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Everything's Fine!

Por Fractal777
Another week, another step much closer to the end game. The markets rallying on negative data, hope that Powell will reverse this week. In reality, all we will get is a few minced words and a mouth full of marbles.

The late week rally was most of our wave e and very final wave conclusion, we expect another couple of hundred points in the Dow and some volatility as Powell tries to play both sides. The U.S economy is struggling under the Fed's inflation bomb, small business is the backbone of any country.
Rapidly rising prices are forcing consumers to cut back on non essentials, Klaus Schwab, WEF will be pleased as main street goes downward.

Despite the Fed interventions in bailing out all deposits on the failed banks last month, the sickness is not stopping. They tell us everything is just fine when in reality the lies and masking are obvious to anyone who peeks under the rug.

We know the corrective rally is on it's last legs and imminently about to expire, the bear side has to take a lot of pressure just at the cusp of the turn. Over leverage undo's so many bears and management is key to survival.

Another tool for analysis can be dates in markets, often key dates can mark tops and bottoms, cycle analysis from one date to the next including Bradley turn dates...these areas of time can seriously indicate a change in trend. We do not see the Fed juicing the markets any further this week and quite the reverse. They wish a collapse for their overblown balance sheets, they care not for you and I. Forget your pension dreams unless you are invested into gold and silver, and any plans to retire into the sunset as has gone before, the cycle has concluded and now comes time to pay the piper. Every 90 or so years the cycle ends similar but different..this one is hundreds of years.

We wait for Powell with "bated breath and excitement"...the usual pump and dump.

Appreciate a thumbs up...Good Trading & God Bless you all!

Today's shooting star candle is indicative of exhaustion.
In Australia today, reserve bank of Australia hiked rates again, we expect the Fed to match the move.
The Australian Cabal are just as lagging and incompetent as the U.S
Disappointment is fast approaching for the bull side!
Trend Analysis

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