Upside Continuation

Por JerryManders
SPY is bullish as long as it stays above or in the blue channel

- initial target 480 by as early as 1/5 (1/19 latest)
- Goal target 500 by 2/21/2024

We haven't seen this kind of move since November 2021, the shallow retracements are actually a bullish sign, not an indication of over-extended.

Once this makes it to 500+ it will begin a distribution phase before ultimately tanking in April-May of 2024. But for now it's bullish after competing a re-accumulation phase over the past couple weeks.
Next leg to 480 about to initiate going into the close today. Enter long
big green tomorrow 12/28
Will follow black arrow up to 500 from here
1 more month of free and then I'm charging. You can't teach this
Bullish as long as we stay in the dashed blue channel. 2/13 held as support - expecting immediate bounce 2/14-2/16. Rough estimate this will run through mid-march 2024 (point target 512).
Trade fechado: objetivo atingido
If SPY makes a sustained break below 495 it will drop to 480s minimum, possibly as low as 459 to test the July peak for support.
Chart Patterns

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