"if we get stopped out we'll have to try again after volatility quietens down.
It's possible, so I'm not too concerned, let's see if the stop is hit or not on Monday. If it reverses sharply, we'll be forced to reenter by then.
A possible solution, since we didn't stay up for the day is to reduce the position and widen the stop, or simply exit now and reenter next Monday after the Draghi speech. I leave that to your discretion."
Keep risk to 0.5-1% of your account size if the stop is hit. If you want to widen the stop, use a stop 100 pips under today's low and reduce your size to risk only 1% max, or 0.5%.
Watch it at today's close specially, if we close up for the day, we have less to worry about. Before the close, decide if you want to:
#1 Hold
#2 Widen stop and reduce size (100 pips under today's low
#3 Exit and reenter after the news on Monday.