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Relative Value of DWAC Warrants

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This charts the relative value you will get by executing DWAC warrants compared to the stock price.

When executing a warrant (DWACW), you will pay $11.50 per warrant and receive a full share.

Your cost will be:
Cost = Warrant purchase price + 11.50 at the time of execution

Your discount will be:
Discount = Stock Price - Cost

For example if you purchase warrant at $20 and at the time of the execution the price of the stock is $100, your cost will be 20 + 11.50 = 31.50 per warrant, and you'll receive a $100 stock at a discount of 100 - 31.50 = 68.50

Reading the chart on the right
The lower the number, the cheaper is the warrant for more discount for the stock at the time of the execution.

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