Mysteries Unfold...

Por Riz_Ezreal
Well...while we are busy with EURUSD and GBPUSD shorts, this pair on the other hand looks like a golden opportunity to short. Pairs like GBPJPY have already done their job, and have further sentiments for rising action. This pair is delaying mainly because of the AUD weakness, As we inch near to the trade war on July 6th, investors will be looking forward to buy more AUD due to risk aversion. So a major change coming in, and this pair is only the beginning.

The price just broke the symmetrical triangle. Bearish move there.

The neckline/ the 78.2% was a good support that is already breached and by the time I wrote this, I hit my TP. Noice.

Trade on your own risk.

Chart PatternsTrend Analysis

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