3 "Hydroxychloroquine is dangerous" study authors retract

"Conspiracy theory". Took less than 1 month to prove me right. "I LiStEn To wHaT sCiEnCe SaYs".
I know I'll always be on the right side of history, what I don't know is how long it will take.

The enemy of the people perma progressives have already ignored the will of the majority many times and said they would not let go of power and use force if necessary?

The people of the UK were the first (again) to win their fight against the enemy of the people.
They probably feel they have to act now before the public regains power, and move to establish their NWO.

"A tribune of the plebs assaulted on the steps of the Senate house! Can you imagine a more terrible sacrilege? Our beloved Republic is in the hands of madmen. This is a dark day, and I stand at a fork in the road. I can abide the law and surrender my arms to the Senate - and watch the Republic fall to tyranny and chaos. Or, I can go home with my sword in hand and run those maniacs to the Tarpean Rock!" - Julius Caesar

The "democracy" paradigm of the last 2 centuries has brought the biggest inequality in human history, as well as the worst maniacs.
That absolute failure won't last forever.

Huge paradigm shift, huge, the biggest in hundreds of years.
I missed getting rich and building a bunker by little, or maybe there still is time.

The safest best way to go throught this would be to live in a nice rural area really far from any big city, and be self sufficient (electricity food water).

The world can become a banker run hell, or it could become a libertarian paradise of freedom and order.
The maniac sociopaths pedos murderers and rapists have to be ousted, this will be one of the greatest days for humanity.
I'll provide a direct link to their own statement:


For years The Lancet own editors have mentionned that alot of "science" was shady, one said that he estimated around half of all studies to be completely false.

This ain't climate science where "every one agrees", people in medecine have taken an oath for starters. That said some doctors and nurses have recently said "I am black before being a healthcare person", and have gone rioting.

Of course, the media, on the side of oligarchs and pedeocrats, have not bothered mentionning this retraction, like they haven't mentionned Hillary will now face justice finally (watch out for "the judge killed himself")

These disgusting people do not care how many people suffer or die, as long as they reach their goals.

"This is a dark day, and I stand at a fork in the road. I can abide the law and surrender my arms to the Senate - and watch the Republic fall to tyranny and chaos. Or, I can go home with my sword in hand and run those maniacs to the Tarpean Rock!"

Maybe I should look at rome economy around that time...
economyFundamental Analysismonetarypolicyparadigmsshiftpolitical

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