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DXY Significant Daily Support level to watch.

DXY is at a signficant daily support level and currently at 99.19. It is right at a 2/3 line calculated from the angle of the previous high and low. Its near the 200d MA (99.29). R1 is at 99.18 and it could see support there before firing off to R2. PPO which has accurately shown resistance levels on 4/21 and 5/03 at its MA, broke through its MA on 5/09 and is now converging towards it and could see support here. The Bollinger Bands moved inside of the Ketler Channels indicating energy is building up and going to be released soon, and with the long term wave C being above 0 it is likely that energy will be released upwards. And a bullish PPI report and Bullish unemployment report we saw on Thursday could contribute. Although the Friday report showed CPI was lower than its forecast it grew from the previous report by .5%

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