70% Decline.

Por thehoplite
Line 1 traces the support bounce and the sequential bounce. This line is carried over into perpetuity per the chart. It's a goal setter. 08' recession happened and broke below the line. The bottom of that trend measures distance with red line. This is where the trend reversal begins.

The new race is against the previously set trend with line 1. We tipped it in 2015, and it was a hard resistance. We broke it in 2017 and the rally was equal to the distance from the 'line 1' support trend and the pit of '08 recession, which started ' line 2' support trend.

We are very obviously capped. It's trend reversal time. The inverse of the proposition stated earlier was factored in from the top, where the most recent decline assumes the beginning of the market reversal.
This mirroring method gave me a figure of 70% decline. I'm not saying will hold, but I am saying that it's a hell of a proposition to be made, and that's my target for getting back into equities.

Guys, this isn't investment advice. Don't take it as such. I don't know what I'm doing 50% of the time, and the other 50% of the time, I'm sticking only to what I know. You do you, and just try your best. We'll figure it out.
goneTrend Analysis

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