This Pine Script for TradingView, titled **"COT INDEXING | OPEN INTEREST [DIGGERDOG]"**, is designed to analyze and visualize the **Open Interest (OI)** in conjunction with **COT (Commitment of Traders) data**. It calculates and plots an Open Interest index across multiple timeframes and highlights extreme values to help identify overbought or oversold market conditions.

Key Features:

1. **COT Data Retrieval**:
- The script fetches Open Interest from the **Legacy COT Report**.
- Open Interest data is also retrieved, representing the number of active contracts on the market. This is a key indicator of market participation.

2. **Multi-Timeframe Open Interest Index Calculation**:
- The script calculates the **Open Interest Index** across multiple timeframes (e.g., 26, 52, 156 weeks). For each timeframe, it calculates:
\text{Open Interest Index} = \frac{\text{Current OI} - \text{Lowest OI}}{\text{Highest OI} - \text{Lowest OI}} \times 100
- The index values show where the current Open Interest stands relative to historical extremes (high and low) over each timeframe.

3. **Extreme Value Highlighting**:
- The script highlights extreme values by marking Open Interest values above a user-defined **extreme high threshold** and below an **extreme low threshold**.
- **Red background**: Indicates Open Interest is above the extreme high threshold (potentially overbought).
- **Green background**: Indicates Open Interest is below the extreme low threshold (potentially oversold).

4. **Visualizations**:
- The script plots the **Open Interest Index** for each timeframe as a line chart.
- It also includes horizontal reference lines at 80, 50, and 20, representing typical thresholds for overbought, neutral, and oversold conditions.

5. **Customizable Inputs**:
- **Timeframes**: Users can define the time periods for the Open Interest Index calculation (e.g., 26, 52, 156 weeks).
- **Extreme Thresholds**: The **high** and **low** thresholds can be adjusted to customize the extreme levels for overbought or oversold signals.
- **Color Settings**: Colors for the plot lines and background can be customized for better visualization.

How It Works:

1. **Open Interest Index Calculation**:
- The script calculates the Open Interest Index for three different timeframes (e.g., short-term, medium-term, long-term). Each index is plotted to show how the current Open Interest compares to historical values.

2. **Extreme Value Highlighting**:
- The background color of the chart changes based on whether the Open Interest Index crosses above or below the user-defined extreme thresholds. This helps visually identify potentially overbought or oversold conditions.

3. **Multi-Timeframe Analysis**:
- By calculating the index over multiple timeframes, traders can gain insights into both short-term and long-term trends in Open Interest. This helps identify whether recent Open Interest changes are part of a larger trend or just short-term fluctuations.


- **Market Sentiment Analysis**: Open Interest is a measure of market participation, and changes in OI can indicate shifts in market sentiment. For example, rising Open Interest during a price increase suggests a strong trend, while falling Open Interest may signal weakening momentum.
- **Trend Confirmation**: When Open Interest is rising alongside price trends, it confirms that new participants are entering the market. Conversely, falling OI during price movements suggests that the trend might lack strength.
- **Overbought/Oversold Identification**: The extreme thresholds help identify when the Open Interest has reached levels that might signal an overbought or oversold market, indicating a potential reversal.

### Example Use Case:

- A trader could use this script to monitor whether the market is gaining or losing participation (via Open Interest) as the price of a commodity moves. If Open Interest is rising along with price, this suggests a strong trend. If Open Interest starts to fall while the price rises, it could signal that the trend is running out of steam.

### Customizable Features:

- **Timeframe Adjustments**: The user can set different timeframes (e.g., short, medium, long-term) for the Open Interest Index calculation.
- **Extreme Thresholds**: Define custom thresholds for overbought and oversold conditions to suit your trading strategy. (only timeframe 1)
- **Color and Visual Settings**: Adjust the colors of the plots and background to better fit your charting style. (only timeframe 1)

This script provides a clear visual representation of Open Interest trends across multiple timeframes and highlights potential market turning points based on extreme levels in Open Interest. By integrating this with price analysis, traders can get a better sense of market momentum and strength.
Commitment of Traders (COT)Oscillators

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