Fractal Break Imbalance / Fair Value Gap (FVG) / Liquidity Void

Fractal Break Imbalance / Fair Value Gap (FVG) / Liquidity Void

Order imbalances in either direction, either excess buy or sell orders, reduce liquidity. The market will seek to fill gaps sooner or later. The script marks an imbalance / FVG after a fractal break. It also marks any other imbalance.

Default Colours:

Green - Imbalance after fractal break to the upside
Red - Imbalance after fractal break to the downside
Yellow - Other imbalances

How To Use:

Gaps can be used to determine possible entries and targets. Those familiar with liquidity raids, supply and demand, and ICT concepts may realise it's potential.

Indicator in use:



Notas de Lançamento
Alerts added
Notas de Lançamento
Option to hide filled gaps
Option to change line type and colours of fractal break

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