In trading, you always need to stop in time, when you have earned a lot at the moment, or, on the contrary, lost a lot. If the brakes of common sense fail you, then you will ram your forehead into a wall, where the wall will be stronger, before you “wake up” from the emotional shock. Probably, everyone should go through this ... Someone else's experience is not very effective …, it, as a rule, is not “assimilated”.
Risk control is the basis. Without this, consider that you have nothing in trading, regardless of the number of precisely guessed transactions.
Luck is not a result, but a consequence of chance, that is, you successfully "sat on a trend". Later, during the inevitable “pain”, you realize that this is always a temporary phenomenon. Which, as a rule, is followed by a negative emotional explosion.
Whatever your path in trading, without risk control, the ending is always the same, and it is disappointing. The sooner you understand this, the better it is for you. You will save your nerves, money, and of course time. The final failure will not be so terrible.