"id": 20726, // Message Id
"t": "2023-11-01T10:35:00Z", // Message Time
"al": { // Alert
"id": "639bfa9a-5f01-4031-8880-7ec01e972055", // Alert Id
"n": "TEST04", // Name
"l": "ABC123" // Layout
"sym": { // Symbol
"typ": "crypto", // Type
"r": "DOGEUSD.PM", // Root
"pre": "KRAKEN", // Prefix
"tc": "DOGEUSD.PM", // Ticker
"bc": "DOGE", // BaseCurrency
"c": "USD", // Currency
"d": "DOGEUSD Multi Collateral Perpetual Futures Contract", // Description
"mtc": 0.000001, // MinTick
"pv": 1, // PointValue
"ct": "PF_DOGEUSD" // CustomTicker
"ch": { // Chart
"pd": "1", // Period
"mul": 1 // Multiplier
"bar": { // Bar
"id": 20725, // Index
"t": "2023-11-01T10:33:00Z", // Time
"o": 0.066799, // Open
"h": 0.066799, // High
"l": 0.066799, // Low
"c": 0.066799, // Close
"v": 2924 // Vol
"strat": { // Strategy
"n": "Strategy - Plus / Connectable [Azullian]", // Name
"sig": { // Signal
"c1e": true, // Connector1Enabled
"c1s": 500500.500501, // Connector1Source
"c1g": 1, // Connector1Gain
"c2e": false, // Connector2Enabled
"c2s": 0.067043, // Connector2Source
"c2g": 1, // Connector2Gain
"sm": "Swing (EL, ES)", // SignalMode
"xm": "Always", // ExitMode
"mlp": 0.01, // ExitModeMinPercLoss
"mpp": 0.01 // ExitModeMinPercProfit
"inv": { // Investment
"lb": "Equity", // LossBase
"lp": 50, // LossPerc
"pb": "Equity", // ProfitBase
"pp": 100, // ProfitPerc
"pcb": "Equity", // ProfitCustomBase
"pcp": 100, // ProfitCustomPerc
"pct": 10000, // ProfitCustomThreshold
"elp": 100, // LongPerc
"esp": 100, // ShortPerc
"rsk": 1, // MaxRisk
"lvg": 10 // MaxLeverage
"sl": { // StopLoss
"lb": "Price Entry + Offset", // LongBase
"lp": 0.2, // LongPerc
"lsrc": 0.067043, // LongSource
"lt": "Trail Stop", // LongTrailMode
"ltp": 0.2, // LongTrailPerc
"sb": "Price Entry + Offset", // ShortBase
"sp": 0.2, // ShortPerc
"ssrc": 0.067043, // ShortSource
"st": "Trail Stop", // ShortTrailMode
"stp": 0.2 // ShortTrailPerc
"tp": { // TakeProfit
"lb": "Price Entry + Offset", // LongBase
"lp": 1, // LongPerc
"lsrc": 0.067043, // LongSource
"lt": "Fixed", // LongTrailMode
"ltp": 1, // LongTrailPerc
"sb": "Price Entry + Offset", // ShortBase
"sp": 1, // ShortPerc
"ssrc": 0.067043, // ShortSource
"st": "Fixed", // ShortTrailMode
"stp": 1 // ShortTrailPerc
"dis": { // Distribution
"sigp": 10, // SignalPerc
"dcap": 0, // DCAPerc
"brop": 90 // BROPerc
"dca": { // DCA
"lvl": 3, // Levels
"pl": "linear", // ModePriceLevel
"os": "linear" // ModeOrderSize
"bro": { // BRO
"lvl": 3, // Levels
"pl": "expoIn", // ModePriceLevel
"os": "cubicOut" // ModeOrderSize
"ord": { // OrderSettings
"pmin": 5, // PNVMin
"pmax": 30000000, // PNVMax
"qmin": 0, // QtyMin
"qmax": 1000000000, // QtyMax
"dp": 6, // DecPrice
"dq": 6 // DecQty
"cnd": { // Conditions
"de": true, // DateRangeEnabled
"start": "2023-11-01T10:30:00Z", // StartTime
"end": "2024-12-31T23:30:00Z", // EndTime
"idoe": false, // MaxIntradayOrdersEnabled
"ido": 100, // MaxIntradayOrders
"dle": false, // MaxIntradayLossEnabled
"dl": 10, // MaxIntradayLossPerc
"clde": false, // MaxConsLossDaysEnabled
"cld": false, // MaxConsLossDays
"dde": false, // MaxDrawdownEnabled
