FB at or near BOTTOM? First key level $218.48 then 205 zone

Por EuroMotif
Plotted are two different fib series.
Thick lines are its Genesis Sequence.
Thin lines are the Covid Stimulus wave.

Confluence zones are of particular interest.


I do not use "Fibs" in the "traditional" manner (retracements).
I use Fibs to plot "Ripples" (extensions) created by "Impulses".
Then look for "Confluences" to map the "interference Pattern".

My TV collection of ideas detailing the Concepts:
Chapter 1: Introduction and numerous Examples
Chapter 2: Detailed views and Wave Analysis
Chapter 3: The Dreaded 9.618: Murderer of Moves
Chapter 4: Impulse Redux: Return to Birth place
Chapter 5: Golden Growth: Parabolic Expansions
Chapter 6: Give me a ping Vasili: 'one' Ping only
Chapter 7: The Mighty 2.618: like a Rook in Chess

We have a BOUNCE

Genesis Fib at 218.48 slowed the decent and back up local fib helped turn it. snapshot
Now orbiting a local golden at 226.48.
The adherence to fibs is a VERY GOOD SIGN.



Since last post, we have popped to the next Genesis Fib and then some! snapshot
That Ping (exact ricochet) from the under side was a big scary.
Usually such Pings start a reversal, but not in this case.
But being a "high gravity" fib, we are likely to retest it.


Zoom IN (1 min) and we see an Impulse at Market open snapshot
that has lead to clearly respected Ripples.
Each ripple boundary has a Ping to confirm it.
End of day was Pinging the 2.618, always a strong one.


Zoom OUT (3 min) and include all the higher timeframe fibs: snapshot
Gives us a roadmap of the nearby terrain.
We can see the next 3 barriers above, and 3 supports below.
The Genesis fibs (thick) are key, as seen by the Pings to the left.


- bounce looks GREAT so far
- expecting $237 target for first wave of bounce
- ideally hold 230 or at worst 226, must hold 224


CheckPoint #1?

CHECK snapshot little bit of WhipSaw.
Dunk to first support.
Bounce to first resistance.



Back DOWN to projected support

Following up on the last snapshot above, to this current view snapshot
Currently at secondary support but not looking great.

So if we lose 224, then 221.75 of interest snapshot


the Golden Ratio is my Religion
the Trading View is my Nation
the Moderator Tag is my Flag