It don't matter...

What happens in the next day, two days in stock market land.. know what is about to happen in the weeks and months ahead. I heard banks were telling people to buy "value" stocks the other day. You know why? So they can unload them on you before the dump. Check back in several months... this market is about to get hammered and really has no choice but to get hammered. It's the biggest bubble in the history of the market making 2001 look stupid.
Russia, China, tapering, interest rates. All four happen? Well two out of the four are for sure about to happen in the weeks ahead and months ahead. I literally am laughing. I saw one stock gap up today and people are all ohh its going to the moon. Umm no its not. Its the pop as they unload before it tanks. Its the time to sell or short.

I laugh... years ago I would be nervous. I simply laugh these days. There is no filthier disgusting person than an analyst or a bank. I think they even have child molesters beat. Good luck.

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