Quad Bollinger Bands CCI Splash by Zekis

Quad Bollinger Bands CCI Splash combine four Bollinger Bands with modified standard deviations and some other calcs and CCI indicator.

It's working very well in trending market (obviously) with a very high win/loss ratio.

It's working in any time frame.

The long threshold should be opposed to the short one (ex.: Long T. 50 / Short T. -50), but it can be 0 for both.

Greater difference between thresholds means fewer trades.

There are standard entries for Longs and Shorts and reentries marked with RE.

Also there are exits correlated with standard entries only.

BBBollinger Bands (BB)Commodity Channel Index (CCI)QUADquadbbquadccisplashStandard Deviationzekis

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