// ***************************************** ATTENTION ************************************************ // // These metrics are not to be reproduced, copied, or distributed to anyone besides the original owner. // Doing so is in direct violation of Simple Market Metrics policies, and penalties will apply. // // simplemarketmetrics.gumroad.com/l/ddcud // // ****************************************************************************************************
// ________ Rules and FAQ text ___________________________ var const string titleRules = "***** Simple Market Metrics Trading Rules *****" var const string signalRules = "\n\n1. How to enter a trade:\n• Wait for a Buy or Sell signal to appear" var const string entryRules = "\n• If the signal remains when the candle closes, enter the trade with a market or limit order"
var const string tpRules = "\n\n2. How to exit a trade:\n• Take profit when the price reaches the profit target line" var const string exitRules = "\n• Stop out of the trade if the white dot remains on the opposite side of the profit wave only when the candle has closed." var const string exitExample = "\n\ne.g. If you are in a long trade, and a candle closes with the white dot below the profit wave, close the trade." var const string tradingRules = titleRules + signalRules + entryRules + tpRules + exitRules + exitExample
var const string faq = "--------| Frequently Asked Questions |--------" var const string faq1 = "\n\n1. What markets can this be traded with?\n• Simple Market Metrics works with any market, but the ES & NQ Futures are the preferred markets to trade this system with." var const string faq2 = "\n\n2. What candle type should be used?\n• Simple Market Metrics was designed to be used on Heikin Ashi candles." var const string faq3 = "\n\n3. What are the preferred trading hours?\n• The preferred hours to trade are during the New York session between 10:00am EST and 3:00pm EST." var const string faq4 = "\n\n4. What timeframe should I trade?\n• The 1 and 2 minute timeframes are preferred with ES & NQ Futures" var const string faq5 = "\n\n5. What should I set the profit targets to?\n• ES - 1 min: 4\n• ES - 2 min: 8\n• NQ - 1 min: 20\n• NQ - 2 min: 40" var const string faq6 = "\n\n6. How many contracts should I start trading with prop firm accounts?\n• 50k - 5 micros on MES or MNQ \n• 150k - 2 minis on ES or NQ" var const string faqText = faq + faq1 + faq2 + faq3 + faq4 + faq5 + faq6
var const string finalNotes = "Some final notes:\n\nThe Simple Market Metrics trading system has been built specifically for trading the ES & NQ Futures markets, with the goal of small but consistent daily profits." var const string finalNotes1 = "\n\nAlthough you may trade any market and timeframe you wish, it is up to you to determine the best settings for other markets and timeframes." var const string finalNotes2 = "\n\nTrading is risky, do not trade with money you are not comfortable losing.\nControl your risk by managing your position size accordingly, and please practice on a sim account before using real money." var const string finalNotes3 = "\n\nIf you need further assistance, contact us at simplemarketmetricsgmail.com" var const string notesText = finalNotes + finalNotes1 + finalNotes2 + finalNotes3
// ________ All Inputs Here ___________________________ var const string startHereGroup = "------------------> START HERE <------------------" rulesCheck = input.bool(false, title="Please Read The Trading Rules ----->", group=startHereGroup, tooltip=tradingRules) faqCheck = input.bool(false, title="Frequently Asked Questions ------->", group=startHereGroup, tooltip=faqText) notesCheck = input.bool(false, title="Final Notes & Contact Info --------->", group=startHereGroup, tooltip=notesText) var bool disableWarning = false
//Signals Inputs var signalsGroupName = '----- Signal Settings -----' enableBuySellSignals = input.bool(true,title='Enable Buy & Sell Signals', group=signalsGroupName) startHour = input.int(9, title="Start Time (HH:mm)", minval=0, maxval=23, group=signalsGroupName, inline="startTime") startMinute = input.int(0, title=":", minval=0, maxval=59, group=signalsGroupName, inline="startTime", tooltip="This time is based on timezone of the exchange, NOT the timezone your chart is set to. So please adjust accordingly. e.g. The exchange for NQ & ES are in the Central Timezone.") endHour = input.int(11, title="End Time (HH:mm)", minval=0, maxval=23, group=signalsGroupName, inline="endTime") endMinute = input.int(0, title=":", minval=0, maxval=59, group=signalsGroupName, inline="endTime")
enableChopFilter = input.bool(true, title='Enable Chop Filter', group=signalsGroupName, tooltip='This helps to reduce signals during choppy markets, and will produce less signals overall when enabled.')