"dd": 100, // MaxDrawdownPerc
"mpe": false, // MaxProfitEnabled
"mp": 200, // MaxProfitPerc
"mle": false, // MaxLossEnabled
"ml": -50 // MaxLossPerc
"perf": { // Performance
"ic": 1000, // InitialCapital
"eq": 1000, // Equity
"np": 0, // NetProfit
"op": 0, // OpenProfit
"ct": 0, // ClosedTrades
"ot": 0, // OpenTrades
"p": "FLAT", // MarketPosition
"ps": 0, // MarketPositionSize
"pp": "FLAT", // PreviousMarketPosition
"pps": 0 // PreviousMarketPositionSize
"sig": { // Signal
"el": 0, // EL
"xl": 0, // XL
"es": 6, // ES
"xs": 0 // XS
"ord": [ // Orders
"id": "ES-SIG0-1", // Order Id eg. EL-BRO3-27 / XS-SL-27
"typ": "ENTRY", // Type eg. ENTRY / EXIT
"p": "SHORT", // Position eg. LONG / SHORT
"a": "SIG", // Action eg. SIG / DCA / BRO / SL / TP / CND
"pnr": 1, // Position Number eg. 27
"os": "SELL", // Order Size eg. BUY / SELL
"ot": "MKT", // Order Type eg. MKT / LMT / STP
"qt": "CONTRACTS", // Quantity Typ eg. CONTRACTS / PERCENT
"q": 3759.398496, // Quantity 3600.99 / null -> required on Entry
"stp": null, // Stop Price eg. 15.2 / null -> required when Stop order
"lmt": null // Limit Price eg. 18.0 / null -> required when Limit order
"id": "ES-BRO1-1",
"typ": "ENTRY",
"p": "SHORT",
"a": "BRO",
"pnr": 1,
"os": "SELL",
"ot": "STP",
"qt": "CONTRACTS",
"q": 23114.355231,
"stp": 0.0667953098,
"lmt": null
"id": "ES-BRO2-1",
"typ": "ENTRY",
"p": "SHORT",
"a": "BRO",
"pnr": 1,
"os": "SELL",
"ot": "STP",
"qt": "CONTRACTS",
"q": 7575.757575,
"stp": 0.0667781253,
"lmt": null
"id": "ES-BRO3-1",
"typ": "ENTRY",
"p": "SHORT",
"a": "BRO",
"pnr": 1,
"os": "SELL",
"ot": "STP",
"qt": "CONTRACTS",
"q": 661.375661,
"stp": 0.0666809149,
"lmt": null
"id": "XS-SL-1",
"typ": "EXIT",
"p": "SHORT",
"a": "SL",
"pnr": 1,
"os": "BUY",
"ot": "STP",
"qt": "PERCENT",
"q": 100,
"stp": 0.066932598,
"lmt": null
"id": "XS-TP-1",
"typ": "EXIT",
"p": "SHORT",
"a": "TP",
"pnr": 1,
"os": "BUY",
"ot": "LMT",
"qt": "PERCENT",
"q": 100,
"stp": null,
"lmt": 0.06613101
"tag": [ // Tags
"n": "NAME_TAG1", // Tag Name
"v": "VALUE_TAG1" // Tag Value
"n": "NAME_TAG2",
"v": "VALUE_TAG2"
"n": "NAME_TAG3",
"v": "VALUE_TAG3"
"n": "NAME_TAG4",
"v": "VALUE_TAG4"
"n": "NAME_TAG5",
"v": "VALUE_TAG5"
"n": "NAME_TAG6",
"v": "VALUE_TAG6"
Only users authorized by the author have access to this script, and this usually requires payment. You can add the script to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author — learn more here. For more details, follow the author's instructions below or contact azullian directly.
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Only users authorized by the author have access to this script, and this usually requires payment. You can add the script to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author — learn more here. For more details, follow the author's instructions below or contact azullian directly.
TradingView does NOT recommend paying for or using a script unless you fully trust its author and understand how it works. You may also find free, open-source alternatives in our community scripts.
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