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Bitcoin - No matter how you slice it.....

No matter how you draw these triangle the momentum still is very Bullish.

Still long and still slaying it!

BBS out.
Trade ativo
A 45 minute view

Trade ativo
Good New! - In the ENTIRE history of Bitcoin there is only ONE monthly candle that has closed higher than the July 2020 candle that just closed. That is the all time high candle marked with the pink arrow to the left. Nobody knows when the ATH candle will be taken out, but I feel very confident now that it will be exceeded before this time next year. So yes, over the next 12 monthly candles expect one or several to be much higher than the previous all time high. Can you wait? I bet you do. LOL Good luck! BBS out.

Trade fechado: objetivo atingido
bitcoinbearslayerBTCBTCUSDBullish PatternsChart PatternsTriangle

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