// Bullish signals maFilterBuy = enableMaFilter ? srcOpen > maFilter : true mfiBuy = enableChopFilter ? mfl > 52 : true buy_con = buySignal and backgroundTrendColor == bgTrendBullishCol and strongBullishCandle and currentMode != Mode.buy and mfiBuy and canBuy if (buy_con and enableBuySellSignals) currentMode := Mode.buy if isValidTimeRange and maFilterBuy label.new(bar_index, low, style=label.style_label_up, color=buySignalColor, size=size.normal, yloc=yloc.belowbar, text="Buy"+realClosePriceText, textcolor=color.white, force_overlay=true) currentSignalBarIndex := bar_index
// Bearish signals maFilterSell = enableMaFilter ? srcOpen < maFilter : true mfiSell = enableChopFilter ? mfl < 52 : true sell_con = sellSignal and backgroundTrendColor == bgTrendBearishCol and strongBearishCandle and currentMode != Mode.sell and mfiSell and canSell if (sell_con and enableBuySellSignals) currentMode := Mode.sell if isValidTimeRange and maFilterSell label.new(bar_index, high, style=label.style_label_down, color=sellSignalColor, size=size.normal, yloc=yloc.abovebar, text="Sell"+realClosePriceText, textcolor=color.white, force_overlay=true) currentSignalBarIndex := bar_index
// Profit Target lines var line[] targetLines = array.new_line(0) var label[] targetLabels = array.new_label(0) var float targetPrice = na
if (((buy_con and maFilterBuy) or (sell_con and maFilterSell)) and enableBuySellSignals and enableProfitLines) if array.size(targetLines) >= profitTargetMaxLines oldestLine = array.get(targetLines, 0) oldestLabel = array.get(targetLabels, 0) line.delete(oldestLine) label.delete(oldestLabel) array.remove(targetLines, 0) array.remove(targetLabels, 0) targetPrice := buy_con ? real_close + (profitTarget * syminfo.mintick) : sell_con ? real_close - (profitTarget * syminfo.mintick) : na if isValidTimeRange newLine = line.new(bar_index-7, targetPrice, bar_index + 5, targetPrice, color=profitTargetColor, width=2, force_overlay=true) array.push(targetLines, newLine) newLabel = label.new(bar_index-3, targetPrice, text="$"+str.tostring(targetPrice, format.mintick), style=label.style_none, textcolor=profitTargetColor, force_overlay=true) array.push(targetLabels, newLabel)
// Reset for more signals within continuous trend if (currentMode == Mode.buy and real_close < profitWaveEmaSlow and srcClose < profitWaveEmaSlow) currentMode := Mode.none currentSignalBarIndex := na
if (currentMode == Mode.sell and real_close > profitWaveEmaSlow and srcClose > profitWaveEmaSlow) currentMode := Mode.none currentSignalBarIndex := na
profitTargetCondition = if not na(currentSignalBarIndex) and bar_index > currentSignalBarIndex currentMode == Mode.buy ? srcHigh >= targetPrice : currentMode == Mode.sell ? srcLow <= targetPrice : na
// Signal Alerts alertcondition(condition=buy_con and canBuy,title='Buy alert', message='Buy') alertcondition(condition=sell_con and canSell,title='Sell alert', message='Sell')
alertcondition(condition=enableBuySellSignals and enableProfitLines ? profitTargetCondition : na, title="Profit Target", message="Profit Target Hit!") if profitTargetCondition targetPrice := na currentSignalBarIndex := na
// Initialize arrays to store the lines var line[] resistanceLines = array.new_line(0) var line[] supportLines = array.new_line(0) var int[] resistanceTouchBars = array.new_int(0) var int[] supportTouchBars = array.new_int(0) lookbackchopSensitivity = 500
// Function to manage line limits (removing the oldest line if limit is exceeded) f_manage_line_limit(array<line> linesArray, array<int> touchBarsArray) => if array.size(linesArray) > maxSrLines // Delete the first (oldest) line line.delete(array.shift(linesArray)) // Remove the first touch bar value array.shift(touchBarsArray)
// Draw new resistance line if a new pivot high is detected if (ensr and not na(pivotHigh) and bar_index[pivotchopSensitivity] >= bar_index - lookbackchopSensitivity) pivotHighPrice = srcHigh[pivotchopSensitivity] pivotHighBar = bar_index[pivotchopSensitivity] resistanceLine = line.new(pivotHighBar, pivotHighPrice, bar_index + 1, pivotHighPrice, style=srLineStyle, width=srLineWidth, color=resistanceColor, extend=extend.right, force_overlay=true) array.push(resistanceLines, resistanceLine) array.push(resistanceTouchBars, na) // No touch yet f_manage_line_limit(resistanceLines, resistanceTouchBars) // Manage the line limit
