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Bitcoin on december and next year 2024

Por hossein198
Hello traders, i have very freaky ideas about bitcoinas follow: If bitcoin can not exceed 40000$ for next few weeks we will see a big dump to 10000$. Im writing this to think and consider probability about unthinkable cases that any trader may face just be ready for
Big short
Tp for long term: 10000
Period of time that this analysis stand: 6 weeks most after that if it can not break 40000 or fall bellow 31000 it s going range for long time.
Be profitable.
Trade ativo
This idea still working unless we see close of candle above 40k.
Trade ativo
Hello dear traders is it the big short as i predicted or not? The answer is as i read the chart as long as its above 31k and under 40k its range, but i think soon market decide to go down deep!
Trade fechado: stop atingido
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