slow_length =, title="Slow MA Length", minval=1)
ma_type = input.string(title="MA Type", options= , defval="EMA")
// Calculations
fast_ma = ma_type == "SMA" ? ta.sma(close, fast_length) : ta.ema(close, fast_length)
slow_ma = ma_type == "SMA" ? ta.sma(close, slow_length) : ta.ema(close, slow_length)
// Crossover signals
bullish = ta.crossover(fast_ma, slow_ma)
bearish = ta.crossunder(fast_ma, slow_ma)
// Plotting
plot(fast_ma,, 0), title="Fast MA")
plot(slow_ma,, 0), title="Slow MA")
// Plot signals
plotshape(bullish, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, size=size.small)
plotshape(bearish, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, size=size.small)
// Alerts
alertcondition(bullish, title="Bullish Crossover", message="Fast MA crossed above Slow MA")
alertcondition(bearish, title="Bearish Crossover", message="Fast MA crossed below Slow MA")
High of Specific Date//@version=5
indicator("High of Specific Date", overlay=true)
// Input for the specific date
input_date = input.time(timestamp("2023-10-01"), title="Specific Date", confirm=true)
// Check if the current bar's date matches the input date
is_target_date = (time == input_date)
// Get the high of the target candle
var float target_high = na
if is_target_date
target_high := high
// Draw a horizontal line at the high of the target candle, y1=target_high, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=target_high,, width=2, extend=extend.right)
// Optional: Label to show the high value
if not na(target_high), y=target_high, text=str.tostring(target_high), color=color.white,, style=label.style_label_down, size=size.small)