// Draw new support line if a new pivot low is detected if (ensr and not na(pivotLow) and bar_index[pivotchopSensitivity] >= bar_index - lookbackchopSensitivity) pivotLowPrice = srcLow[pivotchopSensitivity] pivotLowBar = bar_index[pivotchopSensitivity] supportLine = line.new(pivotLowBar, pivotLowPrice, bar_index + 1, pivotLowPrice, style=srLineStyle, width=srLineWidth, color=supportColor, extend=extend.right, force_overlay=true) array.push(supportLines, supportLine) array.push(supportTouchBars, na) // No touch yet f_manage_line_limit(supportLines, supportTouchBars) // Manage the line limit
// Loop through the resistance lines and stop their extension if the price touches them if array.size(resistanceLines) > 0 resLineStop = extendLinesType == 'Close' ? srcClose : srcHigh for i = 0 to array.size(resistanceLines) - 1 line currentResistanceLine = array.get(resistanceLines, i) resistancePrice = line.get_y1(currentResistanceLine) touchBar = array.get(resistanceTouchBars, i)
// Update the line to the current candle unless already touched if na(touchBar) line.set_x2(currentResistanceLine, bar_index) line.set_extend(currentResistanceLine, extend.none)
// Check if the price touches the resistance and we haven't already stopped the line if na(touchBar) and resLineStop >= resistancePrice line.set_x2(currentResistanceLine, bar_index) line.set_extend(currentResistanceLine, extend.none) array.set(resistanceTouchBars, i, bar_index) // Store the bar where the price touched
// Loop through the support lines and stop their extension if the price touches them if array.size(supportLines) > 0 supLineStop = extendLinesType == 'Close' ? srcClose : srcLow for i = 0 to array.size(supportLines) - 1 line currentSupportLine = array.get(supportLines, i) supportPrice = line.get_y1(currentSupportLine) touchBar = array.get(supportTouchBars, i)
// Update the line to the current candle unless already touched if na(touchBar) line.set_x2(currentSupportLine, bar_index) line.set_extend(currentSupportLine, extend.none)
// Check if the price touches the support and we haven't already stopped the line if na(touchBar) and supLineStop <= supportPrice line.set_x2(currentSupportLine, bar_index) line.set_extend(currentSupportLine, extend.none) array.set(supportTouchBars, i, bar_index) // Store the bar where the price touched
// ________ Real Price Logic ___________________________Original open source code from Real Price + Dots by PHVNTOM_TRADER showrealpricemicrodotsauto = (plotrealsrcClosedots and size=="Auto" ? display.all : display.none) showrealpricemicrodotssmall = (plotrealsrcClosedots and size=="Small" ? display.all : display.none) showrealpricedotslarge = (plotrealsrcClosedots and size=="Large" ? display.all : display.none)
dotsColor = bullishTrend ? #66ff00 : #ff0000 plot(enableDashboard ? 50 : na,color=dotsColor,style= plot.style_circles, title="Dashboard Center Line trendSwitch Dots", linewidth=trendDotsSize)
plotDashboardBuy = buy_con and enableDashboardBuySellSignals and canBuy and isValidTimeRange and maFilterBuy plotDashboardSell = sell_con and enableDashboardBuySellSignals and canSell and isValidTimeRange and maFilterSell plotshape(plotDashboardBuy and enableDashboard ? 10 : na,title='Dashboard Buy Signal',style=shape.labelup,location=location.absolute,text='Buy',textcolor=color.white,color=buySignalColor) plotshape(plotDashboardSell and enableDashboard ? 90 : na,title='Dashboard Sell Signal',style=shape.labeldown,location=location.absolute,text='Sell',textcolor=color.white,color=sellSignalColor)
mfiTrendColor = if (mfl > 50) mfiBullishColor else if (mfl < 50) mfiBearishColor else color.white
plot(enableDashboard ? mfl : na, "Dashboard Money Flow Line", color=mfiTrendColor, style=plot.style_stepline) plot(plotDashboardBuy and enableDashboard ? 50 : na, color=#66ff00, style=plot.style_circles,linewidth=crossoverDotsSize,title='Dashboard Crossover Up Dots') plot(plotDashboardSell and enableDashboard ? 50 : na, color=#ff0000, style=plot.style_circles,linewidth=crossoverDotsSize,title='Dashboard Crossover Down Dots')
// ________ Matrix Data Table Logic ___________________________
In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in publications is governed by House rules. Você pode favoritá-lo para usá-lo em um gráfico.
As informações e publicações não devem ser e não constituem conselhos ou recomendações financeiras, de investimento, de negociação ou de qualquer outro tipo, fornecidas ou endossadas pela TradingView. Leia mais em Termos de uso.