
Ichimoku has Elliott waves,Momentum Indicator, Breadth, etc

Ichimoku indicator has every parts in it , if some one try to fool you saying its a set of Moving average , please save yourself form them ,

Goichi Hosoda who was press reporter of Financial publications in Japan who was a part time trader and he did took time of 30 years to form this system along with testing it , It has excellent results and he became 1st ever known as Best Market Analyst world wide

Let me tell you what all it has , Momentum Indicator, Breadth Indicator , Trend lines , Wave Count , Moving Average , Deviation Indicator , Future forecasting ability

01) It has Leading indicator in the form of Cloud , where we can see the Momentum of future price movement ,

02) It has set of Price deviation identifying system , Kijun-san and Tenkan -san both represents the Price deviation , they go flat if one of them is not moving by price deviation , Price calculated with in it is 1 standerd deviation , which is same as in Bollinger band , when you guys buy once price close above the lower band its same
the difference in bollinger band and this is 0.50 % deviation , this TK cross is more safe then BB , because by the time TK has crossed price has piked the momentum.

03) Deadly Cross : TK cross does not come only with 1 % deviation ,when it cross it will close above or below the 3 candle high or low , that means your entry will be directly in the Fast Momentum , when you make entries you trade will starts moving fast , and same is true when Span A & B Twist or Cross form bullish to bearish or vice versa

04) Elliott wave counting , Many dongi Baba come in this forum and try to count the Elliott wave and post Maximum posts with out meaning in their labeling system , Guys dont be fooled by them , When R N Elliott was in Research , He was drawing all by hand in the Graph paper and he was using the closing Price , Western Technical analyst from more than 100 Years use only closing price , Here is a secret i will tell you which is hidden in the Ichimoku

" it has lagging indicator called Lagging span , that is nothing but price closing value placed 26 days back ward , and when you want to count Waves impulse & Corrective , use the Lagging span and try to past the Wave count tool in this trading view platform , i am sure you can able to count better than any one once you start practicing

05) Trend lines : You dont require to draw trend lines , because in any givin trending market , TK Lines act as Trend line so save yourself form other mis-directing people and Get the Proper education system form Qualified analyst or Qualified Institute , and trade safe

Good Luck

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