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Possible top coming soon for $DXY?

Por tfoley472541
I can't say that I've called a top using trendlines atop of a bullish trend, but I've seen a few others do it. With the rise in the dollar bringing mass bearishness to rest of the investment complex, a pause could bring some welcome relief. Anyway, I thought the timing might be relevant as important lower levels approach in CL, UX, and some metals, as well being overdue for a meaningful bounce in the equities. I will use the 109.xx marker in DXY to signal a buying point for small positions in UUUU, UEX, NXE, USO, GDX, SILJ, SPY, IWM, AAPL, AMD, et al
Crude Oil Futures WTI (CL1!)DBCGDXIWMQQQSILJSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Trend AnalysisUX1!

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