Strong Rejection from the Upper Resistance trendline Reconfirms DEscending Downtrend of Bitcoi/usdt.
Projected Support Intersection at 7,500.
Fundamental conditions are the root causes of the continuing bitcoin plunge
1 FED Rate Hikes cause strong Risk aversion of Institutionals and Investors, and rotation into Dollar Cash.
2 Continuing wave of BAnkrupcies of Crypt-Frauds, Crypto-schemes and Pyramids only Grows and adds to Bitcoin mistrust by inestors: LUNA. TERRA, Celsius, Voyager and that list grows daily.
3 Liquidation of 140,000 bitcoins from Mt Gox by Court authorities - and anxious owners biting at the bit to finally REALIZE their Profits after years of being unable to do so.
Immediate selloff of a stash that is times bigger than the Musk selloff that caused winter collapse of the price from ATH.
Emphasis: HUNDRED THOUSAND Bitcoins DUMPED ON the Market.