Litecoin / TetherUS
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Litecoin - long term trade for 8x to 10x returns

Por spruce_g00se
I'm assuming that this one is going to retrace a little before breaking up again. I'm going to buy this one back down to retest of 1D EMA200 and possibly the rising support trendline, to join the next bull run. Exit target is based on a range around 1.618 extension of previous 2017/18 bull run macro wave - which gives a top around $610. However it's certainly possible for this to go 1K+, so I plan to exit only 80% of the position across the sell zone and let 20% ride, probably to $1500 as an absolute max exit.

Timing-wise, very difficult to call, but I believe that we're looking at topping out in the range of mid 2021 to mid 2022.
Longer-term weekly chart showing the timing and exit target logic:

Zoomed in on the 4hr. It looks like the current parabolic advance may continue to achieve something in the region of a 2.618 extension of the prior subwave.

I am content to wait for this parabolic move to complete and buy on the retrace, although it could be late December or even January before the ideal buy window occurs.

Trade ativo
Broke $100. Up 40% on this trade already based on the DCA buys through the indicated buy zone. Now HODL to target and buy more if it revisits the buy zone.
$176, up 145%. Normally I would think about taking some profit but the market is insane, this could go to target by the end of the month at this rate. Better to HODL, I might add to the trade on any big dips.
Up 6x on this trade and I know 10x is easily in sight. Expecting 3k - 5k LTC by the end of this bull run, so I will continue to hold.
Trend Analysis

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