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The end of social media as we knew it. Not too soon.

Por MrRenev
The mass exodus has begun. Social media getting blocked left and right, users fleeing towards alternatives, foreign countries building their own platforms.
The monopoly is over. The collapse will be apocalyptic.

Any increase in price is a sucker rally and a short entry.
Twitter and Facebook in particular will be hit very hard.

The US government might also give them the Standard Oil treatment.

China got its social media, Russia got its (maybe they recreate some sort of Soviet Union?), Europe was officially on the US side because the snobs were but now the snobs are pulling away so perhaps they develop their own.
France university liberals started a campaign to "decolonize" the country from US racial ideas, I don't know how big it is yet. They said that it was a fad with marxist roots, where "proletariat exploitation by rich owners" was replaced with "oppression of blacks by whites" (took them a while to figure it out) and people (especially young impressionable people) were mindlessly repeating what they saw on social media (herd mentality).

After Trump was banned, Angela Merkel criticized the tech giants, France too. Poland is making laws to prevent them from censoring people (if they do nothing illegal) with a big fine for non-respect.
Some companies said "bans were not enough" and want to remove some people from the internet completely, for example Mozilla wants to block people via the navigator.
The insane fascist-communist US might go along, but obviously the whole world will not agree.

The novelty effect is over, this is 2021, making a website is not that hard. Other countries can do it. Specialised/niche sites can pop out.
Other companies can do some of what TWTR does better. And there can be some "apps" that link it all together.

They're going to zero, just like myspace 🤗
Some money has been poured in other smartphone companies, the volumes are low for a monster overhyped scheme like Apple but they are enough to make other companies move big.



Here is the market share in Q3 2020 (in the USA):

Apple - 40%
Samsung - 30%
LG - 13%
Lenovo - 6%
Other - 11%


Seems that while Apple stagnated, all competitors went up.

What are FB & Twitter competitors to invest in?

I don't know if or in what measure this is correlated, but for sure if these big companies alienate a large part of the big NA market AND also piss off parliamentarians this will hurt their business.

The share price doesn't have to be rational and can keep going up while the company loses money but why gamble?

A lot of the big oil companies of today are the remnants of Rockefeller Standard Oil, maybe the tech monopolies get broken apart and there is fun to be had.

What I know is if I wasn't involved in FX I'd be short Twitter Facebook & maybe Apple while being long NQ & Samsung + maybe a few competitors like Blackberry that is making an epic comeback. Maybe we should all buy Blackberry and start a "Q" "Trump" conspiracy theory, give Trump supporters some hopium and also an alternative to the major companies that oppress them, there's a real big niche here.
It is really going to zero on my chart.

To people on the right Twitter is a toxic fascist/communist unelected government above the government that oppresses conservatives and even libertarians.

To people on the left (the US far-right that pretends to be left wing) Twitter is a corrupt money machine that lets all (right-wing) vile content spread for money.

To everyone now Twitter is a corrupt money machine that lets all vile content spread for money.

They are being sued for refusing to remove child porn and they made money off of it. The victims begged them to remove the content and they said nope.

Nasdaq basket buyers should short the adequate amount of TWTR shares to make sure they are long all other tech businesses but this one. And then shame Twitter investors into selling.

Some have gone up. In particular BlackBerry. Apple went up 10%, less than the rest.
In general everything is going up with some going up way more.
Twitter & FB are not making new highs. I'd long everything and keep some shorts on those 2 and other ones protect me when everything crashes without a warning.


Looks like easy money but do not get your hopes up, well if you live in the EU, otherwise have fun...

Of course I cannot do any of this because my brokers that offer stock options are protecting me by not giving me access to those products, and other brokers I try to join just tell me "no". I can lose as much money as I want, no problem, but for my protection can't access any way to MAKE money. Bureaucrats get to decide 💕

I'll paper trade. On paper I am long GME since $40 I am up 800% & BB since $10.
Very good trade. Only thing missing is the actual money but I have to be protected. Idk maybe I should look into offshore brokers but there is no advertising, I can't find any info. Anyway maybe FX wakes up and something happens, been nearly 3 months of hesitant nothing.
I don't want to go offshore. If I find something good I'll post it but I'm not sure if I am allowed to so we'll see. I already have a few names but ye...

Meanwhile WSB gamblers are playing roulette with everything.
It won't last forever.
Gamblers on one side, braindead "sAfE aNd sLoW iNveStInG" 65 yo regulators on the other side "iT iS sAfE bEcAuSe iT wEnT uP iN oUr LiFeTimE".

Easy to make money when the world is stupid, but you cannot make money if they physically ban you from doing so, not matter how silly they are.
It's literally illegal to be intelligent at that point, point out that we don't know if the spike protein will get mutated therefore we don't know if Pfizer protein arn treatment will be efficient and that's it you are racist, conspiracy theorist, and cancelled.
Just notice patterns, doubt absurdities, and you could even go to jail.
You have to pretend to be stupid, by law, but how can you always predict what stupid people will think?
The war class has begun.

Billionaires are making US brokers prevent their retail clients from buying shares of heavilly shorted companies to avoid losing money. Even submissive west europeans are obeying their american masters.

Facebook, part of this cartel, banned a Robinhood trader group

The cartel of sociopathic parasites is trying to demonize individual investors as "racist" and "alt right" and the usual typical idiotic nonsense that braindead apes fall for.

But this time they are not falling for it (weird, they're pretty dumb, they fell for it until now). From both sides of the divide people are mad. And they are sick of it.

This is going to explode into a revolution or something.
You might want to make money joining the trend but they are literally banning everyone they see as a threat to their greed, sometimes getting them fired and unemployable, they are banning people from buying shares, sometimes (to confirm) force liquidating their longs "to prevent risk", oh and while retail is not allowed to buy, billionaires are short selling millions more shares to crash the price.

The government is on the side of the rich.

All the "normies" that thought they could bury their heads in the sand, or that "politics have nothing to do with trading" are getting a big slap in the face, more than a slap really, a punch from a brick in the teeth.

It is unsure what congress will do, side with billionaires, side with retail, or as usual pretend to side with the mass but actually subtly stab them in the back.

These garbage monopolistic corporations will help their buddies out.
Anything we do from now on will be very risky, no matter how right we are, if they literally physically prevent us from winning we won't make money. Keep that in mind.

They want to silence people, and scare them into submission, but eventually THEY WILL LOSE. They are not deities, they are scrawny little nerds, and their time is running out. Their only power is derived from RETARDED IMBECILES that believe in their lies, that keep believing in ad hominem "he is racist he is far right" unfounded attacks to silence any opposition.

But even retarded imbeciles end up understanding the very obvious after a while, they are just much slower. Oh and they understand in an accelerated way when it hurts their bank account directly in an obvious way.

This whole system is about to collapse. Mark my words. Don't be left holding the bag when that happens.
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