Good Evening and I hope you are well.

sp500 e-mini futures
Quote from last week:

bull case: Bulls will probably retest the highs or even make a higher high soon. First pullbacks / low 1, is a buy signal in a bull trend. After that retest, I - again, have nothing for the bulls. We are at the peak of this bubble imo and that’s where you get cautious and not even more bullish. Nvidia will touch 100 over the next weeks, if not days.

comment: Bulls got their retest as written and now market is technically free to have a major trend reversal. June was a perfect bull trend from the beginning of the month. Market had 3 legs up with a two legged correction completed now. We could spend more time at the highs in a trading range or have a deeper pullback from here, which is my preferred path forward. The bull trend line will probably be tested around 5460 and there market will decide if it wants to stay above 5400 or get down to 5320/5350.

current market cycle: End of the bull trend is near. Will soon see a deeper pullback.

key levels: 5450 - 5600

bull case: Bulls made a perfect double top with a huge reversal bar on the daily chart. Not good for them but they still managed to close above 5500, which is still max bullish. If the market stays above 5500 and keeps the most recent bull gap to 5430 open, we could probably only continue further up to above 5600. I do think this is the lower probability path forward.

Invalidation is below 5400.

bear case: Market moved sideways on the week and the daily ema is only about 30 points away and will soon be hit. Last time bears crossed it, they went 60 points below it to form the current nearest bull trend line which I think will be hit next week too and there we will have the most important support for now. If bulls are done with this and want their profits secured, we will see a bigger market character change where rips will be sold and we make lower lows again. 5450 will be the big price to break for the bears, if they want more downside. Monday will be key imo.

Invalidation is above 5620.

outlook last week:
short term:
Don’t get too bearish too soon. You never want to try to pick a top or a bottom. Let the big bois with endless money do that for you and follow along. Expecting another push for retest of the highs, followed by another leg down, as painted in my chart.

→ Last Sunday we traded 5534 and now we are at 5521. Retest of ath was 5585, outlook was perfect and good for 51 points.

short term: Neutral until bears get follow through and print lower lows below 5500. I’d short to 5490 and see how market reacts to the daily ema. If the support is weak, more shorting to 5450ish. Absolutely no interest in buying here.

medium-long term: Bull trend is in the last legs and this will soon pull back much further and form a big trading range. I gave 5600 months ago and we are close enough to it or will touch it next week (5587 was close enough imo). Afterwards the money is made on the downside. 5300 over the next 2-4 weeks, followed by 5000 over the summer. updated: the time span for 5300. Could take 2-4 weeks instead of 1-2

current swing trade: Did not enter shorts in a sideways moving market. I want a strong break below before shorting.

Chart update: Two legged correction was almost perfect, I adjusted it to the Friday lower high, removed the minor bull wedge and channel and added the recent bull gap which will probably soon be closed.
Chart PatternseminipriceactionSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend Analysis

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