NQ - Daily / EPS Squeeze on Low Volumes / Trap Door Opens Again

Wall Street and its beloved twists and turns are ever-present during the Summer Months.

Apres June 21st, an environment of predatory and opportunistic Counter-Trends always
seem to manifest into Labor Day, or so it went.

I believe you may or can toss that out the window in the near future - prior to the FOMC
spike hike July 27th.

The Fed is poised to deliver another bigger-than-usual rate hike at its next meeting on
July 27th. It desires to "tame inflation" now running at more than three times its 2% goal,
with fears growing that the economy will tip into recession as a result.

The Upper Decker kicker -Daly suggests - "The labor market is strong enough to take more
rate increases."


Is it?

No, hell no.

Let's prod into this steaming Pile of fecality.

P.1 - "Recession"

Every School of Economic Thought, every single one defines a Depression as 3 consecutive
quarters of declining GDP.

These axioms for every school of thought were defined when the United States was a
Production-based Economy.

Let's simply review the St Louis Fed by the Numbers:


GDP Peaked due to Stimulus - both Fiscal and Monetary

In Q1 2021, it took 2 quarters for the Hangover to arrive.

4 Consecutive Quarters of declining GDP.

Textbook Depression - Factually by the FED's own numbers.

The Bump in Q1? The one the FInancial Media touted so highly...

Complete and total Fraud - a cruel joke the Investing Public swallowed
after having been told very early on - "It's all priced into the Markets."

Real GDP decreased at an annual rate of 1.6% in the first quarter of 2022.

5 Quarters on Declining GDP with Number 6 On deck.


P.2 The Strong Labor Market

There has been an extreme number of Layoffs recently, largely ignored by
the Investing Public.

3.6% Unemployment at a Labor Force Participation Rate of 61%.

372,000 "Jobs" Added.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Statistics.

Once again, numbers do not lie, liars do.

388,000 People left the Labor Force - Jobs Fell.

Add in a seasonal Adjustment of .1% and we simply add 411,000.

799,000 People abandoned the Labor Force.

Not a strong Jobs Number when the headlines are ignored and
the Facts are accounted for in sum total.

People DO NOT have an incentive to Participate.

Ask yourself WHY.

There will be another BLS adjustment in hindsight @ .2% or another 800,000 Jobs.

There are 1.6 Million Jobs left for dead. Gone, Poof... Adios Jobs.

Believe the Bullsh_t or do the Work required to determine the Facts.

Conde Nast - No. of Employees Laid off: 90% - adios publishing, Vogue, Vanity Fair,
et al.

For All Tech - the Numbers are rather large, San Franciso is about to see the Unicorn
haven status revoked entirely. Every Firm Mega, Large, Mid, Small is letting go of its
Peeps. Adios, enjoy Van life in Slab City.


What's the TRADE PLAN? Simple, fade this Junk Co Junk out through October, then
again post Selections into February.

We will peak this month on this fraudulent Counter-Trend off the SloMo into a very Mild

Participants will need to be dragged kicking and screaming back into this decidedly messed
Trap n' Snap.

The Economy is deteriorating at an outsized pace, it is a terminal decline. We'll see where
this week's TOSS takes us, we're positioning into PUTS across the Curve and Loading Up on the
VIX Contango to the Inversion.

Counter-Trends in Depressions can have an all-or-nothing approach to them, why not, what's
left to lose...

Q2 will be extreme in the sheer show and tell of destruction.

Prepare yourselves for the next very large move down.

Good Luck and Be patient with entries.

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