irCryptoClub - Total - Dominance

Por ircryptoclub
An overview of general market developments

The image you see is a view of the status of 3 important market volume indicators (black #TOTAL index - blue # TOTAL2 index - orange #BTCCAP), which in this analysis we decide to examine the situation and compare them.

As you can see, in the past, the volume of bitcoins has never diverged from the total volume of the market, and their scale of movement has always been similar.

But this time we are witnessing a new phenomenon in comparing the two indices, and that is the backwardness of the bitcoin volume index in relation to the total market volume. There is also a species.

Examining the market history, we can compare the current movement with the end of 2017, when the market entered a heavy and medium-term correction after a strong growth. As can be seen in the chart, in that period, after registering the new price ceiling, the market experienced a decline of 40% and returned to the top once, during which period, all Altcoins, despite the decrease in market volume, began to decline. The Bitcoin Dominance Index has experienced strange growths and crossed previous levels, just like the current situation but slightly different ...

The difference is that this time the volume index of Altcoins has recorded a new ceiling and according to the total volume of the market that has not yet exceeded the previous ceiling, without the entry of new liquidity, the entire volume of input to the Altcoins market has been provided from capital outflows. Is .

Given that the above analysis is based on #TOTAL, the resistance range of this index is drawn at about 2680 billion dollars and the resistance of the other two indicators are drawn based on this range.


Based on the above analysis and considering the market conditions and the resistance of the bitcoin volume index of about 1053 billion dollars, the current resistance of this currency can be seen around 53000-54000 dollars and it can be said that this range is very important.

According to the above definitions, if we react to this range and predict that both #TOTAL and # TOTAL2 indices will meet their resistances in the same period of time, the probability of market correction has increased sharply and the extent of this correction is about 25 to 30 The percentage is estimated to eventually lead to Bitcoin moving to $ 37,000- $ 40,000.

We should add that considering the previous bitcoin floor and hitting the bottom of the long-term uptrend, if it penetrates this trend, which is almost in the same range of $ 37,000, the market will be out of correction and will enter a downward trend of several months. Of course, at the moment, considering the conditions, the probability of this scenario happening is extremely low, and we expect only a logical correction and then the beginning of a new upward wave.


By examining the bitcoin dominance index, it can be seen that it is currently in a very important range, and if the support of this range fails, we should expect a further decrease in the bitcoin market share. In this case, the bitcoin dominance can be supported in the range below the previous floor by about 37%, which, according to the market volume forecast, will cause the re-growth of altcoins.


An important issue that has occurred during this period is the unprecedented increase in the market share of the #ETH market. As you can see in the chart, the Bitcoin and Atrium domains have almost lost their convergence after 2018 and are now in the same range and closer together.

According to the specified static limits, it is predicted that if the share of Bitcoin in the Atrium Dominance market decreases by more than 37%, it will cross the 21% ceiling and experience a new season.


Comparing the two indicators #TOTAL and #ETHCAP, we can also understand why the unprecedented volume of # TOTAL2 has increased.

According to the Atrium volume index, it can be concluded that the # TOTAL2 index owes its previous ceiling failure to the #ETH atrium, and if the current situation continues, even if it corrects, the Atrium volume superiority ratio over other market currencies, especially Bitcoin, will be maintained. will be .

Concluding remarks

Finally, based on the content presented in previous posts and following the flood of questions that our dear friends have asked us through support about the market situation, we must say that the market situation is good at the moment, but considering the above points, this Conditions can be unstable

Therefore, if you use a signal or analysis for a trade, be sure to use the loss limit and avoid the irreparable consequences of the immediate decline of the market.

We should add that all the charts published in this period of the market have been reviewed with high sensitivity by the analytical team and only the currencies that have better conditions than the market conditions are offered for purchase and naturally have a risk to the appropriate review.

If the price of Bitcoin exceeds $ 54,000 or any changes in the indicators provided, the overall market analysis will be updated.

Thank you for your support, dear ones, and for repeating this constant sentence ...

"*That is the priority of preserving capital*"

Good luck
Cryptoclub Analytical Team
Trade fechado: objetivo atingido
Following all the analyzes of the last two months, as well as the important analysis last night, the market has entered a correction after hitting the resistance range, and exactly as expected, the market as a whole has dropped by 30%.

This is the second heavy correction of the market after reacting to the range of $ 62,000, which in both stages before the fall, the necessary warnings are provided to prevent losses and loss of your capital, dear ones.

According to Kendall, do not make a hasty decision to buy and re-enter the market today and wait for the market to stabilize and re-confirm the uptrend.

Cryptoclub's analytical team will provide a signal and complete long-term portfolios as soon as they receive the necessary confirmations to re-enter the market.

We have always and everywhere and in any situation of the market without any expectations, we have been the supporter and custodian of your property and we express our gratitude to you dear ones.

Good luck
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